ccs-editpolicy-agent - agent for remotely editing TOMOYO Linux policy
ccs-editpolicy-agent listen_ip:listen_port
This program is an agent for ccs-editpolicy, ccs-loadpolicy, ccs-savepolicy, ccs-pstree, ccs-queryd, and ccs-auditd.
It listens on the specified IP address at the specified port.
Do not run this program unless you know what you are doing. It allows anonymous users to edit policy, as no user authentication is performed. It is designed for systems with resource limitations that make it difficult to run the TOMOYO Linux userspace tools. Do not use this for normal desktops or servers.
Before this program can be invoked, you must register it in /proc/ccs/manager.
If you find any bugs, send an email to <>.
Main author.
Documentation and website.
ccs-editpolicy(8), ccs-loadpolicy(8), ccs-savepolicy(8), ccs-pstree(8), ccs-queryd(8), ccs-auditd(8)
See <> for more information.