Protecting SFTP service
About this page
This page explains you how to provide both download-only SFTP service and uploadable SFTP service using single user account. The type of SFTP service (i.e. download-only or uploadable) is determined by environment variables provided by SFTP client, and normal SSH shell access is forbidden if appropriate environment variables are not provided.
Step 1: Creating user account for SFTP service
In this page, we assume the name of user for SFTP service as "sftp".
We assume the shell program for SFTP service as /bin/sftp-shell .
We assume the directory for SFTP service as /var/sftp/ .
We assume the location of SFTP server program as /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server .
# useradd -s /bin/sftp-shell -d /var/sftp sftp # passwd sftp
Step 2: Creating programs needed for SFTP service
Save the program listed below as /bin/sftp-shell and set executable bit.
#! /bin/sh [ "$sftp_type" == "ro-sftp" ] && exec /bin/ro-sftp [ "$sftp_type" == "rw-sftp" ] && exec /bin/rw-sftp exit 1
Save the program listed below as /bin/rw-sftp and /bin/ro-sftp and set executable bit. (/bin/rw-sftp and /bin/ro-sftp are identical.)
#! /bin/sh umask 0022 exec /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server
Step 3: Making SSH to pass and receive environment variables
Append the name of environment variable which SSH server accepts to /etc/ssh/sshd_config .
AcceptEnv sftp_type
Append the name of environment variable which SSH client sends to /etc/ssh/ssh_config .
SendEnv sftp_type
Step 4: Install and initialize AKARI
Install AKARI and run below commandline in order to initialize AKARI.
# /usr/lib/ccs/init_policy --module_name=akari
Then, please do below operations before you reboot using AKARI kernel.
Append below line to /etc/ccs/exception_policy.conf in order to initialize domain transition when /bin/sftp-shell is executed.
initialize_domain /bin/sftp-shell from any
Append below lines to /etc/ccs/exception_policy.conf so that we can specify directory for SFTP service recursively.
path_group SFTP_DIRS /var/sftp/\{\*\}/ path_group SFTP_FILES /var/sftp/\{\*\}/\* path_group SFTP_FILES /var/sftp/\*
Append below lines to /etc/ccs/domain_policy.conf so that we can allow downloading / uploading SFTP contents.
<kernel> /bin/sftp-shell <kernel> /bin/sftp-shell /bin/ro-sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server file read @SFTP_FILES <kernel> /bin/sftp-shell /bin/rw-sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server file read @SFTP_FILES file write @SFTP_FILES file create @SFTP_FILES 0644 file unlink @SFTP_FILES file mkdir @SFTP_DIRS 0755 file rmdir @SFTP_DIRS file rename @SFTP_FILES @SFTP_FILES file rename @SFTP_DIRS @SFTP_DIRS file truncate @SFTP_FILES
Step 5: Learning and operation
Now, you are ready to start operation. Please reboot using AKARI kernel.
Change access control mode to learning mode by assigning profile 1.
# /usr/sbin/ccs-setprofile -r 1 '<kernel> /bin/sftp-shell'
Set environment variable "sftp_type" with value "ro-sftp" and access the SFTP server. In this page, we assume the name of SFTP server as "server".
$ export sftp_type="ro-sftp" $ sftp sftp@server
Now, the process belongs to "<kernel> /bin/sftp-shell /bin/ro-sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server" domain. Do download operations from this domain. But don't do upload operations from this domain.
Set environment variable "sftp_type" with value "rw-sftp" and access the SFTP server.
$ export sftp_type="rw-sftp" $ sftp sftp@server
Now, the process belongs to "<kernel> /bin/sftp-shell /bin/rw-sftp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server" domain. Do download operations and upload operations from this domain.
Change access control mode to enforcing mode by assigning profile 3.
# /usr/sbin/ccs-setprofile -r 3 '<kernel> /bin/sftp-shell'
Save policy files by executing ccs-savepolicy command.
# /usr/sbin/ccs-savepolicy
We create two domains for sftp-server programs with different parent domain, and we give write permissions to only one domain. Since this program is just an example, we used straightforward environment variables. When you use at real systems, please use unguessable environment variables because these environment variables act as passwords.
Application idea
You can use environment variable SSH_CLIENT to grant upload access when clients are from specific IP addresses and port numbers, download-only access otherwise.