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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

Version: ~ [ linux-6.12-rc7 ] ~ [ linux-6.11.7 ] ~ [ linux-6.10.14 ] ~ [ linux-6.9.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.8.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.7.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.6.60 ] ~ [ linux-6.5.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.4.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.3.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.2.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.1.116 ] ~ [ linux-6.0.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.19.17 ] ~ [ linux-5.18.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.17.15 ] ~ [ linux-5.16.20 ] ~ [ linux-5.15.171 ] ~ [ linux-5.14.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.13.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.12.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.11.22 ] ~ [ linux-5.10.229 ] ~ [ linux-5.9.16 ] ~ [ linux-5.8.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.7.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.6.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.5.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.4.285 ] ~ [ linux-5.3.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.2.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.1.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.0.21 ] ~ [ linux-4.20.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.19.323 ] ~ [ linux-4.18.20 ] ~ [ linux-4.17.19 ] ~ [ linux-4.16.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.15.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.14.336 ] ~ [ linux-4.13.16 ] ~ [ linux-4.12.14 ] ~ [ linux-4.11.12 ] ~ [ linux-4.10.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.9.337 ] ~ [ linux-4.4.302 ] ~ [ linux-3.10.108 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ linux-2.6.0 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ unix-v6-master ] ~ [ ccs-tools-1.8.12 ] ~ [ policy-sample ] ~
Architecture: ~ [ i386 ] ~ [ alpha ] ~ [ m68k ] ~ [ mips ] ~ [ ppc ] ~ [ sparc ] ~ [ sparc64 ] ~

Diff markup

Differences between /Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-bus-usb (Version linux-6.12-rc7) and /Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-bus-usb (Version linux-5.19.17)

  1 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/<INTERFAC      1 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/<INTERFACE>/authorized
  2 Date:           August 2015                         2 Date:           August 2015
  3 Description:                                        3 Description:
  4                 This allows to authorize (1) o      4                 This allows to authorize (1) or deauthorize (0)
  5                 individual interfaces instead       5                 individual interfaces instead a whole device
  6                 in contrast to the device auth      6                 in contrast to the device authorization.
  7                 If a deauthorized interface wi      7                 If a deauthorized interface will be authorized
  8                 so the driver probing must be       8                 so the driver probing must be triggered manually
  9                 by writing INTERFACE to /sys/b      9                 by writing INTERFACE to /sys/bus/usb/drivers_probe
 10                 This allows to avoid side-effe     10                 This allows to avoid side-effects with drivers
 11                 that need multiple interfaces.     11                 that need multiple interfaces.
 12                                                    12 
 13                 A deauthorized interface canno     13                 A deauthorized interface cannot be probed or claimed.
 14                                                    14 
 15 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/inte     15 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/interface_authorized_default
 16 Date:           August 2015                        16 Date:           August 2015
 17 Description:                                       17 Description:
 18                 This is used as value that det     18                 This is used as value that determines if interfaces
 19                 would be authorized by default     19                 would be authorized by default.
 20                 The value can be 1 or 0. It's      20                 The value can be 1 or 0. It's by default 1.
 21                                                    21 
 22 What:           /sys/bus/usb/device/.../author     22 What:           /sys/bus/usb/device/.../authorized
 23 Date:           July 2008                          23 Date:           July 2008
 24 KernelVersion:  2.6.26                             24 KernelVersion:  2.6.26
 25 Contact:        David Vrabel <david.vrabel@csr.     25 Contact:        David Vrabel <david.vrabel@csr.com>
 26 Description:                                       26 Description:
 27                 Authorized devices are availab     27                 Authorized devices are available for use by device
 28                 drivers, non-authorized one ar     28                 drivers, non-authorized one are not.  By default, wired
 29                 USB devices are authorized.        29                 USB devices are authorized.
 30                                                    30 
                                                   >>  31                 Certified Wireless USB devices are not authorized
                                                   >>  32                 initially and should be (by writing 1) after the
                                                   >>  33                 device has been authenticated.
                                                   >>  34 
                                                   >>  35 What:           /sys/bus/usb/device/.../wusb_cdid
                                                   >>  36 Date:           July 2008
                                                   >>  37 KernelVersion:  2.6.27
                                                   >>  38 Contact:        David Vrabel <david.vrabel@csr.com>
                                                   >>  39 Description:
                                                   >>  40                 For Certified Wireless USB devices only.
                                                   >>  41 
                                                   >>  42                 A devices's CDID, as 16 space-separated hex octets.
                                                   >>  43 
                                                   >>  44 What:           /sys/bus/usb/device/.../wusb_ck
                                                   >>  45 Date:           July 2008
                                                   >>  46 KernelVersion:  2.6.27
                                                   >>  47 Contact:        David Vrabel <david.vrabel@csr.com>
                                                   >>  48 Description:
                                                   >>  49                 For Certified Wireless USB devices only.
                                                   >>  50 
                                                   >>  51                 Write the device's connection key (CK) to start the
                                                   >>  52                 authentication of the device.  The CK is 16
                                                   >>  53                 space-separated hex octets.
                                                   >>  54 
                                                   >>  55 What:           /sys/bus/usb/device/.../wusb_disconnect
                                                   >>  56 Date:           July 2008
                                                   >>  57 KernelVersion:  2.6.27
                                                   >>  58 Contact:        David Vrabel <david.vrabel@csr.com>
                                                   >>  59 Description:
                                                   >>  60                 For Certified Wireless USB devices only.
                                                   >>  61 
                                                   >>  62                 Write a 1 to force the device to disconnect
                                                   >>  63                 (equivalent to unplugging a wired USB device).
                                                   >>  64 
 31 What:           /sys/bus/usb/drivers/.../new_i     65 What:           /sys/bus/usb/drivers/.../new_id
 32 Date:           October 2011                       66 Date:           October 2011
 33 Contact:        linux-usb@vger.kernel.org          67 Contact:        linux-usb@vger.kernel.org
 34 Description:                                       68 Description:
 35                 Writing a device ID to this fi     69                 Writing a device ID to this file will attempt to
 36                 dynamically add a new device I     70                 dynamically add a new device ID to a USB device driver.
 37                 This may allow the driver to s     71                 This may allow the driver to support more hardware than
 38                 was included in the driver's s     72                 was included in the driver's static device ID support
 39                 table at compile time. The for     73                 table at compile time. The format for the device ID is:
 40                 idVendor idProduct bInterfaceC     74                 idVendor idProduct bInterfaceClass RefIdVendor RefIdProduct
 41                 The vendor ID and device ID fi     75                 The vendor ID and device ID fields are required, the
 42                 rest is optional. The `Ref*` t     76                 rest is optional. The `Ref*` tuple can be used to tell the
 43                 driver to use the same driver_     77                 driver to use the same driver_data for the new device as
 44                 it is used for the reference d     78                 it is used for the reference device.
 45                 Upon successfully adding an ID     79                 Upon successfully adding an ID, the driver will probe
 46                 for the device and attempt to      80                 for the device and attempt to bind to it.  For example::
 47                                                    81 
 48                   # echo "8086 10f5" > /sys/bu     82                   # echo "8086 10f5" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/foo/new_id
 49                                                    83 
 50                 Here add a new device (0458:70     84                 Here add a new device (0458:7045) using driver_data from
 51                 an already supported device (0     85                 an already supported device (0458:704c)::
 52                                                    86 
 53                   # echo "0458 7045 0 0458 704     87                   # echo "0458 7045 0 0458 704c" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/foo/new_id
 54                                                    88 
 55                 Reading from this file will li     89                 Reading from this file will list all dynamically added
 56                 device IDs in the same format,     90                 device IDs in the same format, with one entry per
 57                 line. For example::                91                 line. For example::
 58                                                    92 
 59                   # cat /sys/bus/usb/drivers/f     93                   # cat /sys/bus/usb/drivers/foo/new_id
 60                   8086 10f5                        94                   8086 10f5
 61                   dead beef 06                     95                   dead beef 06
 62                   f00d cafe                        96                   f00d cafe
 63                                                    97 
 64                 The list will be truncated at      98                 The list will be truncated at PAGE_SIZE bytes due to
 65                 sysfs restrictions.                99                 sysfs restrictions.
 66                                                   100 
 67 What:           /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/..    101 What:           /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/.../new_id
 68 Date:           October 2011                      102 Date:           October 2011
 69 Contact:        linux-usb@vger.kernel.org         103 Contact:        linux-usb@vger.kernel.org
 70 Description:                                      104 Description:
 71                 For serial USB drivers, this a    105                 For serial USB drivers, this attribute appears under the
 72                 extra bus folder "usb-serial"     106                 extra bus folder "usb-serial" in sysfs; apart from that
 73                 difference, all descriptions f    107                 difference, all descriptions from the entry
 74                 "/sys/bus/usb/drivers/.../new_    108                 "/sys/bus/usb/drivers/.../new_id" apply.
 75                                                   109 
 76 What:           /sys/bus/usb/drivers/.../remov    110 What:           /sys/bus/usb/drivers/.../remove_id
 77 Date:           November 2009                     111 Date:           November 2009
 78 Contact:        CHENG Renquan <rqcheng@smu.edu.    112 Contact:        CHENG Renquan <rqcheng@smu.edu.sg>
 79 Description:                                      113 Description:
 80                 Writing a device ID to this fi    114                 Writing a device ID to this file will remove an ID
 81                 that was dynamically added via    115                 that was dynamically added via the new_id sysfs entry.
 82                 The format for the device ID i    116                 The format for the device ID is:
 83                 idVendor idProduct.     After     117                 idVendor idProduct.     After successfully
 84                 removing an ID, the driver wil    118                 removing an ID, the driver will no longer support the
 85                 device.  This is useful to ens    119                 device.  This is useful to ensure auto probing won't
 86                 match the driver to the device    120                 match the driver to the device.  For example:
 87                 # echo "046d c315" > /sys/bus/    121                 # echo "046d c315" > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/foo/remove_id
 88                                                   122 
 89                 Reading from this file will li    123                 Reading from this file will list the dynamically added
 90                 device IDs, exactly like readi    124                 device IDs, exactly like reading from the entry
 91                 "/sys/bus/usb/drivers/.../new_    125                 "/sys/bus/usb/drivers/.../new_id"
 92                                                   126 
 93 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power    127 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power/usb2_hardware_lpm
 94 Date:           September 2011                    128 Date:           September 2011
 95 Contact:        Andiry Xu <andiry.xu@amd.com>      129 Contact:        Andiry Xu <andiry.xu@amd.com>
 96 Description:                                      130 Description:
 97                 If CONFIG_PM is set and a USB     131                 If CONFIG_PM is set and a USB 2.0 lpm-capable device is plugged
 98                 in to a xHCI host which suppor    132                 in to a xHCI host which support link PM, it will perform a LPM
 99                 test; if the test is passed an    133                 test; if the test is passed and host supports USB2 hardware LPM
100                 (xHCI 1.0 feature), USB2 hardw    134                 (xHCI 1.0 feature), USB2 hardware LPM will be enabled for the
101                 device and the USB device dire    135                 device and the USB device directory will contain a file named
102                 power/usb2_hardware_lpm.  The     136                 power/usb2_hardware_lpm.  The file holds a string value (enable
103                 or disable) indicating whether    137                 or disable) indicating whether or not USB2 hardware LPM is
104                 enabled for the device. Develo    138                 enabled for the device. Developer can write y/Y/1 or n/N/0 to
105                 the file to enable/disable the    139                 the file to enable/disable the feature.
106                                                   140 
107 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power    141 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power/usb3_hardware_lpm_u1
108                 /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power    142                 /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power/usb3_hardware_lpm_u2
109 Date:           November 2015                     143 Date:           November 2015
110 Contact:        Kevin Strasser <kevin.strasser@    144 Contact:        Kevin Strasser <kevin.strasser@linux.intel.com>
111                 Lu Baolu <baolu.lu@linux.intel.    145                 Lu Baolu <baolu.lu@linux.intel.com>
112 Description:                                      146 Description:
113                 If CONFIG_PM is set and a USB     147                 If CONFIG_PM is set and a USB 3.0 lpm-capable device is plugged
114                 in to a xHCI host which suppor    148                 in to a xHCI host which supports link PM, it will check if U1
115                 and U2 exit latencies have bee    149                 and U2 exit latencies have been set in the BOS descriptor; if
116                 the check is passed and the ho    150                 the check is passed and the host supports USB3 hardware LPM,
117                 USB3 hardware LPM will be enab    151                 USB3 hardware LPM will be enabled for the device and the USB
118                 device directory will contain     152                 device directory will contain two files named
119                 power/usb3_hardware_lpm_u1 and    153                 power/usb3_hardware_lpm_u1 and power/usb3_hardware_lpm_u2. These
120                 files hold a string value (ena    154                 files hold a string value (enable or disable) indicating whether
121                 or not USB3 hardware LPM U1 or    155                 or not USB3 hardware LPM U1 or U2 is enabled for the device.
122                                                   156 
123 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../ltm_c    157 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../ltm_capable
124 Date:           July 2012                         158 Date:           July 2012
125 Contact:        Sarah Sharp <sarah.a.sharp@linu    159 Contact:        Sarah Sharp <sarah.a.sharp@linux.intel.com>
126 Description:                                      160 Description:
127                 USB 3.0 devices may optionally    161                 USB 3.0 devices may optionally support Latency Tolerance
128                 Messaging (LTM).  They indicat    162                 Messaging (LTM).  They indicate their support by setting a bit
129                 in the bmAttributes field of t    163                 in the bmAttributes field of their SuperSpeed BOS descriptors.
130                 If that bit is set for the dev    164                 If that bit is set for the device, ltm_capable will read "yes".
131                 If the device doesn't support     165                 If the device doesn't support LTM, the file will read "no".
132                 The file will be present for a    166                 The file will be present for all speeds of USB devices, and will
133                 always read "no" for USB 1.1 a    167                 always read "no" for USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 devices.
134                                                   168 
135 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/<INTERFAC << 
136 Date:           February 2023                  << 
137 Contact:        Bastien Nocera <hadess@hadess.n << 
138 Description:                                   << 
139                 Some USB devices use a USB rec << 
140                 wirelessly with their device u << 
141                 attribute allows user-space to << 
142                 connected to its receiver dong << 
143                 the device to be absent when c << 
144                 device's battery, show a heads << 
145                 an on-screen keyboard if the o << 
146                 turned off.                    << 
147                 This attribute is not to be us << 
148                 statuses available in WWAN, WL << 
149                 If the device does not use a r << 
150                 device, then this attribute wi << 
151                                                << 
152 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_    169 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_interface>/port<X>
153 Date:           August 2012                       170 Date:           August 2012
154 Contact:        Lan Tianyu <tianyu.lan@intel.co    171 Contact:        Lan Tianyu <tianyu.lan@intel.com>
155 Description:                                      172 Description:
156                 The /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<    173                 The /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_interface>/port<X>
157                 is usb port device's sysfs dir    174                 is usb port device's sysfs directory.
158                                                   175 
159 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_    176 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_interface>/port<X>/connect_type
160 Date:           January 2013                      177 Date:           January 2013
161 Contact:        Lan Tianyu <tianyu.lan@intel.co    178 Contact:        Lan Tianyu <tianyu.lan@intel.com>
162 Description:                                      179 Description:
163                 Some platforms provide usb por    180                 Some platforms provide usb port connect types through ACPI.
164                 This attribute is to expose th    181                 This attribute is to expose these information to user space.
165                 The file will read "hotplug",     182                 The file will read "hotplug", "hardwired" and "not used" if the
166                 information is available, and     183                 information is available, and "unknown" otherwise.
167                                                   184 
168 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_    185 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_interface>/port<X>/location
169 Date:           October 2018                      186 Date:           October 2018
170 Contact:        Bjørn Mork <bjorn@mork.no>        187 Contact:        Bjørn Mork <bjorn@mork.no>
171 Description:                                      188 Description:
172                 Some platforms provide usb por    189                 Some platforms provide usb port physical location through
173                 firmware. This is used by the     190                 firmware. This is used by the kernel to pair up logical ports
174                 mapping to the same physical c    191                 mapping to the same physical connector. The attribute exposes the
175                 raw location value as a hex in    192                 raw location value as a hex integer.
176                                                   193 
177                                                   194 
178 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_    195 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_interface>/port<X>/quirks
179 Date:           May 2018                          196 Date:           May 2018
180 Contact:        Nicolas Boichat <drinkcat@chrom    197 Contact:        Nicolas Boichat <drinkcat@chromium.org>
181 Description:                                      198 Description:
182                 In some cases, we care about t    199                 In some cases, we care about time-to-active for devices
183                 connected on a specific port (    200                 connected on a specific port (e.g. non-standard USB port like
184                 pogo pins), where the device t    201                 pogo pins), where the device to be connected is known in
185                 advance, and behaves well acco    202                 advance, and behaves well according to the specification.
186                 This attribute is a bit-field     203                 This attribute is a bit-field that controls the behavior of
187                 a specific port:                  204                 a specific port:
188                                                   205 
189                  - Bit 0 of this field selects    206                  - Bit 0 of this field selects the "old" enumeration scheme,
190                    as it is considerably faste    207                    as it is considerably faster (it only causes one USB reset
191                    instead of 2).                 208                    instead of 2).
192                                                   209 
193                    The old enumeration scheme     210                    The old enumeration scheme can also be selected globally
194                    using /sys/module/usbcore/p    211                    using /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/old_scheme_first, but
195                    it is often not desirable a    212                    it is often not desirable as the new scheme was introduced to
196                    increase compatibility with    213                    increase compatibility with more devices.
197                  - Bit 1 reduces TRSTRCY to th    214                  - Bit 1 reduces TRSTRCY to the 10 ms that are required by the
198                    USB 2.0 specification, inst    215                    USB 2.0 specification, instead of the 50 ms that are normally
199                    used to help make enumerati    216                    used to help make enumeration work better on some high speed
200                    devices.                       217                    devices.
201                                                   218 
202 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_    219 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_interface>/port<X>/over_current_count
203 Date:           February 2018                     220 Date:           February 2018
204 Contact:        Richard Leitner <richard.leitne    221 Contact:        Richard Leitner <richard.leitner@skidata.com>
205 Description:                                      222 Description:
206                 Most hubs are able to detect o    223                 Most hubs are able to detect over-current situations on their
207                 ports and report them to the k    224                 ports and report them to the kernel. This attribute is to expose
208                 the number of over-current sit    225                 the number of over-current situation occurred on a specific port
209                 to user space. This file will     226                 to user space. This file will contain an unsigned 32 bit value
210                 which wraps to 0 after its max    227                 which wraps to 0 after its maximum is reached. This file supports
211                 poll() for monitoring changes     228                 poll() for monitoring changes to this value in user space.
212                                                   229 
213                 Any time this value changes th    230                 Any time this value changes the corresponding hub device will send a
214                 udev event with the following     231                 udev event with the following attributes::
215                                                   232 
216                   OVER_CURRENT_PORT=/sys/bus/u    233                   OVER_CURRENT_PORT=/sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_interface>/port<X>
217                   OVER_CURRENT_COUNT=[current     234                   OVER_CURRENT_COUNT=[current value of this sysfs attribute]
218                                                   235 
219 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_    236 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_interface>/port<X>/usb3_lpm_permit
220 Date:           November 2015                     237 Date:           November 2015
221 Contact:        Lu Baolu <baolu.lu@linux.intel.    238 Contact:        Lu Baolu <baolu.lu@linux.intel.com>
222 Description:                                      239 Description:
223                 Some USB3.0 devices are not fr    240                 Some USB3.0 devices are not friendly to USB3 LPM.  usb3_lpm_permit
224                 attribute allows enabling/disa    241                 attribute allows enabling/disabling usb3 lpm of a port. It takes
225                 effect both before and after a    242                 effect both before and after a usb device is enumerated. Supported
226                 values are "0" if both u1 and     243                 values are "0" if both u1 and u2 are NOT permitted, "u1" if only u1
227                 is permitted, "u2" if only u2     244                 is permitted, "u2" if only u2 is permitted, "u1_u2" if both u1 and
228                 u2 are permitted.                 245                 u2 are permitted.
229                                                   246 
230 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_    247 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_interface>/port<X>/connector
231 Date:           December 2021                     248 Date:           December 2021
232 Contact:        Heikki Krogerus <heikki.krogeru    249 Contact:        Heikki Krogerus <heikki.krogerus@linux.intel.com>
233 Description:                                      250 Description:
234                 Link to the USB Type-C connect    251                 Link to the USB Type-C connector when available. This link is
235                 only created when USB Type-C C    252                 only created when USB Type-C Connector Class is enabled, and
236                 only if the system firmware is    253                 only if the system firmware is capable of describing the
237                 connection between a port and     254                 connection between a port and its connector.
238                                                   255 
239 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_ << 
240 Date:           June 2022                      << 
241 Contact:        Michael Grzeschik <m.grzeschik@ << 
242 Description:                                   << 
243                 This file controls the state o << 
244                 Vbus power output (but only on << 
245                 power switching -- most hubs d << 
246                 a port is disabled, the port i << 
247                 attached to the port will not  << 
248                 or enumerated.                 << 
249                                                << 
250 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_ << 
251 Date:           Sep 2022                       << 
252 Contact:        Ray Chi <raychi@google.com>     << 
253 Description:                                   << 
254                 Some USB hosts have some watch << 
255                 may enter ramdump if it takes  << 
256                 This attribute allows each por << 
257                 port initialization will be fa << 
258                 which is marked with early_sto << 
259                 all future connections until t << 
260                                                << 
261 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../<hub_ << 
262 Date:           June 2023                      << 
263 Contact:        Roy Luo <royluo@google.com>     << 
264 Description:                                   << 
265                 Indicates current state of the << 
266                 Valid states are: 'not-attache << 
267                 'reconnecting', 'unauthenticat << 
268                 'configured', and 'suspended'. << 
269                 monitor the state change from  << 
270                                                << 
271 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power    256 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power/usb2_lpm_l1_timeout
272 Date:           May 2013                          257 Date:           May 2013
273 Contact:        Mathias Nyman <mathias.nyman@li    258 Contact:        Mathias Nyman <mathias.nyman@linux.intel.com>
274 Description:                                      259 Description:
275                 USB 2.0 devices may support ha    260                 USB 2.0 devices may support hardware link power management (LPM)
276                 L1 sleep state. The usb2_lpm_l    261                 L1 sleep state. The usb2_lpm_l1_timeout attribute allows
277                 tuning the timeout for L1 inac    262                 tuning the timeout for L1 inactivity timer (LPM timer), e.g.
278                 needed inactivity time before     263                 needed inactivity time before host requests the device to go to L1 sleep.
279                 Useful for power management tu    264                 Useful for power management tuning.
280                 Supported values are 0 - 65535    265                 Supported values are 0 - 65535 microseconds.
281                                                   266 
282 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power    267 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../power/usb2_lpm_besl
283 Date:           May 2013                          268 Date:           May 2013
284 Contact:        Mathias Nyman <mathias.nyman@li    269 Contact:        Mathias Nyman <mathias.nyman@linux.intel.com>
285 Description:                                      270 Description:
286                 USB 2.0 devices that support h    271                 USB 2.0 devices that support hardware link power management (LPM)
287                 L1 sleep state now use a best     272                 L1 sleep state now use a best effort service latency value (BESL) to
288                 indicate the best effort to re    273                 indicate the best effort to resumption of service to the device after the
289                 initiation of the resume event    274                 initiation of the resume event.
290                 If the device does not have a     275                 If the device does not have a preferred besl value then the host can select
291                 one instead. This usb2_lpm_bes    276                 one instead. This usb2_lpm_besl attribute allows to tune the host selected besl
292                 value in order to tune power s    277                 value in order to tune power saving and service latency.
293                                                   278 
294                 Supported values are 0 - 15.      279                 Supported values are 0 - 15.
295                 More information on how besl v    280                 More information on how besl values map to microseconds can be found in
296                 USB 2.0 ECN Errata for Link Po    281                 USB 2.0 ECN Errata for Link Power Management, section 4.10)
297                                                   282 
298 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../rx_la    283 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../rx_lanes
299 Date:           March 2018                        284 Date:           March 2018
300 Contact:        Mathias Nyman <mathias.nyman@li    285 Contact:        Mathias Nyman <mathias.nyman@linux.intel.com>
301 Description:                                      286 Description:
302                 Number of rx lanes the device     287                 Number of rx lanes the device is using.
303                 USB 3.2 adds Dual-lane support    288                 USB 3.2 adds Dual-lane support, 2 rx and 2 tx lanes over Type-C.
304                 Inter-Chip SSIC devices suppor    289                 Inter-Chip SSIC devices support asymmetric lanes up to 4 lanes per
305                 direction. Devices before USB     290                 direction. Devices before USB 3.2 are single lane (rx_lanes = 1)
306                                                   291 
307 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../tx_la    292 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../tx_lanes
308 Date:           March 2018                        293 Date:           March 2018
309 Contact:        Mathias Nyman <mathias.nyman@li    294 Contact:        Mathias Nyman <mathias.nyman@linux.intel.com>
310 Description:                                      295 Description:
311                 Number of tx lanes the device     296                 Number of tx lanes the device is using.
312                 USB 3.2 adds Dual-lane support    297                 USB 3.2 adds Dual-lane support, 2 rx and 2 tx -lanes over Type-C.
313                 Inter-Chip SSIC devices suppor    298                 Inter-Chip SSIC devices support asymmetric lanes up to 4 lanes per
314                 direction. Devices before USB     299                 direction. Devices before USB 3.2 are single lane (tx_lanes = 1)
315                                                   300 
316 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/.../typec << 
317 Date:           November 2023                  << 
318 Contact:        Heikki Krogerus <heikki.krogeru << 
319 Description:                                   << 
320                 Symlink to the USB Type-C part << 
321                 represents the component that  << 
322                 Configuration Channel (CC sign << 
323                 cables) with the local port.   << 
324                                                << 
325 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bAlt    301 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bAlternateSetting
326 Description:                                      302 Description:
327                 The current interface alternat    303                 The current interface alternate setting number, in decimal.
328                                                   304 
329                 See USB specs for its meaning.    305                 See USB specs for its meaning.
330                                                   306 
331 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bcdD    307 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bcdDevice
332 Description:                                      308 Description:
333                 The device's release number, i    309                 The device's release number, in hexadecimal.
334                                                   310 
335                 See USB specs for its meaning.    311                 See USB specs for its meaning.
336                                                   312 
337 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bCon    313 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bConfigurationValue
338 Description:                                      314 Description:
339                 While a USB device typically h    315                 While a USB device typically have just one configuration
340                 setting, some devices support     316                 setting, some devices support multiple configurations.
341                                                   317 
342                 This value shows the current c    318                 This value shows the current configuration, in decimal.
343                                                   319 
344                 Changing its value will change    320                 Changing its value will change the device's configuration
345                 to another setting.               321                 to another setting.
346                                                   322 
347                 The number of configurations s    323                 The number of configurations supported by a device is at:
348                                                   324 
349                         /sys/bus/usb/devices/u    325                         /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bNumConfigurations
350                                                   326 
351                 See USB specs for its meaning.    327                 See USB specs for its meaning.
352                                                   328 
353 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bDev    329 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bDeviceClass
354 Description:                                      330 Description:
355                 Class code of the device, in h    331                 Class code of the device, in hexadecimal.
356                                                   332 
357                 See USB specs for its meaning.    333                 See USB specs for its meaning.
358                                                   334 
359 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bDev    335 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bDeviceProtocol
360 Description:                                      336 Description:
361                 Protocol code of the device, i    337                 Protocol code of the device, in hexadecimal.
362                                                   338 
363                 See USB specs for its meaning.    339                 See USB specs for its meaning.
364                                                   340 
365 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bDev    341 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bDeviceSubClass
366 Description:                                      342 Description:
367                 Subclass code of the device, i    343                 Subclass code of the device, in hexadecimal.
368                                                   344 
369                 See USB specs for its meaning.    345                 See USB specs for its meaning.
370                                                   346 
371 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bInt    347 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bInterfaceClass
372 Description:                                      348 Description:
373                 Class code of the interface, i    349                 Class code of the interface, in hexadecimal.
374                                                   350 
375                 See USB specs for its meaning.    351                 See USB specs for its meaning.
376                                                   352 
377 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bInt    353 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bInterfaceNumber
378 Description:                                      354 Description:
379                 Interface number, in hexadecim    355                 Interface number, in hexadecimal.
380                                                   356 
381                 See USB specs for its meaning.    357                 See USB specs for its meaning.
382                                                   358 
383 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bInt    359 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bInterfaceProtocol
384 Description:                                      360 Description:
385                 Protocol code of the interface    361                 Protocol code of the interface, in hexadecimal.
386                                                   362 
387                 See USB specs for its meaning.    363                 See USB specs for its meaning.
388                                                   364 
389 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bInt    365 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bInterfaceSubClass
390 Description:                                      366 Description:
391                 Subclass code of the interface    367                 Subclass code of the interface, in hexadecimal.
392                                                   368 
393                 See USB specs for its meaning.    369                 See USB specs for its meaning.
394                                                   370 
395 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bmAt    371 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bmAttributes
396 Description:                                      372 Description:
397                 Attributes of the current conf    373                 Attributes of the current configuration, in hexadecimal.
398                                                   374 
399                 See USB specs for its meaning.    375                 See USB specs for its meaning.
400                                                   376 
401 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bMax    377 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bMaxPacketSize0
402 Description:                                      378 Description:
403                 Maximum endpoint 0 packet size    379                 Maximum endpoint 0 packet size, in decimal.
404                                                   380 
405                 See USB specs for its meaning.    381                 See USB specs for its meaning.
406                                                   382 
407 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bMax    383 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bMaxPower
408 Description:                                      384 Description:
409                 Maximum power consumption of t    385                 Maximum power consumption of the active configuration of
410                 the device, in miliamperes.       386                 the device, in miliamperes.
411                                                   387 
412 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bNum    388 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bNumConfigurations
413 Description:                                      389 Description:
414                 Number of the possible configu    390                 Number of the possible configurations of the device, in
415                 decimal. The current configura    391                 decimal. The current configuration is controlled via:
416                                                   392 
417                         /sys/bus/usb/devices/u    393                         /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bConfigurationValue
418                                                   394 
419                 See USB specs for its meaning.    395                 See USB specs for its meaning.
420                                                   396 
421 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bNum    397 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bNumEndpoints
422 Description:                                      398 Description:
423                 Number of endpoints used on th    399                 Number of endpoints used on this interface, in hexadecimal.
424                                                   400 
425                 See USB specs for its meaning.    401                 See USB specs for its meaning.
426                                                   402 
427 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bNum    403 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bNumInterfaces
428 Description:                                      404 Description:
429                 Number of interfaces on this d    405                 Number of interfaces on this device, in decimal.
430                                                   406 
431 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/busn    407 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/busnum
432 Description:                                      408 Description:
433                 Number of the bus.                409                 Number of the bus.
434                                                   410 
435 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/conf    411 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/configuration
436 Description:                                      412 Description:
437                 Contents of the string descrip    413                 Contents of the string descriptor associated with the
438                 current configuration. It may     414                 current configuration. It may include the firmware version
439                 of a device and/or its serial     415                 of a device and/or its serial number.
440                                                   416 
441 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/desc    417 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/descriptors
442 Description:                                      418 Description:
443                 Contains the interface descrip    419                 Contains the interface descriptors, in binary.
444                                                << 
445 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/bos_ << 
446 Date:           March 2024                     << 
447 Contact:        Elbert Mai <code@elbertmai.com> << 
448 Description:                                   << 
449                 Binary file containing the cac << 
450                 of the device. This consists o << 
451                 set of device capability descr << 
452                 this file are in bus-endian fo << 
453                 request the BOS from a device  << 
454                                                   420 
455 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/idPr    421 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/idProduct
456 Description:                                      422 Description:
457                 Product ID, in hexadecimal.       423                 Product ID, in hexadecimal.
458                                                   424 
459 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/idVe    425 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/idVendor
460 Description:                                      426 Description:
461                 Vendor ID, in hexadecimal.        427                 Vendor ID, in hexadecimal.
462                                                   428 
463 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/devs    429 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/devspec
464 Description:                                      430 Description:
465                 Displays the Device Tree Open     431                 Displays the Device Tree Open Firmware node of the interface.
466                                                   432 
467 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/avoi    433 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/avoid_reset_quirk
468 Description:                                      434 Description:
469                 Most devices have this set to     435                 Most devices have this set to zero.
470                                                   436 
471                 If the value is 1, enable a US    437                 If the value is 1, enable a USB quirk that prevents this
472                 device to use reset.              438                 device to use reset.
473                                                   439 
474                 (read/write)                      440                 (read/write)
475                                                   441 
476 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/devn    442 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/devnum
477 Description:                                      443 Description:
478                 USB interface device number, i    444                 USB interface device number, in decimal.
479                                                   445 
480 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/devp    446 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/devpath
481 Description:                                      447 Description:
482                 String containing the USB inte    448                 String containing the USB interface device path.
483                                                   449 
484 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/manu    450 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/manufacturer
485 Description:                                      451 Description:
486                 Vendor specific string contain    452                 Vendor specific string containing the name of the
487                 manufacturer of the device.       453                 manufacturer of the device.
488                                                   454 
489 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/maxc    455 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/maxchild
490 Description:                                      456 Description:
491                 Number of ports of an USB hub     457                 Number of ports of an USB hub
492                                                   458 
493 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/pers    459 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/persist
494 Description:                                      460 Description:
495                 Keeps the device even if it ge    461                 Keeps the device even if it gets disconnected.
496                                                   462 
497 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/prod    463 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/product
498 Description:                                      464 Description:
499                 Vendor specific string contain    465                 Vendor specific string containing the name of the
500                 device's product.                 466                 device's product.
501                                                   467 
502 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/spee    468 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/speed
503 Description:                                      469 Description:
504                 Shows the device's max speed,     470                 Shows the device's max speed, according to the USB version,
505                 in Mbps.                          471                 in Mbps.
506                 Can be:                           472                 Can be:
507                                                   473 
508                         =======         ======    474                         =======         ====================
509                         Unknown         speed     475                         Unknown         speed unknown
510                         1.5             Low sp    476                         1.5             Low speed
511                         15              Full s    477                         15              Full speed
512                         480             High S    478                         480             High Speed
513                         5000            Super     479                         5000            Super Speed
514                         10000           Super     480                         10000           Super Speed+
515                         20000           Super     481                         20000           Super Speed+ Gen 2x2
516                         =======         ======    482                         =======         ====================
517                                                   483 
518 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/supp    484 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/supports_autosuspend
519 Description:                                      485 Description:
520                 Returns 1 if the device doesn'    486                 Returns 1 if the device doesn't support autosuspend.
521                 Otherwise, returns 0.             487                 Otherwise, returns 0.
522                                                   488 
523 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/urbn    489 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/urbnum
524 Description:                                      490 Description:
525                 Number of URBs submitted for t    491                 Number of URBs submitted for the whole device.
526                                                   492 
527 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/vers    493 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/version
528 Description:                                      494 Description:
529                 String containing the USB devi    495                 String containing the USB device version, as encoded
530                 at the BCD descriptor.            496                 at the BCD descriptor.
531                                                   497 
532 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/powe    498 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/power/autosuspend
533 Description:                                      499 Description:
534                 Time in milliseconds for the d    500                 Time in milliseconds for the device to autosuspend. If the
535                 value is negative, then autosu    501                 value is negative, then autosuspend is prevented.
536                                                   502 
537                 (read/write)                      503                 (read/write)
538                                                   504 
539 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/powe    505 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/power/active_duration
540 Description:                                      506 Description:
541                 The total time the device has     507                 The total time the device has not been suspended.
542                                                   508 
543 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/powe    509 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/power/connected_duration
544 Description:                                      510 Description:
545                 The total time (in msec) that     511                 The total time (in msec) that the device has been connected.
546                                                   512 
547 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/powe    513 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/power/level
548 Description:                                      514 Description:
549                                                   515 
550 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<    516 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<N>/bEndpointAddress
551 Description:                                      517 Description:
552                 The address of the endpoint de    518                 The address of the endpoint described by this descriptor,
553                 in hexadecimal. The endpoint d    519                 in hexadecimal. The endpoint direction on this bitmapped field
554                 is also shown at:                 520                 is also shown at:
555                                                   521 
556                         /sys/bus/usb/devices/u    522                         /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<N>/direction
557                                                   523 
558                 See USB specs for its meaning.    524                 See USB specs for its meaning.
559                                                   525 
560 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<    526 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<N>/bInterval
561 Description:                                      527 Description:
562                 The interval of the endpoint a    528                 The interval of the endpoint as described on its descriptor,
563                 in hexadecimal. The actual int    529                 in hexadecimal. The actual interval depends on the version
564                 of the USB. Also shown in time    530                 of the USB. Also shown in time units at
565                 /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<    531                 /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<N>/interval.
566                                                   532 
567 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<    533 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<N>/bLength
568 Description:                                      534 Description:
569                 Number of bytes of the endpoin    535                 Number of bytes of the endpoint descriptor, in hexadecimal.
570                                                   536 
571 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<    537 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<N>/bmAttributes
572 Description:                                      538 Description:
573                 Attributes which apply to the     539                 Attributes which apply to the endpoint as described on its
574                 descriptor, in hexadecimal. Th    540                 descriptor, in hexadecimal. The endpoint type on this
575                 bitmapped field is also shown     541                 bitmapped field is also shown at:
576                                                   542 
577                         /sys/bus/usb/devices/u    543                         /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<N>/type
578                                                   544 
579                 See USB specs for its meaning.    545                 See USB specs for its meaning.
580                                                   546 
581 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<    547 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<N>/direction
582 Description:                                      548 Description:
583                 Direction of the endpoint. Can    549                 Direction of the endpoint. Can be:
584                                                   550 
585                     - both (on control endpoin    551                     - both (on control endpoints)
586                     - in                          552                     - in
587                     - out                         553                     - out
588                                                   554 
589 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<    555 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<N>/interval
590 Description:                                      556 Description:
591                 Interval for polling endpoint     557                 Interval for polling endpoint for data transfers, in
592                 milisseconds or microseconds.     558                 milisseconds or microseconds.
593                                                   559 
594 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<    560 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<N>/type
595 Description:                                      561 Description:
596                 Descriptor type. Can be:          562                 Descriptor type. Can be:
597                                                   563 
598                     - Control                     564                     - Control
599                     - Isoc                        565                     - Isoc
600                     - Bulk                        566                     - Bulk
601                     - Interrupt                   567                     - Interrupt
602                     - unknown                     568                     - unknown
603                                                   569 
604 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<    570 What:           /sys/bus/usb/devices/usbX/ep_<N>/wMaxPacketSize
605 Description:                                      571 Description:
606                 Maximum packet size this endpo    572                 Maximum packet size this endpoint is capable of
607                 sending or receiving, in hexad    573                 sending or receiving, in hexadecimal.

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