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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

Version: ~ [ linux-6.12-rc7 ] ~ [ linux-6.11.7 ] ~ [ linux-6.10.14 ] ~ [ linux-6.9.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.8.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.7.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.6.60 ] ~ [ linux-6.5.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.4.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.3.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.2.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.1.116 ] ~ [ linux-6.0.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.19.17 ] ~ [ linux-5.18.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.17.15 ] ~ [ linux-5.16.20 ] ~ [ linux-5.15.171 ] ~ [ linux-5.14.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.13.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.12.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.11.22 ] ~ [ linux-5.10.229 ] ~ [ linux-5.9.16 ] ~ [ linux-5.8.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.7.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.6.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.5.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.4.285 ] ~ [ linux-5.3.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.2.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.1.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.0.21 ] ~ [ linux-4.20.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.19.323 ] ~ [ linux-4.18.20 ] ~ [ linux-4.17.19 ] ~ [ linux-4.16.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.15.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.14.336 ] ~ [ linux-4.13.16 ] ~ [ linux-4.12.14 ] ~ [ linux-4.11.12 ] ~ [ linux-4.10.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.9.337 ] ~ [ linux-4.4.302 ] ~ [ linux-3.10.108 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ linux-2.6.0 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ unix-v6-master ] ~ [ ccs-tools-1.8.12 ] ~ [ policy-sample ] ~
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Differences between /Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-class-mic (Architecture ppc) and /Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-class-mic (Architecture sparc64)

  1 What:           /sys/class/mic/                     1 What:           /sys/class/mic/
  2 Date:           October 2013                        2 Date:           October 2013
  3 KernelVersion:  3.13                                3 KernelVersion:  3.13
  4 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.      4 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.com>
  5 Description:                                        5 Description:
  6                 The mic class directory belong      6                 The mic class directory belongs to Intel MIC devices and
  7                 provides information per MIC d      7                 provides information per MIC device. An Intel MIC device is a
  8                 PCIe form factor add-in Coproc      8                 PCIe form factor add-in Coprocessor card based on the Intel Many
  9                 Integrated Core (MIC) architec      9                 Integrated Core (MIC) architecture that runs a Linux OS.
 10                                                    10 
 11 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>              11 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>
 12 Date:           October 2013                       12 Date:           October 2013
 13 KernelVersion:  3.13                               13 KernelVersion:  3.13
 14 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.     14 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.com>
 15 Description:                                       15 Description:
 16                 The directories /sys/class/mic     16                 The directories /sys/class/mic/mic0, /sys/class/mic/mic1 etc.,
 17                 represent MIC devices (0,1,..e     17                 represent MIC devices (0,1,..etc). Each directory has
 18                 information specific to that M     18                 information specific to that MIC device.
 19                                                    19 
 20 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/family       20 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/family
 21 Date:           October 2013                       21 Date:           October 2013
 22 KernelVersion:  3.13                               22 KernelVersion:  3.13
 23 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.     23 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.com>
 24 Description:                                       24 Description:
 25                 Provides information about the     25                 Provides information about the Coprocessor family for an Intel
 26                 MIC device. For example - "x10     26                 MIC device. For example - "x100"
 27                                                    27 
 28 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/stepping     28 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/stepping
 29 Date:           October 2013                       29 Date:           October 2013
 30 KernelVersion:  3.13                               30 KernelVersion:  3.13
 31 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.     31 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.com>
 32 Description:                                       32 Description:
 33                 Provides information about the     33                 Provides information about the silicon stepping for an Intel
 34                 MIC device. For example - "A0"     34                 MIC device. For example - "A0" or "B0"
 35                                                    35 
 36 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/state        36 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/state
 37 Date:           October 2013                       37 Date:           October 2013
 38 KernelVersion:  3.13                               38 KernelVersion:  3.13
 39 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.     39 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.com>
 40 Description:                                       40 Description:
 41                 When read, this entry provides     41                 When read, this entry provides the current state of an Intel
 42                 MIC device in the context of t     42                 MIC device in the context of the card OS. Possible values that
 43                 will be read are:                  43                 will be read are:
 44                                                    44 
 45                                                    45 
 46                 ===============  =============     46                 ===============  ===============================================
 47                 "ready"          The MIC devic     47                 "ready"          The MIC device is ready to boot the card OS.
 48                                  On reading th     48                                  On reading this entry after an OSPM resume,
 49                                  a "boot" has      49                                  a "boot" has to be written to this entry if
 50                                  the card was      50                                  the card was previously shutdown during OSPM
 51                                  suspend.          51                                  suspend.
 52                 "booting"        The MIC devic     52                 "booting"        The MIC device has initiated booting a card OS.
 53                 "online"         The MIC devic     53                 "online"         The MIC device has completed boot and is online
 54                 "shutting_down"  The card OS i     54                 "shutting_down"  The card OS is shutting down.
 55                 "resetting"      A reset has b     55                 "resetting"      A reset has been initiated for the MIC device
 56                 "reset_failed"   The MIC devic     56                 "reset_failed"   The MIC device has failed to reset.
 57                 ===============  =============     57                 ===============  ===============================================
 58                                                    58 
 59                 When written, this sysfs entry     59                 When written, this sysfs entry triggers different state change
 60                 operations depending upon the      60                 operations depending upon the current state of the card OS.
 61                 Acceptable values are:             61                 Acceptable values are:
 62                                                    62 
 63                                                    63 
 64                 ==========  ==================     64                 ==========  ===================================================
 65                 "boot"      Boot the card OS i     65                 "boot"      Boot the card OS image specified by the combination
 66                             of firmware, ramdi     66                             of firmware, ramdisk, cmdline and bootmode
 67                             sysfs entries.         67                             sysfs entries.
 68                 "reset"     Initiates device r     68                 "reset"     Initiates device reset.
 69                 "shutdown"  Initiates card OS      69                 "shutdown"  Initiates card OS shutdown.
 70                 ==========  ==================     70                 ==========  ===================================================
 71                                                    71 
 72 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/shutdown     72 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/shutdown_status
 73 Date:           October 2013                       73 Date:           October 2013
 74 KernelVersion:  3.13                               74 KernelVersion:  3.13
 75 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.     75 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.com>
 76 Description:                                       76 Description:
 77                 An Intel MIC device runs a Lin     77                 An Intel MIC device runs a Linux OS during its operation. This
 78                 OS can shutdown because of var     78                 OS can shutdown because of various reasons. When read, this
 79                 entry provides the status on w     79                 entry provides the status on why the card OS was shutdown.
 80                 Possible values are:               80                 Possible values are:
 81                                                    81 
 82                 ==========  ==================     82                 ==========  ===================================================
 83                 "nop"       shutdown status is     83                 "nop"       shutdown status is not applicable, when the card OS
 84                             is "online"            84                             is "online"
 85                 "crashed"   Shutdown because o     85                 "crashed"   Shutdown because of a HW or SW crash.
 86                 "halted"    Shutdown because o     86                 "halted"    Shutdown because of a halt command.
 87                 "poweroff"  Shutdown because o     87                 "poweroff"  Shutdown because of a poweroff command.
 88                 "restart"   Shutdown because o     88                 "restart"   Shutdown because of a restart command.
 89                 ==========  ==================     89                 ==========  ===================================================
 90                                                    90 
 91 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/cmdline      91 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/cmdline
 92 Date:           October 2013                       92 Date:           October 2013
 93 KernelVersion:  3.13                               93 KernelVersion:  3.13
 94 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.     94 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.com>
 95 Description:                                       95 Description:
 96                 An Intel MIC device runs a Lin     96                 An Intel MIC device runs a Linux OS during its operation. Before
 97                 booting this card OS, it is po     97                 booting this card OS, it is possible to pass kernel command line
 98                 options to configure various f     98                 options to configure various features in it, similar to
 99                 self-bootable machines. When r     99                 self-bootable machines. When read, this entry provides
100                 information about the current     100                 information about the current kernel command line options set to
101                 boot the card OS. This entry c    101                 boot the card OS. This entry can be written to change the
102                 existing kernel command line o    102                 existing kernel command line options. Typically, the user would
103                 want to read the current comma    103                 want to read the current command line options, append new ones
104                 or modify existing ones and th    104                 or modify existing ones and then write the whole kernel command
105                 line back to this entry.          105                 line back to this entry.
106                                                   106 
107 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/firmware    107 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/firmware
108 Date:           October 2013                      108 Date:           October 2013
109 KernelVersion:  3.13                              109 KernelVersion:  3.13
110 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.    110 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.com>
111 Description:                                      111 Description:
112                 When read, this sysfs entry pr    112                 When read, this sysfs entry provides the path name under
113                 /lib/firmware/ where the firmw    113                 /lib/firmware/ where the firmware image to be booted on the
114                 card can be found. The entry c    114                 card can be found. The entry can be written to change the
115                 firmware image location under     115                 firmware image location under /lib/firmware/.
116                                                   116 
117 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/ramdisk     117 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/ramdisk
118 Date:           October 2013                      118 Date:           October 2013
119 KernelVersion:  3.13                              119 KernelVersion:  3.13
120 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.    120 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.com>
121 Description:                                      121 Description:
122                 When read, this sysfs entry pr    122                 When read, this sysfs entry provides the path name under
123                 /lib/firmware/ where the ramdi    123                 /lib/firmware/ where the ramdisk image to be used during card
124                 OS boot can be found. The entr    124                 OS boot can be found. The entry can be written to change
125                 the ramdisk image location und    125                 the ramdisk image location under /lib/firmware/.
126                                                   126 
127 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/bootmode    127 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/bootmode
128 Date:           October 2013                      128 Date:           October 2013
129 KernelVersion:  3.13                              129 KernelVersion:  3.13
130 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.    130 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.com>
131 Description:                                      131 Description:
132                 When read, this sysfs entry pr    132                 When read, this sysfs entry provides the current bootmode for
133                 the card. This sysfs entry can    133                 the card. This sysfs entry can be written with the following
134                 valid strings:                    134                 valid strings:
135                 a) linux - Boot a Linux image.    135                 a) linux - Boot a Linux image.
136                 b) flash - Boot an image for f    136                 b) flash - Boot an image for flash updates.
137                                                   137 
138 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/log_buf_    138 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/log_buf_addr
139 Date:           October 2013                      139 Date:           October 2013
140 KernelVersion:  3.13                              140 KernelVersion:  3.13
141 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.    141 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.com>
142 Description:                                      142 Description:
143                 An Intel MIC device runs a Lin    143                 An Intel MIC device runs a Linux OS during its operation. For
144                 debugging purpose and early ke    144                 debugging purpose and early kernel boot messages, the user can
145                 access the card OS log buffer     145                 access the card OS log buffer via debugfs. When read, this entry
146                 provides the kernel virtual ad    146                 provides the kernel virtual address of the buffer where the card
147                 OS log buffer can be read. Thi    147                 OS log buffer can be read. This entry is written by the host
148                 configuration daemon to set th    148                 configuration daemon to set the log buffer address. The correct
149                 log buffer address to be writt    149                 log buffer address to be written can be found in the System.map
150                 file of the card OS.              150                 file of the card OS.
151                                                   151 
152 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/log_buf_    152 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/log_buf_len
153 Date:           October 2013                      153 Date:           October 2013
154 KernelVersion:  3.13                              154 KernelVersion:  3.13
155 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.    155 Contact:        Sudeep Dutt <sudeep.dutt@intel.com>
156 Description:                                      156 Description:
157                 An Intel MIC device runs a Lin    157                 An Intel MIC device runs a Linux OS during its operation. For
158                 debugging purpose and early ke    158                 debugging purpose and early kernel boot messages, the user can
159                 access the card OS log buffer     159                 access the card OS log buffer via debugfs. When read, this entry
160                 provides the kernel virtual ad    160                 provides the kernel virtual address where the card OS log buffer
161                 length can be read. This entry    161                 length can be read. This entry is written by host configuration
162                 daemon to set the log buffer l    162                 daemon to set the log buffer length address. The correct log
163                 buffer length address to be wr    163                 buffer length address to be written can be found in the
164                 System.map file of the card OS    164                 System.map file of the card OS.
165                                                   165 
166 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/heartbea    166 What:           /sys/class/mic/mic<X>/heartbeat_enable
167 Date:           March 2015                        167 Date:           March 2015
168 KernelVersion:  4.4                               168 KernelVersion:  4.4
169 Contact:        Ashutosh Dixit <ashutosh.dixit@    169 Contact:        Ashutosh Dixit <ashutosh.dixit@intel.com>
170 Description:                                      170 Description:
171                 The MIC drivers detect and inf    171                 The MIC drivers detect and inform user space about card crashes
172                 via a heartbeat mechanism (see    172                 via a heartbeat mechanism (see the description of
173                 shutdown_status above). User s    173                 shutdown_status above). User space can turn off this
174                 notification by setting heartb    174                 notification by setting heartbeat_enable to 0 and enable it by
175                 setting this entry to 1. If th    175                 setting this entry to 1. If this notification is disabled it is
176                 the responsibility of user spa    176                 the responsibility of user space to detect card crashes via
177                 alternative means such as a ne    177                 alternative means such as a network ping. This setting is
178                 enabled by default.               178                 enabled by default.

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