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Differences between /Documentation/block/blk-mq.rst (Architecture m68k) and /Documentation/block/blk-mq.rst (Architecture alpha)

  1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0                 1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  2                                                     2 
  3 ==============================================      3 ================================================
  4 Multi-Queue Block IO Queueing Mechanism (blk-m      4 Multi-Queue Block IO Queueing Mechanism (blk-mq)
  5 ==============================================      5 ================================================
  6                                                     6 
  7 The Multi-Queue Block IO Queueing Mechanism is      7 The Multi-Queue Block IO Queueing Mechanism is an API to enable fast storage
  8 devices to achieve a huge number of input/outp      8 devices to achieve a huge number of input/output operations per second (IOPS)
  9 through queueing and submitting IO requests to      9 through queueing and submitting IO requests to block devices simultaneously,
 10 benefiting from the parallelism offered by mod     10 benefiting from the parallelism offered by modern storage devices.
 11                                                    11 
 12 Introduction                                       12 Introduction
 13 ============                                       13 ============
 14                                                    14 
 15 Background                                         15 Background
 16 ----------                                         16 ----------
 17                                                    17 
 18 Magnetic hard disks have been the de facto sta     18 Magnetic hard disks have been the de facto standard from the beginning of the
 19 development of the kernel. The Block IO subsys     19 development of the kernel. The Block IO subsystem aimed to achieve the best
 20 performance possible for those devices with a      20 performance possible for those devices with a high penalty when doing random
 21 access, and the bottleneck was the mechanical      21 access, and the bottleneck was the mechanical moving parts, a lot slower than
 22 any layer on the storage stack. One example of     22 any layer on the storage stack. One example of such optimization technique
 23 involves ordering read/write requests accordin     23 involves ordering read/write requests according to the current position of the
 24 hard disk head.                                    24 hard disk head.
 25                                                    25 
 26 However, with the development of Solid State D     26 However, with the development of Solid State Drives and Non-Volatile Memories
 27 without mechanical parts nor random access pen     27 without mechanical parts nor random access penalty and capable of performing
 28 high parallel access, the bottleneck of the st     28 high parallel access, the bottleneck of the stack had moved from the storage
 29 device to the operating system. In order to ta     29 device to the operating system. In order to take advantage of the parallelism
 30 in those devices' design, the multi-queue mech     30 in those devices' design, the multi-queue mechanism was introduced.
 31                                                    31 
 32 The former design had a single queue to store      32 The former design had a single queue to store block IO requests with a single
 33 lock. That did not scale well in SMP systems d     33 lock. That did not scale well in SMP systems due to dirty data in cache and the
 34 bottleneck of having a single lock for multipl     34 bottleneck of having a single lock for multiple processors. This setup also
 35 suffered with congestion when different proces     35 suffered with congestion when different processes (or the same process, moving
 36 to different CPUs) wanted to perform block IO.     36 to different CPUs) wanted to perform block IO. Instead of this, the blk-mq API
 37 spawns multiple queues with individual entry p     37 spawns multiple queues with individual entry points local to the CPU, removing
 38 the need for a lock. A deeper explanation on h     38 the need for a lock. A deeper explanation on how this works is covered in the
 39 following section (`Operation`_).                  39 following section (`Operation`_).
 40                                                    40 
 41 Operation                                          41 Operation
 42 ---------                                          42 ---------
 43                                                    43 
 44 When the userspace performs IO to a block devi     44 When the userspace performs IO to a block device (reading or writing a file,
 45 for instance), blk-mq takes action: it will st     45 for instance), blk-mq takes action: it will store and manage IO requests to
 46 the block device, acting as middleware between     46 the block device, acting as middleware between the userspace (and a file
 47 system, if present) and the block device drive     47 system, if present) and the block device driver.
 48                                                    48 
 49 blk-mq has two group of queues: software stagi     49 blk-mq has two group of queues: software staging queues and hardware dispatch
 50 queues. When the request arrives at the block      50 queues. When the request arrives at the block layer, it will try the shortest
 51 path possible: send it directly to the hardwar     51 path possible: send it directly to the hardware queue. However, there are two
 52 cases that it might not do that: if there's an     52 cases that it might not do that: if there's an IO scheduler attached at the
 53 layer or if we want to try to merge requests.      53 layer or if we want to try to merge requests. In both cases, requests will be
 54 sent to the software queue.                        54 sent to the software queue.
 55                                                    55 
 56 Then, after the requests are processed by soft     56 Then, after the requests are processed by software queues, they will be placed
 57 at the hardware queue, a second stage queue wh     57 at the hardware queue, a second stage queue where the hardware has direct access
 58 to process those requests. However, if the har     58 to process those requests. However, if the hardware does not have enough
 59 resources to accept more requests, blk-mq will     59 resources to accept more requests, blk-mq will place requests on a temporary
 60 queue, to be sent in the future, when the hard     60 queue, to be sent in the future, when the hardware is able.
 61                                                    61 
 62 Software staging queues                            62 Software staging queues
 63 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                            63 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 64                                                    64 
 65 The block IO subsystem adds requests in the so     65 The block IO subsystem adds requests in the software staging queues
 66 (represented by struct blk_mq_ctx) in case tha     66 (represented by struct blk_mq_ctx) in case that they weren't sent
 67 directly to the driver. A request is one or mo     67 directly to the driver. A request is one or more BIOs. They arrived at the
 68 block layer through the data structure struct      68 block layer through the data structure struct bio. The block layer
 69 will then build a new structure from it, the s     69 will then build a new structure from it, the struct request that will
 70 be used to communicate with the device driver.     70 be used to communicate with the device driver. Each queue has its own lock and
 71 the number of queues is defined by a per-CPU o     71 the number of queues is defined by a per-CPU or per-node basis.
 72                                                    72 
 73 The staging queue can be used to merge request     73 The staging queue can be used to merge requests for adjacent sectors. For
 74 instance, requests for sector 3-6, 6-7, 7-9 ca     74 instance, requests for sector 3-6, 6-7, 7-9 can become one request for 3-9.
 75 Even if random access to SSDs and NVMs have th     75 Even if random access to SSDs and NVMs have the same time of response compared
 76 to sequential access, grouped requests for seq     76 to sequential access, grouped requests for sequential access decreases the
 77 number of individual requests. This technique      77 number of individual requests. This technique of merging requests is called
 78 plugging.                                          78 plugging.
 79                                                    79 
 80 Along with that, the requests can be reordered     80 Along with that, the requests can be reordered to ensure fairness of system
 81 resources (e.g. to ensure that no application      81 resources (e.g. to ensure that no application suffers from starvation) and/or to
 82 improve IO performance, by an IO scheduler.        82 improve IO performance, by an IO scheduler.
 83                                                    83 
 84 IO Schedulers                                      84 IO Schedulers
 85 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                      85 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 86                                                    86 
 87 There are several schedulers implemented by th     87 There are several schedulers implemented by the block layer, each one following
 88 a heuristic to improve the IO performance. The     88 a heuristic to improve the IO performance. They are "pluggable" (as in plug
 89 and play), in the sense of they can be selecte     89 and play), in the sense of they can be selected at run time using sysfs. You
 90 can read more about Linux's IO schedulers `her     90 can read more about Linux's IO schedulers `here
 91 <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/block/     91 <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/block/index.html>`_. The scheduling
 92 happens only between requests in the same queu     92 happens only between requests in the same queue, so it is not possible to merge
 93 requests from different queues, otherwise ther     93 requests from different queues, otherwise there would be cache trashing and a
 94 need to have a lock for each queue. After the      94 need to have a lock for each queue. After the scheduling, the requests are
 95 eligible to be sent to the hardware. One of th     95 eligible to be sent to the hardware. One of the possible schedulers to be
 96 selected is the NONE scheduler, the most strai     96 selected is the NONE scheduler, the most straightforward one. It will just
 97 place requests on whatever software queue the      97 place requests on whatever software queue the process is running on, without
 98 any reordering. When the device starts process     98 any reordering. When the device starts processing requests in the hardware
 99 queue (a.k.a. run the hardware queue), the sof     99 queue (a.k.a. run the hardware queue), the software queues mapped to that
100 hardware queue will be drained in sequence acc    100 hardware queue will be drained in sequence according to their mapping.
101                                                   101 
102 Hardware dispatch queues                          102 Hardware dispatch queues
103 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                          103 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
104                                                   104 
105 The hardware queue (represented by struct blk_    105 The hardware queue (represented by struct blk_mq_hw_ctx) is a struct
106 used by device drivers to map the device submi    106 used by device drivers to map the device submission queues (or device DMA ring
107 buffer), and are the last step of the block la    107 buffer), and are the last step of the block layer submission code before the
108 low level device driver taking ownership of th    108 low level device driver taking ownership of the request. To run this queue, the
109 block layer removes requests from the associat    109 block layer removes requests from the associated software queues and tries to
110 dispatch to the hardware.                         110 dispatch to the hardware.
111                                                   111 
112 If it's not possible to send the requests dire    112 If it's not possible to send the requests directly to hardware, they will be
113 added to a linked list (``hctx->dispatch``) of    113 added to a linked list (``hctx->dispatch``) of requests. Then,
114 next time the block layer runs a queue, it wil    114 next time the block layer runs a queue, it will send the requests laying at the
115 ``dispatch`` list first, to ensure a fairness     115 ``dispatch`` list first, to ensure a fairness dispatch with those
116 requests that were ready to be sent first. The    116 requests that were ready to be sent first. The number of hardware queues
117 depends on the number of hardware contexts sup    117 depends on the number of hardware contexts supported by the hardware and its
118 device driver, but it will not be more than th    118 device driver, but it will not be more than the number of cores of the system.
119 There is no reordering at this stage, and each    119 There is no reordering at this stage, and each software queue has a set of
120 hardware queues to send requests for.             120 hardware queues to send requests for.
121                                                   121 
122 .. note::                                         122 .. note::
123                                                   123 
124         Neither the block layer nor the device    124         Neither the block layer nor the device protocols guarantee
125         the order of completion of requests. T    125         the order of completion of requests. This must be handled by
126         higher layers, like the filesystem.       126         higher layers, like the filesystem.
127                                                   127 
128 Tag-based completion                              128 Tag-based completion
129 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                              129 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
130                                                   130 
131 In order to indicate which request has been co    131 In order to indicate which request has been completed, every request is
132 identified by an integer, ranging from 0 to th    132 identified by an integer, ranging from 0 to the dispatch queue size. This tag
133 is generated by the block layer and later reus    133 is generated by the block layer and later reused by the device driver, removing
134 the need to create a redundant identifier. Whe    134 the need to create a redundant identifier. When a request is completed in the
135 driver, the tag is sent back to the block laye    135 driver, the tag is sent back to the block layer to notify it of the finalization.
136 This removes the need to do a linear search to    136 This removes the need to do a linear search to find out which IO has been
137 completed.                                        137 completed.
138                                                   138 
139 Further reading                                   139 Further reading
140 ---------------                                   140 ---------------
141                                                   141 
142 - `Linux Block IO: Introducing Multi-queue SSD    142 - `Linux Block IO: Introducing Multi-queue SSD Access on Multi-core Systems <http://kernel.dk/blk-mq.pdf>`_
143                                                   143 
144 - `NOOP scheduler <https://en.wikipedia.org/wi    144 - `NOOP scheduler <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noop_scheduler>`_
145                                                   145 
146 - `Null block device driver <https://www.kerne    146 - `Null block device driver <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/block/null_blk.html>`_
147                                                   147 
148 Source code documentation                         148 Source code documentation
149 =========================                         149 =========================
150                                                   150 
151 .. kernel-doc:: include/linux/blk-mq.h            151 .. kernel-doc:: include/linux/blk-mq.h
152                                                   152 
153 .. kernel-doc:: block/blk-mq.c                    153 .. kernel-doc:: block/blk-mq.c

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