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Differences between /Documentation/driver-api/thermal/cpu-idle-cooling.rst (Version linux-6.12-rc7) and /Documentation/driver-api/thermal/cpu-idle-cooling.rst (Version linux-5.6.19)

  1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0            << 
  2                                                << 
  3 ================                               << 
  4 CPU Idle Cooling                               << 
  5 ================                               << 
  6                                                     1 
  7 Situation:                                          2 Situation:
  8 ----------                                          3 ----------
  9                                                     4 
 10 Under certain circumstances a SoC can reach a       5 Under certain circumstances a SoC can reach a critical temperature
 11 limit and is unable to stabilize the temperatu      6 limit and is unable to stabilize the temperature around a temperature
 12 control. When the SoC has to stabilize the tem      7 control. When the SoC has to stabilize the temperature, the kernel can
 13 act on a cooling device to mitigate the dissip      8 act on a cooling device to mitigate the dissipated power. When the
 14 critical temperature is reached, a decision mu      9 critical temperature is reached, a decision must be taken to reduce
 15 the temperature, that, in turn impacts perform     10 the temperature, that, in turn impacts performance.
 16                                                    11 
 17 Another situation is when the silicon temperat     12 Another situation is when the silicon temperature continues to
 18 increase even after the dynamic leakage is red     13 increase even after the dynamic leakage is reduced to its minimum by
 19 clock gating the component. This runaway pheno     14 clock gating the component. This runaway phenomenon can continue due
 20 to the static leakage. The only solution is to     15 to the static leakage. The only solution is to power down the
 21 component, thus dropping the dynamic and stati     16 component, thus dropping the dynamic and static leakage that will
 22 allow the component to cool down.                  17 allow the component to cool down.
 23                                                    18 
 24 Last but not least, the system can ask for a s     19 Last but not least, the system can ask for a specific power budget but
 25 because of the OPP density, we can only choose     20 because of the OPP density, we can only choose an OPP with a power
 26 budget lower than the requested one and under-     21 budget lower than the requested one and under-utilize the CPU, thus
 27 losing performance. In other words, one OPP un     22 losing performance. In other words, one OPP under-utilizes the CPU
 28 with a power less than the requested power bud     23 with a power less than the requested power budget and the next OPP
 29 exceeds the power budget. An intermediate OPP      24 exceeds the power budget. An intermediate OPP could have been used if
 30 it were present.                                   25 it were present.
 31                                                    26 
 32 Solutions:                                         27 Solutions:
 33 ----------                                         28 ----------
 34                                                    29 
 35 If we can remove the static and the dynamic le     30 If we can remove the static and the dynamic leakage for a specific
 36 duration in a controlled period, the SoC tempe     31 duration in a controlled period, the SoC temperature will
 37 decrease. Acting on the idle state duration or     32 decrease. Acting on the idle state duration or the idle cycle
 38 injection period, we can mitigate the temperat     33 injection period, we can mitigate the temperature by modulating the
 39 power budget.                                      34 power budget.
 40                                                    35 
 41 The Operating Performance Point (OPP) density      36 The Operating Performance Point (OPP) density has a great influence on
 42 the control precision of cpufreq, however diff     37 the control precision of cpufreq, however different vendors have a
 43 plethora of OPP density, and some have large p     38 plethora of OPP density, and some have large power gap between OPPs,
 44 that will result in loss of performance during     39 that will result in loss of performance during thermal control and
 45 loss of power in other scenarios.                  40 loss of power in other scenarios.
 46                                                    41 
 47 At a specific OPP, we can assume that injectin     42 At a specific OPP, we can assume that injecting idle cycle on all CPUs
 48 belong to the same cluster, with a duration gr     43 belong to the same cluster, with a duration greater than the cluster
 49 idle state target residency, we lead to droppi     44 idle state target residency, we lead to dropping the static and the
 50 dynamic leakage for this period (modulo the en     45 dynamic leakage for this period (modulo the energy needed to enter
 51 this state). So the sustainable power with idl     46 this state). So the sustainable power with idle cycles has a linear
 52 relation with the OPP’s sustainable power an     47 relation with the OPP’s sustainable power and can be computed with a
 53 coefficient similar to::                       !!  48 coefficient similar to:
 54                                                    49 
 55             Power(IdleCycle) = Coef x Power(OP     50             Power(IdleCycle) = Coef x Power(OPP)
 56                                                    51 
 57 Idle Injection:                                    52 Idle Injection:
 58 ---------------                                    53 ---------------
 59                                                    54 
 60 The base concept of the idle injection is to f     55 The base concept of the idle injection is to force the CPU to go to an
 61 idle state for a specified time each control c     56 idle state for a specified time each control cycle, it provides
 62 another way to control CPU power and heat in a     57 another way to control CPU power and heat in addition to
 63 cpufreq. Ideally, if all CPUs belonging to the     58 cpufreq. Ideally, if all CPUs belonging to the same cluster, inject
 64 their idle cycles synchronously, the cluster c     59 their idle cycles synchronously, the cluster can reach its power down
 65 state with a minimum power consumption and red     60 state with a minimum power consumption and reduce the static leakage
 66 to almost zero.  However, these idle cycles in     61 to almost zero.  However, these idle cycles injection will add extra
 67 latencies as the CPUs will have to wakeup from     62 latencies as the CPUs will have to wakeup from a deep sleep state.
 68                                                    63 
 69 We use a fixed duration of idle injection that     64 We use a fixed duration of idle injection that gives an acceptable
 70 performance penalty and a fixed latency. Mitig     65 performance penalty and a fixed latency. Mitigation can be increased
 71 or decreased by modulating the duty cycle of t     66 or decreased by modulating the duty cycle of the idle injection.
 72                                                    67 
 73 ::                                                 68 ::
 74                                                    69 
 75      ^                                             70      ^
 76      |                                             71      |
 77      |                                             72      |
 78      |-------                         -------      73      |-------                         -------
 79      |_______|_______________________|_______|     74      |_______|_______________________|_______|___________
 80                                                    75 
 81      <------>                                      76      <------>
 82        idle  <---------------------->              77        idle  <---------------------->
 83                     running                        78                     running
 84                                                    79 
 85       <----------------------------->              80       <----------------------------->
 86               duty cycle 25%                       81               duty cycle 25%
 87                                                    82 
 88                                                    83 
 89 The implementation of the cooling device bases     84 The implementation of the cooling device bases the number of states on
 90 the duty cycle percentage. When no mitigation      85 the duty cycle percentage. When no mitigation is happening the cooling
 91 device state is zero, meaning the duty cycle i     86 device state is zero, meaning the duty cycle is 0%.
 92                                                    87 
 93 When the mitigation begins, depending on the g     88 When the mitigation begins, depending on the governor's policy, a
 94 starting state is selected. With a fixed idle      89 starting state is selected. With a fixed idle duration and the duty
 95 cycle (aka the cooling device state), the runn     90 cycle (aka the cooling device state), the running duration can be
 96 computed.                                          91 computed.
 97                                                    92 
 98 The governor will change the cooling device st     93 The governor will change the cooling device state thus the duty cycle
 99 and this variation will modulate the cooling e     94 and this variation will modulate the cooling effect.
100                                                    95 
101 ::                                                 96 ::
102                                                    97 
103      ^                                             98      ^
104      |                                             99      |
105      |                                            100      |
106      |-------                 -------             101      |-------                 -------
107      |_______|_______________|_______|________    102      |_______|_______________|_______|___________
108                                                   103 
109      <------>                                     104      <------>
110        idle  <-------------->                     105        idle  <-------------->
111                 running                           106                 running
112                                                   107 
113       <--------------------->                  !! 108       <----------------------------->
114           duty cycle 33%                       !! 109               duty cycle 33%
115                                                   110 
116                                                   111 
117      ^                                            112      ^
118      |                                            113      |
119      |                                            114      |
120      |-------         -------                     115      |-------         -------
121      |_______|_______|_______|___________         116      |_______|_______|_______|___________
122                                                   117 
123      <------>                                     118      <------>
124        idle  <------>                             119        idle  <------>
125               running                             120               running
126                                                   121 
127       <------------->                             122       <------------->
128        duty cycle 50%                             123        duty cycle 50%
129                                                   124 
130 The idle injection duration value must comply     125 The idle injection duration value must comply with the constraints:
131                                                   126 
132 - It is less than or equal to the latency we t    127 - It is less than or equal to the latency we tolerate when the
133   mitigation begins. It is platform dependent     128   mitigation begins. It is platform dependent and will depend on the
134   user experience, reactivity vs performance t    129   user experience, reactivity vs performance trade off we want. This
135   value should be specified.                      130   value should be specified.
136                                                   131 
137 - It is greater than the idle state’s target    132 - It is greater than the idle state’s target residency we want to go
138   for thermal mitigation, otherwise we end up     133   for thermal mitigation, otherwise we end up consuming more energy.
139                                                   134 
140 Power considerations                              135 Power considerations
141 --------------------                              136 --------------------
142                                                   137 
143 When we reach the thermal trip point, we have     138 When we reach the thermal trip point, we have to sustain a specified
144 power for a specific temperature but at this t !! 139 power for a specific temperature but at this time we consume:
145                                                   140 
146  Power = Capacitance x Voltage^2 x Frequency x    141  Power = Capacitance x Voltage^2 x Frequency x Utilisation
147                                                   142 
148 ... which is more than the sustainable power (    143 ... which is more than the sustainable power (or there is something
149 wrong in the system setup). The ‘Capacitance    144 wrong in the system setup). The ‘Capacitance’ and ‘Utilisation’ are a
150 fixed value, ‘Voltage’ and the ‘Frequenc    145 fixed value, ‘Voltage’ and the ‘Frequency’ are fixed artificially
151 because we don’t want to change the OPP. We     146 because we don’t want to change the OPP. We can group the
152 ‘Capacitance’ and the ‘Utilisation’ in    147 ‘Capacitance’ and the ‘Utilisation’ into a single term which is the
153 ‘Dynamic Power Coefficient (Cdyn)’ Simplif !! 148 ‘Dynamic Power Coefficient (Cdyn)’ Simplifying the above, we have:
154                                                   149 
155  Pdyn = Cdyn x Voltage^2 x Frequency              150  Pdyn = Cdyn x Voltage^2 x Frequency
156                                                   151 
157 The power allocator governor will ask us someh    152 The power allocator governor will ask us somehow to reduce our power
158 in order to target the sustainable power defin    153 in order to target the sustainable power defined in the device
159 tree. So with the idle injection mechanism, we    154 tree. So with the idle injection mechanism, we want an average power
160 (Ptarget) resulting in an amount of time runni    155 (Ptarget) resulting in an amount of time running at full power on a
161 specific OPP and idle another amount of time.     156 specific OPP and idle another amount of time. That could be put in a
162 equation::                                     !! 157 equation:
163                                                   158 
164  P(opp)target = ((Trunning x (P(opp)running) +    159  P(opp)target = ((Trunning x (P(opp)running) + (Tidle x P(opp)idle)) /
165                         (Trunning + Tidle)        160                         (Trunning + Tidle)
166                                                   161 
167   ...                                             162   ...
168                                                   163 
169  Tidle = Trunning x ((P(opp)running / P(opp)ta    164  Tidle = Trunning x ((P(opp)running / P(opp)target) - 1)
170                                                   165 
171 At this point if we know the running period fo    166 At this point if we know the running period for the CPU, that gives us
172 the idle injection we need. Alternatively if w    167 the idle injection we need. Alternatively if we have the idle
173 injection duration, we can compute the running !! 168 injection duration, we can compute the running duration with:
174                                                   169 
175  Trunning = Tidle / ((P(opp)running / P(opp)ta    170  Trunning = Tidle / ((P(opp)running / P(opp)target) - 1)
176                                                   171 
177 Practically, if the running power is less than    172 Practically, if the running power is less than the targeted power, we
178 end up with a negative time value, so obviousl    173 end up with a negative time value, so obviously the equation usage is
179 bound to a power reduction, hence a higher OPP    174 bound to a power reduction, hence a higher OPP is needed to have the
180 running power greater than the targeted power.    175 running power greater than the targeted power.
181                                                   176 
182 However, in this demonstration we ignore three    177 However, in this demonstration we ignore three aspects:
183                                                   178 
184  * The static leakage is not defined here, we     179  * The static leakage is not defined here, we can introduce it in the
185    equation but assuming it will be zero most     180    equation but assuming it will be zero most of the time as it is
186    difficult to get the values from the SoC ve    181    difficult to get the values from the SoC vendors
187                                                   182 
188  * The idle state wake up latency (or entry +     183  * The idle state wake up latency (or entry + exit latency) is not
189    taken into account, it must be added in the    184    taken into account, it must be added in the equation in order to
190    rigorously compute the idle injection          185    rigorously compute the idle injection
191                                                   186 
192  * The injected idle duration must be greater     187  * The injected idle duration must be greater than the idle state
193    target residency, otherwise we end up consu    188    target residency, otherwise we end up consuming more energy and
194    potentially invert the mitigation effect       189    potentially invert the mitigation effect
195                                                   190 
196 So the final equation is::                     !! 191 So the final equation is:
197                                                   192 
198  Trunning = (Tidle - Twakeup ) x                  193  Trunning = (Tidle - Twakeup ) x
199                 (((P(opp)dyn + P(opp)static )     194                 (((P(opp)dyn + P(opp)static ) - P(opp)target) / P(opp)target )

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