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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

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Diff markup

Differences between /Documentation/netlink/genetlink.yaml (Version linux-6.12-rc7) and /Documentation/netlink/genetlink.yaml (Version linux-4.15.18)

  1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: ((GPL-2.0 WITH Linu    
  2 %YAML 1.2                                         
  3 ---                                               
  4 $id: http://kernel.org/schemas/netlink/genetli    
  5 $schema: https://json-schema.org/draft-07/sche    
  7 # Common defines                                  
  8 $defs:                                            
  9   uint:                                           
 10     type: integer                                 
 11     minimum: 0                                    
 12   len-or-define:                                  
 13     type: [ string, integer ]                     
 14     pattern: ^[0-9A-Za-z_-]+( - 1)?$              
 15     minimum: 0                                    
 16   len-or-limit:                                   
 17     # literal int or limit based on fixed-widt    
 18     type: [ string, integer ]                     
 19     pattern: ^[su](8|16|32|64)-(min|max)$         
 20     minimum: 0                                    
 22 # Schema for specs                                
 23 title: Protocol                                   
 24 description: Specification of a genetlink prot    
 25 type: object                                      
 26 required: [ name, doc, attribute-sets, operati    
 27 additionalProperties: False                       
 28 properties:                                       
 29   name:                                           
 30     description: Name of the genetlink family.    
 31     type: string                                  
 32   doc:                                            
 33     type: string                                  
 34   protocol:                                       
 35     description: Schema compatibility level. D    
 36     enum: [ genetlink ]                           
 37   uapi-header:                                    
 38     description: Path to the uAPI header, defa    
 39     type: string                                  
 41   definitions:                                    
 42     description: List of type and constant def    
 43     type: array                                   
 44     items:                                        
 45       type: object                                
 46       required: [ type, name ]                    
 47       additionalProperties: False                 
 48       properties:                                 
 49         name:                                     
 50           type: string                            
 51         header:                                   
 52           description: For C-compatible langua    
 53           type: string                            
 54         type:                                     
 55           enum: [ const, enum, flags ]            
 56         doc:                                      
 57           type: string                            
 58         # For const                               
 59         value:                                    
 60           description: For const - the value.     
 61           type: [ string, integer ]               
 62         # For enum and flags                      
 63         value-start:                              
 64           description: For enum or flags the l    
 65           type: [ string, integer ]               
 66         entries:                                  
 67           description: For enum or flags array    
 68           type: array                             
 69           items:                                  
 70             oneOf:                                
 71               - type: string                      
 72               - type: object                      
 73                 required: [ name ]                
 74                 additionalProperties: False       
 75                 properties:                       
 76                   name:                           
 77                     type: string                  
 78                   value:                          
 79                     type: integer                 
 80                   doc:                            
 81                     type: string                  
 82         render-max:                               
 83           description: Render the max members     
 84           type: boolean                           
 86   attribute-sets:                                 
 87     description: Definition of attribute space    
 88     type: array                                   
 89     items:                                        
 90       description: Definition of a single attr    
 91       type: object                                
 92       required: [ name, attributes ]              
 93       additionalProperties: False                 
 94       properties:                                 
 95         name:                                     
 96           description: |                          
 97             Name used when referring to this s    
 98           type: string                            
 99         name-prefix:                              
100           description: |                          
101             Prefix for the C enum name of the     
102           type: string                            
103         enum-name:                                
104           description: Name for the enum type     
105           type: string                            
106         doc:                                      
107           description: Documentation of the sp    
108           type: string                            
109         subset-of:                                
110           description: |                          
111             Name of another space which this i    
112             a limited group of attributes whic    
113           type: string                            
114         attributes:                               
115           description: List of attributes in t    
116           type: array                             
117           items:                                  
118             type: object                          
119             required: [ name ]                    
120             additionalProperties: False           
121             properties:                           
122               name:                               
123                 type: string                      
124               type: &attr-type                    
125                 enum: [ unused, pad, flag, bin    
126                         uint, sint, u8, u16, u    
127                         string, nest, indexed-    
128               doc:                                
129                 description: Documentation of     
130                 type: string                      
131               value:                              
132                 description: Value for the enu    
133                 $ref: '#/$defs/uint'              
134               type-value:                         
135                 description: Name of the value    
136                 type: array                       
137                 items:                            
138                   type: string                    
139               byte-order:                         
140                 enum: [ little-endian, big-end    
141               multi-attr:                         
142                 type: boolean                     
143               nested-attributes:                  
144                 description: Name of the space    
145                 type: string                      
146               enum:                               
147                 description: Name of the enum     
148                 type: string                      
149               enum-as-flags:                      
150                 description: |                    
151                   Treat the enum as flags. In     
152                   Sometimes, however, both for    
153                   form while specific attribut    
154                 type: boolean                     
155               checks:                             
156                 description: Kernel input vali    
157                 type: object                      
158                 additionalProperties: False       
159                 properties:                       
160                   flags-mask:                     
161                     description: Name of the f    
162                     type: string                  
163                   min:                            
164                     description: Min value for    
165                     $ref: '#/$defs/len-or-limi    
166                   max:                            
167                     description: Max value for    
168                     $ref: '#/$defs/len-or-limi    
169                   min-len:                        
170                     description: Min length fo    
171                     $ref: '#/$defs/len-or-defi    
172                   max-len:                        
173                     description: Max length fo    
174                     $ref: '#/$defs/len-or-defi    
175                   exact-len:                      
176                     description: Exact length     
177                     $ref: '#/$defs/len-or-defi    
178               sub-type: *attr-type                
179               display-hint: &display-hint         
180                 description: |                    
181                   Optional format indicator th    
182                   the right formatting mechani    
183                   type.                           
184                 enum: [ hex, mac, fddi, ipv4,     
186       # Make sure name-prefix does not appear     
187       dependencies:                               
188         name-prefix:                              
189           not:                                    
190             required: [ subset-of ]               
191         subset-of:                                
192           not:                                    
193             required: [ name-prefix ]             
195       # type property is only required if not     
196       if:                                         
197         properties:                               
198           subset-of:                              
199             not:                                  
200               type: string                        
201       then:                                       
202         properties:                               
203           attributes:                             
204             items:                                
205               required: [ type ]                  
207   operations:                                     
208     description: Operations supported by the p    
209     type: object                                  
210     required: [ list ]                            
211     additionalProperties: False                   
212     properties:                                   
213       enum-model:                                 
214         description: |                            
215           The model of assigning values to the    
216           "unified" is the recommended model w    
217           to a single enum.                       
218           "directional" has the messages sent     
219           enumerated separately.                  
220         enum: [ unified ]                         
221       name-prefix:                                
222         description: |                            
223           Prefix for the C enum name of the co    
224           the prefix with the upper case name     
225         type: string                              
226       enum-name:                                  
227         description: Name for the enum type wi    
228         type: string                              
229       async-prefix:                               
230         description: Same as name-prefix but u    
231         type: string                              
232       async-enum:                                 
233         description: Name for the enum type wi    
234         type: string                              
235       list:                                       
236         description: List of commands             
237         type: array                               
238         items:                                    
239           type: object                            
240           additionalProperties: False             
241           required: [ name, doc ]                 
242           properties:                             
243             name:                                 
244               description: Name of the operati    
245               type: string                        
246             doc:                                  
247               description: Documentation for t    
248               type: string                        
249             value:                                
250               description: Value for the enum     
251               $ref: '#/$defs/uint'                
252             attribute-set:                        
253               description: |                      
254                 Attribute space from which att    
255                 to this command are defined.      
256               type: string                        
257             flags: &cmd_flags                     
258               description: Command flags.         
259               type: array                         
260               items:                              
261                 enum: [ admin-perm ]              
262             dont-validate:                        
263               description: Kernel attribute va    
264               type: array                         
265               items:                              
266                 enum: [ strict, dump, dump-str    
267             config-cond:                          
268               description: |                      
269                 Name of the kernel config opti    
270                 the operation, without the 'CO    
271               type: string                        
272             do: &subop-type                       
273               description: Main command handle    
274               type: object                        
275               additionalProperties: False         
276               properties:                         
277                 request: &subop-attr-list         
278                   description: Definition of t    
279                   type: object                    
280                   additionalProperties: False     
281                   properties:                     
282                     attributes:                   
283                       description: |              
284                         Names of attributes fr    
285                         definitions, just name    
286                       type: array                 
287                       items:                      
288                         type: string              
289                 reply: *subop-attr-list           
290                 pre:                              
291                   description: Hook for a func    
292                   type: string                    
293                 post:                             
294                   description: Hook for a func    
295                   type: string                    
296             dump: *subop-type                     
297             notify:                               
298               description: Name of the command    
299               type: string                        
300             event:                                
301               type: object                        
302               additionalProperties: False         
303               properties:                         
304                 attributes:                       
305                   description: Explicit list o    
306                   type: array                     
307                   items:                          
308                     type: string                  
309             mcgrp:                                
310               description: Name of the multica    
311               type: string                        
312   mcast-groups:                                   
313     description: List of multicast groups.        
314     type: object                                  
315     required: [ list ]                            
316     additionalProperties: False                   
317     properties:                                   
318       list:                                       
319         description: List of groups.              
320         type: array                               
321         items:                                    
322           type: object                            
323           required: [ name ]                      
324           additionalProperties: False             
325           properties:                             
326             name:                                 
327               description: |                      
328                 The name for the group, used t    
329               type: string                        
330             flags: *cmd_flags                     
332   kernel-family:                                  
333     description: Additional global attributes     
334     type: object                                  
335     additionalProperties: False                   
336     properties:                                   
337       headers:                                    
338         description: |                            
339           List of extra headers which should b    
340           of the generated code.                  
341         type: array                               
342         items:                                    
343           type: string                            
344       sock-priv:                                  
345         description: |                            
346           Literal name of the type which is us    
347           to store the socket state. The type     
348           to the kernel, and is not defined in    
349         type: string                              

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