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Differences between /Documentation/networking/devlink/mlx5.rst (Architecture mips) and /Documentation/networking/devlink/mlx5.rst (Architecture ppc)

  1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0                 1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  2                                                     2 
  3 ====================                                3 ====================
  4 mlx5 devlink support                                4 mlx5 devlink support
  5 ====================                                5 ====================
  6                                                     6 
  7 This document describes the devlink features i      7 This document describes the devlink features implemented by the ``mlx5``
  8 device driver.                                      8 device driver.
  9                                                     9 
 10 Parameters                                         10 Parameters
 11 ==========                                         11 ==========
 12                                                    12 
 13 .. list-table:: Generic parameters implemented     13 .. list-table:: Generic parameters implemented
 14                                                    14 
 15    * - Name                                        15    * - Name
 16      - Mode                                        16      - Mode
 17      - Validation                                  17      - Validation
 18    * - ``enable_roce``                             18    * - ``enable_roce``
 19      - driverinit                                  19      - driverinit
 20      - Type: Boolean                               20      - Type: Boolean
 21                                                    21 
 22        If the device supports RoCE disablement     22        If the device supports RoCE disablement, RoCE enablement state controls
 23        device support for RoCE capability. Oth     23        device support for RoCE capability. Otherwise, the control occurs in the
 24        driver stack. When RoCE is disabled at      24        driver stack. When RoCE is disabled at the driver level, only raw
 25        ethernet QPs are supported.                 25        ethernet QPs are supported.
 26    * - ``io_eq_size``                              26    * - ``io_eq_size``
 27      - driverinit                                  27      - driverinit
 28      - The range is between 64 and 4096.           28      - The range is between 64 and 4096.
 29    * - ``event_eq_size``                           29    * - ``event_eq_size``
 30      - driverinit                                  30      - driverinit
 31      - The range is between 64 and 4096.           31      - The range is between 64 and 4096.
 32    * - ``max_macs``                                32    * - ``max_macs``
 33      - driverinit                                  33      - driverinit
 34      - The range is between 1 and 2^31. Only p     34      - The range is between 1 and 2^31. Only power of 2 values are supported.
 35                                                    35 
 36 The ``mlx5`` driver also implements the follow     36 The ``mlx5`` driver also implements the following driver-specific
 37 parameters.                                        37 parameters.
 38                                                    38 
 39 .. list-table:: Driver-specific parameters imp     39 .. list-table:: Driver-specific parameters implemented
 40    :widths: 5 5 5 85                               40    :widths: 5 5 5 85
 41                                                    41 
 42    * - Name                                        42    * - Name
 43      - Type                                        43      - Type
 44      - Mode                                        44      - Mode
 45      - Description                                 45      - Description
 46    * - ``flow_steering_mode``                      46    * - ``flow_steering_mode``
 47      - string                                      47      - string
 48      - runtime                                     48      - runtime
 49      - Controls the flow steering mode of the      49      - Controls the flow steering mode of the driver
 50                                                    50 
 51        * ``dmfs`` Device managed flow steering     51        * ``dmfs`` Device managed flow steering. In DMFS mode, the HW
 52          steering entities are created and man     52          steering entities are created and managed through firmware.
 53        * ``smfs`` Software managed flow steeri     53        * ``smfs`` Software managed flow steering. In SMFS mode, the HW
 54          steering entities are created and man     54          steering entities are created and manage through the driver without
 55          firmware intervention.                    55          firmware intervention.
 56                                                    56 
 57        SMFS mode is faster and provides better     57        SMFS mode is faster and provides better rule insertion rate compared to
 58        default DMFS mode.                          58        default DMFS mode.
 59    * - ``fdb_large_groups``                        59    * - ``fdb_large_groups``
 60      - u32                                         60      - u32
 61      - driverinit                                  61      - driverinit
 62      - Control the number of large groups (siz     62      - Control the number of large groups (size > 1) in the FDB table.
 63                                                    63 
 64        * The default value is 15, and the rang     64        * The default value is 15, and the range is between 1 and 1024.
 65    * - ``esw_multiport``                           65    * - ``esw_multiport``
 66      - Boolean                                     66      - Boolean
 67      - runtime                                     67      - runtime
 68      - Control MultiPort E-Switch shared fdb m     68      - Control MultiPort E-Switch shared fdb mode.
 69                                                    69 
 70        An experimental mode where a single E-S     70        An experimental mode where a single E-Switch is used and all the vports
 71        and physical ports on the NIC are conne     71        and physical ports on the NIC are connected to it.
 72                                                    72 
 73        An example is to send traffic from a VF     73        An example is to send traffic from a VF that is created on PF0 to an
 74        uplink that is natively associated with     74        uplink that is natively associated with the uplink of PF1
 75                                                    75 
 76        Note: Future devices, ConnectX-8 and on     76        Note: Future devices, ConnectX-8 and onward, will eventually have this
 77        as the default to allow forwarding betw     77        as the default to allow forwarding between all NIC ports in a single
 78        E-switch environment and the dual E-swi     78        E-switch environment and the dual E-switch mode will likely get
 79        deprecated.                                 79        deprecated.
 80                                                    80 
 81        Default: disabled                           81        Default: disabled
 82    * - ``esw_port_metadata``                       82    * - ``esw_port_metadata``
 83      - Boolean                                     83      - Boolean
 84      - runtime                                     84      - runtime
 85      - When applicable, disabling eswitch meta     85      - When applicable, disabling eswitch metadata can increase packet rate up
 86        to 20% depending on the use case and pa     86        to 20% depending on the use case and packet sizes.
 87                                                    87 
 88        Eswitch port metadata state controls wh     88        Eswitch port metadata state controls whether to internally tag packets
 89        with metadata. Metadata tagging must be     89        with metadata. Metadata tagging must be enabled for multi-port RoCE,
 90        failover between representors and stack     90        failover between representors and stacked devices. By default metadata is
 91        enabled on the supported devices in E-s     91        enabled on the supported devices in E-switch. Metadata is applicable only
 92        for E-switch in switchdev mode and user     92        for E-switch in switchdev mode and users may disable it when NONE of the
 93        below use cases will be in use:             93        below use cases will be in use:
 94        1. HCA is in Dual/multi-port RoCE mode.     94        1. HCA is in Dual/multi-port RoCE mode.
 95        2. VF/SF representor bonding (Usually u     95        2. VF/SF representor bonding (Usually used for Live migration)
 96        3. Stacked devices                          96        3. Stacked devices
 97                                                    97 
 98        When metadata is disabled, the above us     98        When metadata is disabled, the above use cases will fail to initialize if
 99        users try to enable them.                   99        users try to enable them.
100                                                   100 
101        Note: Setting this parameter does not t    101        Note: Setting this parameter does not take effect immediately. Setting
102        must happen in legacy mode and eswitch     102        must happen in legacy mode and eswitch port metadata takes effect after
103        enabling switchdev mode.                   103        enabling switchdev mode.
104    * - ``hairpin_num_queues``                     104    * - ``hairpin_num_queues``
105      - u32                                        105      - u32
106      - driverinit                                 106      - driverinit
107      - We refer to a TC NIC rule that involves    107      - We refer to a TC NIC rule that involves forwarding as "hairpin".
108        Hairpin queues are mlx5 hardware specif    108        Hairpin queues are mlx5 hardware specific implementation for hardware
109        forwarding of such packets.                109        forwarding of such packets.
110                                                   110 
111        Control the number of hairpin queues.      111        Control the number of hairpin queues.
112    * - ``hairpin_queue_size``                     112    * - ``hairpin_queue_size``
113      - u32                                        113      - u32
114      - driverinit                                 114      - driverinit
115      - Control the size (in packets) of the ha    115      - Control the size (in packets) of the hairpin queues.
116                                                   116 
117 The ``mlx5`` driver supports reloading via ``D    117 The ``mlx5`` driver supports reloading via ``DEVLINK_CMD_RELOAD``
118                                                   118 
119 Info versions                                     119 Info versions
120 =============                                     120 =============
121                                                   121 
122 The ``mlx5`` driver reports the following vers    122 The ``mlx5`` driver reports the following versions
123                                                   123 
124 .. list-table:: devlink info versions implemen    124 .. list-table:: devlink info versions implemented
125    :widths: 5 5 90                                125    :widths: 5 5 90
126                                                   126 
127    * - Name                                       127    * - Name
128      - Type                                       128      - Type
129      - Description                                129      - Description
130    * - ``fw.psid``                                130    * - ``fw.psid``
131      - fixed                                      131      - fixed
132      - Used to represent the board id of the d    132      - Used to represent the board id of the device.
133    * - ``fw.version``                             133    * - ``fw.version``
134      - stored, running                            134      - stored, running
135      - Three digit major.minor.subminor firmwa    135      - Three digit major.minor.subminor firmware version number.
136                                                   136 
137 Health reporters                                  137 Health reporters
138 ================                                  138 ================
139                                                   139 
140 tx reporter                                       140 tx reporter
141 -----------                                       141 -----------
142 The tx reporter is responsible for reporting a    142 The tx reporter is responsible for reporting and recovering of the following three error scenarios:
143                                                   143 
144 - tx timeout                                      144 - tx timeout
145     Report on kernel tx timeout detection.        145     Report on kernel tx timeout detection.
146     Recover by searching lost interrupts.         146     Recover by searching lost interrupts.
147 - tx error completion                             147 - tx error completion
148     Report on error tx completion.                148     Report on error tx completion.
149     Recover by flushing the tx queue and reset    149     Recover by flushing the tx queue and reset it.
150 - tx PTP port timestamping CQ unhealthy           150 - tx PTP port timestamping CQ unhealthy
151     Report too many CQEs never delivered on po    151     Report too many CQEs never delivered on port ts CQ.
152     Recover by flushing and re-creating all PT    152     Recover by flushing and re-creating all PTP channels.
153                                                   153 
154 tx reporter also support on demand diagnose ca    154 tx reporter also support on demand diagnose callback, on which it provides
155 real time information of its send queues statu    155 real time information of its send queues status.
156                                                   156 
157 User commands examples:                           157 User commands examples:
158                                                   158 
159 - Diagnose send queues status::                   159 - Diagnose send queues status::
160                                                   160 
161     $ devlink health diagnose pci/0000:82:00.0    161     $ devlink health diagnose pci/0000:82:00.0 reporter tx
162                                                   162 
163 .. note::                                         163 .. note::
164    This command has valid output only when int    164    This command has valid output only when interface is up, otherwise the command has empty output.
165                                                   165 
166 - Show number of tx errors indicated, number o    166 - Show number of tx errors indicated, number of recover flows ended successfully,
167   is autorecover enabled and graceful period f    167   is autorecover enabled and graceful period from last recover::
168                                                   168 
169     $ devlink health show pci/0000:82:00.0 rep    169     $ devlink health show pci/0000:82:00.0 reporter tx
170                                                   170 
171 rx reporter                                       171 rx reporter
172 -----------                                       172 -----------
173 The rx reporter is responsible for reporting a    173 The rx reporter is responsible for reporting and recovering of the following two error scenarios:
174                                                   174 
175 - rx queues' initialization (population) timeo    175 - rx queues' initialization (population) timeout
176     Population of rx queues' descriptors on ri    176     Population of rx queues' descriptors on ring initialization is done
177     in napi context via triggering an irq. In     177     in napi context via triggering an irq. In case of a failure to get
178     the minimum amount of descriptors, a timeo    178     the minimum amount of descriptors, a timeout would occur, and
179     descriptors could be recovered by polling     179     descriptors could be recovered by polling the EQ (Event Queue).
180 - rx completions with errors (reported by HW o    180 - rx completions with errors (reported by HW on interrupt context)
181     Report on rx completion error.                181     Report on rx completion error.
182     Recover (if needed) by flushing the relate    182     Recover (if needed) by flushing the related queue and reset it.
183                                                   183 
184 rx reporter also supports on demand diagnose c    184 rx reporter also supports on demand diagnose callback, on which it
185 provides real time information of its receive     185 provides real time information of its receive queues' status.
186                                                   186 
187 - Diagnose rx queues' status and corresponding    187 - Diagnose rx queues' status and corresponding completion queue::
188                                                   188 
189     $ devlink health diagnose pci/0000:82:00.0    189     $ devlink health diagnose pci/0000:82:00.0 reporter rx
190                                                   190 
191 .. note::                                         191 .. note::
192    This command has valid output only when int    192    This command has valid output only when interface is up. Otherwise, the command has empty output.
193                                                   193 
194 - Show number of rx errors indicated, number o    194 - Show number of rx errors indicated, number of recover flows ended successfully,
195   is autorecover enabled, and graceful period     195   is autorecover enabled, and graceful period from last recover::
196                                                   196 
197     $ devlink health show pci/0000:82:00.0 rep    197     $ devlink health show pci/0000:82:00.0 reporter rx
198                                                   198 
199 fw reporter                                       199 fw reporter
200 -----------                                       200 -----------
201 The fw reporter implements `diagnose` and `dum    201 The fw reporter implements `diagnose` and `dump` callbacks.
202 It follows symptoms of fw error such as fw syn    202 It follows symptoms of fw error such as fw syndrome by triggering
203 fw core dump and storing it into the dump buff    203 fw core dump and storing it into the dump buffer.
204 The fw reporter diagnose command can be trigge    204 The fw reporter diagnose command can be triggered any time by the user to check
205 current fw status.                                205 current fw status.
206                                                   206 
207 User commands examples:                           207 User commands examples:
208                                                   208 
209 - Check fw heath status::                         209 - Check fw heath status::
210                                                   210 
211     $ devlink health diagnose pci/0000:82:00.0    211     $ devlink health diagnose pci/0000:82:00.0 reporter fw
212                                                   212 
213 - Read FW core dump if already stored or trigg    213 - Read FW core dump if already stored or trigger new one::
214                                                   214 
215     $ devlink health dump show pci/0000:82:00.    215     $ devlink health dump show pci/0000:82:00.0 reporter fw
216                                                   216 
217 .. note::                                         217 .. note::
218    This command can run only on the PF which h    218    This command can run only on the PF which has fw tracer ownership,
219    running it on other PF or any VF will retur    219    running it on other PF or any VF will return "Operation not permitted".
220                                                   220 
221 fw fatal reporter                                 221 fw fatal reporter
222 -----------------                                 222 -----------------
223 The fw fatal reporter implements `dump` and `r    223 The fw fatal reporter implements `dump` and `recover` callbacks.
224 It follows fatal errors indications by CR-spac    224 It follows fatal errors indications by CR-space dump and recover flow.
225 The CR-space dump uses vsc interface which is     225 The CR-space dump uses vsc interface which is valid even if the FW command
226 interface is not functional, which is the case    226 interface is not functional, which is the case in most FW fatal errors.
227 The recover function runs recover flow which r    227 The recover function runs recover flow which reloads the driver and triggers fw
228 reset if needed.                                  228 reset if needed.
229 On firmware error, the health buffer is dumped    229 On firmware error, the health buffer is dumped into the dmesg. The log
230 level is derived from the error's severity (gi    230 level is derived from the error's severity (given in health buffer).
231                                                   231 
232 User commands examples:                           232 User commands examples:
233                                                   233 
234 - Run fw recover flow manually::                  234 - Run fw recover flow manually::
235                                                   235 
236     $ devlink health recover pci/0000:82:00.0     236     $ devlink health recover pci/0000:82:00.0 reporter fw_fatal
237                                                   237 
238 - Read FW CR-space dump if already stored or t    238 - Read FW CR-space dump if already stored or trigger new one::
239                                                   239 
240     $ devlink health dump show pci/0000:82:00.    240     $ devlink health dump show pci/0000:82:00.1 reporter fw_fatal
241                                                   241 
242 .. note::                                         242 .. note::
243    This command can run only on PF.               243    This command can run only on PF.
244                                                   244 
245 vnic reporter                                     245 vnic reporter
246 -------------                                     246 -------------
247 The vnic reporter implements only the `diagnos    247 The vnic reporter implements only the `diagnose` callback.
248 It is responsible for querying the vnic diagno    248 It is responsible for querying the vnic diagnostic counters from fw and displaying
249 them in realtime.                                 249 them in realtime.
250                                                   250 
251 Description of the vnic counters:                 251 Description of the vnic counters:
252                                                   252 
253 - total_error_queues                              253 - total_error_queues
254         number of queues in an error state due    254         number of queues in an error state due to
255         an async error or errored command.        255         an async error or errored command.
256 - send_queue_priority_update_flow                 256 - send_queue_priority_update_flow
257         number of QP/SQ priority/SL update eve    257         number of QP/SQ priority/SL update events.
258 - cq_overrun                                      258 - cq_overrun
259         number of times CQ entered an error st    259         number of times CQ entered an error state due to an overflow.
260 - async_eq_overrun                                260 - async_eq_overrun
261         number of times an EQ mapped to async     261         number of times an EQ mapped to async events was overrun.
262 - comp_eq_overrun                                 262 - comp_eq_overrun
263         number of times an EQ mapped to comple    263         number of times an EQ mapped to completion events was
264         overrun.                                  264         overrun.
265 - quota_exceeded_command                          265 - quota_exceeded_command
266         number of commands issued and failed d    266         number of commands issued and failed due to quota exceeded.
267 - invalid_command                                 267 - invalid_command
268         number of commands issued and failed d    268         number of commands issued and failed dues to any reason other than quota
269         exceeded.                                 269         exceeded.
270 - nic_receive_steering_discard                    270 - nic_receive_steering_discard
271         number of packets that completed RX fl    271         number of packets that completed RX flow
272         steering but were discarded due to a m    272         steering but were discarded due to a mismatch in flow table.
273 - generated_pkt_steering_fail                     273 - generated_pkt_steering_fail
274         number of packets generated by the VNI    274         number of packets generated by the VNIC experiencing unexpected steering
275         failure (at any point in steering flow    275         failure (at any point in steering flow).
276 - handled_pkt_steering_fail                       276 - handled_pkt_steering_fail
277         number of packets handled by the VNIC     277         number of packets handled by the VNIC experiencing unexpected steering
278         failure (at any point in steering flow    278         failure (at any point in steering flow owned by the VNIC, including the FDB
279         for the eswitch owner).                   279         for the eswitch owner).
280                                                   280 
281 User commands examples:                           281 User commands examples:
282                                                   282 
283 - Diagnose PF/VF vnic counters::                  283 - Diagnose PF/VF vnic counters::
284                                                   284 
285         $ devlink health diagnose pci/0000:82:    285         $ devlink health diagnose pci/0000:82:00.1 reporter vnic
286                                                   286 
287 - Diagnose representor vnic counters (performe    287 - Diagnose representor vnic counters (performed by supplying devlink port of the
288   representor, which can be obtained via devli    288   representor, which can be obtained via devlink port command)::
289                                                   289 
290         $ devlink health diagnose pci/0000:82:    290         $ devlink health diagnose pci/0000:82:00.1/65537 reporter vnic
291                                                   291 
292 .. note::                                         292 .. note::
293    This command can run over all interfaces su    293    This command can run over all interfaces such as PF/VF and representor ports.

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