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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

Version: ~ [ linux-6.11.5 ] ~ [ linux-6.10.14 ] ~ [ linux-6.9.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.8.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.7.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.6.58 ] ~ [ linux-6.5.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.4.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.3.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.2.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.1.114 ] ~ [ linux-6.0.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.19.17 ] ~ [ linux-5.18.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.17.15 ] ~ [ linux-5.16.20 ] ~ [ linux-5.15.169 ] ~ [ linux-5.14.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.13.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.12.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.11.22 ] ~ [ linux-5.10.228 ] ~ [ linux-5.9.16 ] ~ [ linux-5.8.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.7.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.6.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.5.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.4.284 ] ~ [ linux-5.3.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.2.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.1.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.0.21 ] ~ [ linux-4.20.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.19.322 ] ~ [ linux-4.18.20 ] ~ [ linux-4.17.19 ] ~ [ linux-4.16.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.15.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.14.336 ] ~ [ linux-4.13.16 ] ~ [ linux-4.12.14 ] ~ [ linux-4.11.12 ] ~ [ linux-4.10.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.9.337 ] ~ [ linux-4.4.302 ] ~ [ linux-3.10.108 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ linux-2.6.0 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ unix-v6-master ] ~ [ ccs-tools-1.8.9 ] ~ [ policy-sample ] ~
Architecture: ~ [ i386 ] ~ [ alpha ] ~ [ m68k ] ~ [ mips ] ~ [ ppc ] ~ [ sparc ] ~ [ sparc64 ] ~

Diff markup

Differences between /Documentation/process/handling-regressions.rst (Version linux-6.11.5) and /Documentation/process/handling-regressions.rst (Version linux-6.5.13)

  1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR CC-BY      1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR CC-BY-4.0)
  2 .. See the bottom of this file for additional       2 .. See the bottom of this file for additional redistribution information.
  3                                                     3 
  4 Handling regressions                                4 Handling regressions
  5 ++++++++++++++++++++                                5 ++++++++++++++++++++
  6                                                     6 
  7 *We don't cause regressions* -- this document       7 *We don't cause regressions* -- this document describes what this "first rule of
  8 Linux kernel development" means in practice fo      8 Linux kernel development" means in practice for developers. It complements
  9 Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-regression      9 Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-regressions.rst, which covers the topic from a
 10 user's point of view; if you never read that t     10 user's point of view; if you never read that text, go and at least skim over it
 11 before continuing here.                            11 before continuing here.
 12                                                    12 
 13 The important bits (aka "The TL;DR")               13 The important bits (aka "The TL;DR")
 14 ====================================               14 ====================================
 15                                                    15 
 16 #. Ensure subscribers of the `regression maili     16 #. Ensure subscribers of the `regression mailing list <https://lore.kernel.org/regressions/>`_
 17    (regressions@lists.linux.dev) quickly becom     17    (regressions@lists.linux.dev) quickly become aware of any new regression
 18    report:                                         18    report:
 19                                                    19 
 20     * When receiving a mailed report that did      20     * When receiving a mailed report that did not CC the list, bring it into the
 21       loop by immediately sending at least a b     21       loop by immediately sending at least a brief "Reply-all" with the list
 22       CCed.                                        22       CCed.
 23                                                    23 
 24     * Forward or bounce any reports submitted      24     * Forward or bounce any reports submitted in bug trackers to the list.
 25                                                    25 
 26 #. Make the Linux kernel regression tracking b     26 #. Make the Linux kernel regression tracking bot "regzbot" track the issue (this
 27    is optional, but recommended):                  27    is optional, but recommended):
 28                                                    28 
 29     * For mailed reports, check if the reporte     29     * For mailed reports, check if the reporter included a line like ``#regzbot
 30       introduced: v5.13..v5.14-rc1``. If not,  !!  30       introduced v5.13..v5.14-rc1``. If not, send a reply (with the regressions
 31       list in CC) containing a paragraph like      31       list in CC) containing a paragraph like the following, which tells regzbot
 32       when the issue started to happen::           32       when the issue started to happen::
 33                                                    33 
 34        #regzbot ^introduced: 1f2e3d4c5b6a      !!  34        #regzbot ^introduced 1f2e3d4c5b6a
 35                                                    35 
 36     * When forwarding reports from a bug track     36     * When forwarding reports from a bug tracker to the regressions list (see
 37       above), include a paragraph like the fol     37       above), include a paragraph like the following::
 38                                                    38 
 39        #regzbot introduced: v5.13..v5.14-rc1       39        #regzbot introduced: v5.13..v5.14-rc1
 40        #regzbot from: Some N. Ice Human <some.h     40        #regzbot from: Some N. Ice Human <some.human@example.com>
 41        #regzbot monitor: http://some.bugtracke     41        #regzbot monitor: http://some.bugtracker.example.com/ticket?id=123456789
 42                                                    42 
 43 #. When submitting fixes for regressions, add  !!  43 #. When submitting fixes for regressions, add "Link:" tags to the patch
 44    description pointing to all places where th     44    description pointing to all places where the issue was reported, as
 45    mandated by Documentation/process/submittin     45    mandated by Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst and
 46    :ref:`Documentation/process/5.Posting.rst < !!  46    :ref:`Documentation/process/5.Posting.rst <development_posting>`.
 47    only fixing part of the issue that caused t << 
 48    "Link:" tags instead. regzbot currently mak << 
 49    two.                                        << 
 50                                                    47 
 51 #. Try to fix regressions quickly once the cul     48 #. Try to fix regressions quickly once the culprit has been identified; fixes
 52    for most regressions should be merged withi     49    for most regressions should be merged within two weeks, but some need to be
 53    resolved within two or three days.              50    resolved within two or three days.
 54                                                    51 
 55                                                    52 
 56 All the details on Linux kernel regressions re     53 All the details on Linux kernel regressions relevant for developers
 57 ==============================================     54 ===================================================================
 58                                                    55 
 59                                                    56 
 60 The important basics in more detail                57 The important basics in more detail
 61 -----------------------------------                58 -----------------------------------
 62                                                    59 
 63                                                    60 
 64 What to do when receiving regression reports       61 What to do when receiving regression reports
 65 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       62 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 66                                                    63 
 67 Ensure the Linux kernel's regression tracker a     64 Ensure the Linux kernel's regression tracker and others subscribers of the
 68 `regression mailing list <https://lore.kernel.     65 `regression mailing list <https://lore.kernel.org/regressions/>`_
 69 (regressions@lists.linux.dev) become aware of      66 (regressions@lists.linux.dev) become aware of any newly reported regression:
 70                                                    67 
 71  * When you receive a report by mail that did      68  * When you receive a report by mail that did not CC the list, immediately bring
 72    it into the loop by sending at least a brie     69    it into the loop by sending at least a brief "Reply-all" with the list CCed;
 73    try to ensure it gets CCed again in case yo     70    try to ensure it gets CCed again in case you reply to a reply that omitted
 74    the list.                                       71    the list.
 75                                                    72 
 76  * If a report submitted in a bug tracker hits     73  * If a report submitted in a bug tracker hits your Inbox, forward or bounce it
 77    to the list. Consider checking the list arc     74    to the list. Consider checking the list archives beforehand, if the reporter
 78    already forwarded the report as instructed      75    already forwarded the report as instructed by
 79    Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-issues.     76    Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-issues.rst.
 80                                                    77 
 81 When doing either, consider making the Linux k     78 When doing either, consider making the Linux kernel regression tracking bot
 82 "regzbot" immediately start tracking the issue     79 "regzbot" immediately start tracking the issue:
 83                                                    80 
 84  * For mailed reports, check if the reporter i     81  * For mailed reports, check if the reporter included a "regzbot command" like
 85    ``#regzbot introduced: 1f2e3d4c5b6a``. If n !!  82    ``#regzbot introduced 1f2e3d4c5b6a``. If not, send a reply (with the
 86    regressions list in CC) with a paragraph li     83    regressions list in CC) with a paragraph like the following:::
 87                                                    84 
 88        #regzbot ^introduced: v5.13..v5.14-rc1      85        #regzbot ^introduced: v5.13..v5.14-rc1
 89                                                    86 
 90    This tells regzbot the version range in whi     87    This tells regzbot the version range in which the issue started to happen;
 91    you can specify a range using commit-ids as     88    you can specify a range using commit-ids as well or state a single commit-id
 92    in case the reporter bisected the culprit.      89    in case the reporter bisected the culprit.
 93                                                    90 
 94    Note the caret (^) before the "introduced":     91    Note the caret (^) before the "introduced": it tells regzbot to treat the
 95    parent mail (the one you reply to) as the i     92    parent mail (the one you reply to) as the initial report for the regression
 96    you want to see tracked; that's important,      93    you want to see tracked; that's important, as regzbot will later look out
 97    for patches with "Closes:" tags pointing to !!  94    for patches with "Link:" tags pointing to the report in the archives on
 98    lore.kernel.org.                                95    lore.kernel.org.
 99                                                    96 
100  * When forwarding a regression reported to a  !!  97  * When forwarding a regressions reported to a bug tracker, include a paragraph
101    with these regzbot commands::                   98    with these regzbot commands::
102                                                    99 
103        #regzbot introduced: 1f2e3d4c5b6a          100        #regzbot introduced: 1f2e3d4c5b6a
104        #regzbot from: Some N. Ice Human <some.h    101        #regzbot from: Some N. Ice Human <some.human@example.com>
105        #regzbot monitor: http://some.bugtracke    102        #regzbot monitor: http://some.bugtracker.example.com/ticket?id=123456789
106                                                   103 
107    Regzbot will then automatically associate p    104    Regzbot will then automatically associate patches with the report that
108    contain "Closes:" tags pointing to your mai !! 105    contain "Link:" tags pointing to your mail or the mentioned ticket.
109                                                   106 
110 What's important when fixing regressions          107 What's important when fixing regressions
111 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          108 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
112                                                   109 
113 You don't need to do anything special when sub    110 You don't need to do anything special when submitting fixes for regression, just
114 remember to do what Documentation/process/subm    111 remember to do what Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst,
115 :ref:`Documentation/process/5.Posting.rst <dev    112 :ref:`Documentation/process/5.Posting.rst <development_posting>`, and
116 Documentation/process/stable-kernel-rules.rst     113 Documentation/process/stable-kernel-rules.rst already explain in more detail:
117                                                   114 
118  * Point to all places where the issue was rep !! 115  * Point to all places where the issue was reported using "Link:" tags::
119                                                   116 
120        Closes: https://lore.kernel.org/r/30th. !! 117        Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/30th.anniversary.repost@klaava.Helsinki.FI/
121        Closes: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/sho !! 118        Link: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1234567890
122                                                << 
123    If you are only fixing part of the issue, y << 
124    described in the first document mentioned a << 
125    both of these equivalently and considers th << 
126                                                   119 
127  * Add a "Fixes:" tag to specify the commit ca    120  * Add a "Fixes:" tag to specify the commit causing the regression.
128                                                   121 
129  * If the culprit was merged in an earlier dev    122  * If the culprit was merged in an earlier development cycle, explicitly mark
130    the fix for backporting using the ``Cc: sta    123    the fix for backporting using the ``Cc: stable@vger.kernel.org`` tag.
131                                                   124 
132 All this is expected from you and important wh    125 All this is expected from you and important when it comes to regression, as
133 these tags are of great value for everyone (yo    126 these tags are of great value for everyone (you included) that might be looking
134 into the issue weeks, months, or years later.     127 into the issue weeks, months, or years later. These tags are also crucial for
135 tools and scripts used by other kernel develop    128 tools and scripts used by other kernel developers or Linux distributions; one of
136 these tools is regzbot, which heavily relies o !! 129 these tools is regzbot, which heavily relies on the "Link:" tags to associate
137 reports for regression with changes resolving     130 reports for regression with changes resolving them.
138                                                   131 
139 Expectations and best practices for fixing reg    132 Expectations and best practices for fixing regressions
140 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    133 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
141                                                   134 
142 As a Linux kernel developer, you are expected     135 As a Linux kernel developer, you are expected to give your best to prevent
143 situations where a regression caused by a rece    136 situations where a regression caused by a recent change of yours leaves users
144 only these options:                               137 only these options:
145                                                   138 
146  * Run a kernel with a regression that impacts    139  * Run a kernel with a regression that impacts usage.
147                                                   140 
148  * Switch to an older or newer kernel series.     141  * Switch to an older or newer kernel series.
149                                                   142 
150  * Continue running an outdated and thus poten    143  * Continue running an outdated and thus potentially insecure kernel for more
151    than three weeks after the regression's cul    144    than three weeks after the regression's culprit was identified. Ideally it
152    should be less than two. And it ought to be    145    should be less than two. And it ought to be just a few days, if the issue is
153    severe or affects many users -- either in g    146    severe or affects many users -- either in general or in prevalent
154    environments.                                  147    environments.
155                                                   148 
156 How to realize that in practice depends on var    149 How to realize that in practice depends on various factors. Use the following
157 rules of thumb as a guide.                        150 rules of thumb as a guide.
158                                                   151 
159 In general:                                       152 In general:
160                                                   153 
161  * Prioritize work on regressions over all oth    154  * Prioritize work on regressions over all other Linux kernel work, unless the
162    latter concerns a severe issue (e.g. acute     155    latter concerns a severe issue (e.g. acute security vulnerability, data loss,
163    bricked hardware, ...).                        156    bricked hardware, ...).
164                                                   157 
165  * Expedite fixing mainline regressions that r    158  * Expedite fixing mainline regressions that recently made it into a proper
166    mainline, stable, or longterm release (eith    159    mainline, stable, or longterm release (either directly or via backport).
167                                                   160 
168  * Do not consider regressions from the curren    161  * Do not consider regressions from the current cycle as something that can wait
169    till the end of the cycle, as the issue mig    162    till the end of the cycle, as the issue might discourage or prevent users and
170    CI systems from testing mainline now or gen    163    CI systems from testing mainline now or generally.
171                                                   164 
172  * Work with the required care to avoid additi    165  * Work with the required care to avoid additional or bigger damage, even if
173    resolving an issue then might take longer t    166    resolving an issue then might take longer than outlined below.
174                                                   167 
175 On timing once the culprit of a regression is     168 On timing once the culprit of a regression is known:
176                                                   169 
177  * Aim to mainline a fix within two or three d    170  * Aim to mainline a fix within two or three days, if the issue is severe or
178    bothering many users -- either in general o    171    bothering many users -- either in general or in prevalent conditions like a
179    particular hardware environment, distributi    172    particular hardware environment, distribution, or stable/longterm series.
180                                                   173 
181  * Aim to mainline a fix by Sunday after the n    174  * Aim to mainline a fix by Sunday after the next, if the culprit made it
182    into a recent mainline, stable, or longterm    175    into a recent mainline, stable, or longterm release (either directly or via
183    backport); if the culprit became known earl    176    backport); if the culprit became known early during a week and is simple to
184    resolve, try to mainline the fix within the    177    resolve, try to mainline the fix within the same week.
185                                                   178 
186  * For other regressions, aim to mainline fixe    179  * For other regressions, aim to mainline fixes before the hindmost Sunday
187    within the next three weeks. One or two Sun    180    within the next three weeks. One or two Sundays later are acceptable, if the
188    regression is something people can live wit    181    regression is something people can live with easily for a while -- like a
189    mild performance regression.                   182    mild performance regression.
190                                                   183 
191  * It's strongly discouraged to delay mainlini    184  * It's strongly discouraged to delay mainlining regression fixes till the next
192    merge window, except when the fix is extrao    185    merge window, except when the fix is extraordinarily risky or when the
193    culprit was mainlined more than a year ago.    186    culprit was mainlined more than a year ago.
194                                                   187 
195 On procedure:                                     188 On procedure:
196                                                   189 
197  * Always consider reverting the culprit, as i    190  * Always consider reverting the culprit, as it's often the quickest and least
198    dangerous way to fix a regression. Don't wo    191    dangerous way to fix a regression. Don't worry about mainlining a fixed
199    variant later: that should be straight-forw    192    variant later: that should be straight-forward, as most of the code went
200    through review once already.                   193    through review once already.
201                                                   194 
202  * Try to resolve any regressions introduced i    195  * Try to resolve any regressions introduced in mainline during the past
203    twelve months before the current developmen    196    twelve months before the current development cycle ends: Linus wants such
204    regressions to be handled like those from t    197    regressions to be handled like those from the current cycle, unless fixing
205    bears unusual risks.                           198    bears unusual risks.
206                                                   199 
207  * Consider CCing Linus on discussions or patc    200  * Consider CCing Linus on discussions or patch review, if a regression seems
208    tangly. Do the same in precarious or urgent    201    tangly. Do the same in precarious or urgent cases -- especially if the
209    subsystem maintainer might be unavailable.     202    subsystem maintainer might be unavailable. Also CC the stable team, when you
210    know such a regression made it into a mainl    203    know such a regression made it into a mainline, stable, or longterm release.
211                                                   204 
212  * For urgent regressions, consider asking Lin    205  * For urgent regressions, consider asking Linus to pick up the fix straight
213    from the mailing list: he is totally fine w    206    from the mailing list: he is totally fine with that for uncontroversial
214    fixes. Ideally though such requests should     207    fixes. Ideally though such requests should happen in accordance with the
215    subsystem maintainers or come directly from    208    subsystem maintainers or come directly from them.
216                                                   209 
217  * In case you are unsure if a fix is worth th    210  * In case you are unsure if a fix is worth the risk applying just days before
218    a new mainline release, send Linus a mail w    211    a new mainline release, send Linus a mail with the usual lists and people in
219    CC; in it, summarize the situation while as    212    CC; in it, summarize the situation while asking him to consider picking up
220    the fix straight from the list. He then him    213    the fix straight from the list. He then himself can make the call and when
221    needed even postpone the release. Such requ    214    needed even postpone the release. Such requests again should ideally happen
222    in accordance with the subsystem maintainer    215    in accordance with the subsystem maintainers or come directly from them.
223                                                   216 
224 Regarding stable and longterm kernels:            217 Regarding stable and longterm kernels:
225                                                   218 
226  * You are free to leave regressions to the st    219  * You are free to leave regressions to the stable team, if they at no point in
227    time occurred with mainline or were fixed t    220    time occurred with mainline or were fixed there already.
228                                                   221 
229  * If a regression made it into a proper mainl    222  * If a regression made it into a proper mainline release during the past
230    twelve months, ensure to tag the fix with "    223    twelve months, ensure to tag the fix with "Cc: stable@vger.kernel.org", as a
231    "Fixes:" tag alone does not guarantee a bac    224    "Fixes:" tag alone does not guarantee a backport. Please add the same tag,
232    in case you know the culprit was backported    225    in case you know the culprit was backported to stable or longterm kernels.
233                                                   226 
234  * When receiving reports about regressions in    227  * When receiving reports about regressions in recent stable or longterm kernel
235    series, please evaluate at least briefly if    228    series, please evaluate at least briefly if the issue might happen in current
236    mainline as well -- and if that seems likel    229    mainline as well -- and if that seems likely, take hold of the report. If in
237    doubt, ask the reporter to check mainline.     230    doubt, ask the reporter to check mainline.
238                                                   231 
239  * Whenever you want to swiftly resolve a regr    232  * Whenever you want to swiftly resolve a regression that recently also made it
240    into a proper mainline, stable, or longterm    233    into a proper mainline, stable, or longterm release, fix it quickly in
241    mainline; when appropriate thus involve Lin    234    mainline; when appropriate thus involve Linus to fast-track the fix (see
242    above). That's because the stable team norm    235    above). That's because the stable team normally does neither revert nor fix
243    any changes that cause the same problems in    236    any changes that cause the same problems in mainline.
244                                                   237 
245  * In case of urgent regression fixes you migh    238  * In case of urgent regression fixes you might want to ensure prompt
246    backporting by dropping the stable team a n    239    backporting by dropping the stable team a note once the fix was mainlined;
247    this is especially advisable during merge w    240    this is especially advisable during merge windows and shortly thereafter, as
248    the fix otherwise might land at the end of     241    the fix otherwise might land at the end of a huge patch queue.
249                                                   242 
250 On patch flow:                                    243 On patch flow:
251                                                   244 
252  * Developers, when trying to reach the time p    245  * Developers, when trying to reach the time periods mentioned above, remember
253    to account for the time it takes to get fix    246    to account for the time it takes to get fixes tested, reviewed, and merged by
254    Linus, ideally with them being in linux-nex    247    Linus, ideally with them being in linux-next at least briefly. Hence, if a
255    fix is urgent, make it obvious to ensure ot    248    fix is urgent, make it obvious to ensure others handle it appropriately.
256                                                   249 
257  * Reviewers, you are kindly asked to assist d    250  * Reviewers, you are kindly asked to assist developers in reaching the time
258    periods mentioned above by reviewing regres    251    periods mentioned above by reviewing regression fixes in a timely manner.
259                                                   252 
260  * Subsystem maintainers, you likewise are enc    253  * Subsystem maintainers, you likewise are encouraged to expedite the handling
261    of regression fixes. Thus evaluate if skipp    254    of regression fixes. Thus evaluate if skipping linux-next is an option for
262    the particular fix. Also consider sending g    255    the particular fix. Also consider sending git pull requests more often than
263    usual when needed. And try to avoid holding    256    usual when needed. And try to avoid holding onto regression fixes over
264    weekends -- especially when the fix is mark    257    weekends -- especially when the fix is marked for backporting.
265                                                   258 
266                                                   259 
267 More aspects regarding regressions developers     260 More aspects regarding regressions developers should be aware of
268 ----------------------------------------------    261 ----------------------------------------------------------------
269                                                   262 
270                                                   263 
271 How to deal with changes where a risk of regre    264 How to deal with changes where a risk of regression is known
272 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    265 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
273                                                   266 
274 Evaluate how big the risk of regressions is, f    267 Evaluate how big the risk of regressions is, for example by performing a code
275 search in Linux distributions and Git forges.     268 search in Linux distributions and Git forges. Also consider asking other
276 developers or projects likely to be affected t    269 developers or projects likely to be affected to evaluate or even test the
277 proposed change; if problems surface, maybe so    270 proposed change; if problems surface, maybe some solution acceptable for all
278 can be found.                                     271 can be found.
279                                                   272 
280 If the risk of regressions in the end seems to    273 If the risk of regressions in the end seems to be relatively small, go ahead
281 with the change, but let all involved parties     274 with the change, but let all involved parties know about the risk. Hence, make
282 sure your patch description makes this aspect     275 sure your patch description makes this aspect obvious. Once the change is
283 merged, tell the Linux kernel's regression tra    276 merged, tell the Linux kernel's regression tracker and the regressions mailing
284 list about the risk, so everyone has the chang    277 list about the risk, so everyone has the change on the radar in case reports
285 trickle in. Depending on the risk, you also mi    278 trickle in. Depending on the risk, you also might want to ask the subsystem
286 maintainer to mention the issue in his mainlin    279 maintainer to mention the issue in his mainline pull request.
287                                                   280 
288 What else is there to known about regressions?    281 What else is there to known about regressions?
289 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    282 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
290                                                   283 
291 Check out Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-    284 Check out Documentation/admin-guide/reporting-regressions.rst, it covers a lot
292 of other aspects you want might want to be awa    285 of other aspects you want might want to be aware of:
293                                                   286 
294  * the purpose of the "no regressions" rule    !! 287  * the purpose of the "no regressions rule"
295                                                   288 
296  * what issues actually qualify as regression     289  * what issues actually qualify as regression
297                                                   290 
298  * who's in charge for finding the root cause     291  * who's in charge for finding the root cause of a regression
299                                                   292 
300  * how to handle tricky situations, e.g. when     293  * how to handle tricky situations, e.g. when a regression is caused by a
301    security fix or when fixing a regression mi    294    security fix or when fixing a regression might cause another one
302                                                   295 
303 Whom to ask for advice when it comes to regres    296 Whom to ask for advice when it comes to regressions
304 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    297 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
305                                                   298 
306 Send a mail to the regressions mailing list (r    299 Send a mail to the regressions mailing list (regressions@lists.linux.dev) while
307 CCing the Linux kernel's regression tracker (r    300 CCing the Linux kernel's regression tracker (regressions@leemhuis.info); if the
308 issue might better be dealt with in private, f    301 issue might better be dealt with in private, feel free to omit the list.
309                                                   302 
310                                                   303 
311 More about regression tracking and regzbot        304 More about regression tracking and regzbot
312 ------------------------------------------        305 ------------------------------------------
313                                                   306 
314                                                   307 
315 Why the Linux kernel has a regression tracker,    308 Why the Linux kernel has a regression tracker, and why is regzbot used?
316 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    309 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
317                                                   310 
318 Rules like "no regressions" need someone to en    311 Rules like "no regressions" need someone to ensure they are followed, otherwise
319 they are broken either accidentally or on purp    312 they are broken either accidentally or on purpose. History has shown this to be
320 true for the Linux kernel as well. That's why     313 true for the Linux kernel as well. That's why Thorsten Leemhuis volunteered to
321 keep an eye on things as the Linux kernel's re    314 keep an eye on things as the Linux kernel's regression tracker, who's
322 occasionally helped by other people. Neither o    315 occasionally helped by other people. Neither of them are paid to do this,
323 that's why regression tracking is done on a be    316 that's why regression tracking is done on a best effort basis.
324                                                   317 
325 Earlier attempts to manually track regressions    318 Earlier attempts to manually track regressions have shown it's an exhausting and
326 frustrating work, which is why they were aband    319 frustrating work, which is why they were abandoned after a while. To prevent
327 this from happening again, Thorsten developed     320 this from happening again, Thorsten developed regzbot to facilitate the work,
328 with the long term goal to automate regression    321 with the long term goal to automate regression tracking as much as possible for
329 everyone involved.                                322 everyone involved.
330                                                   323 
331 How does regression tracking work with regzbot    324 How does regression tracking work with regzbot?
332 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    325 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
333                                                   326 
334 The bot watches for replies to reports of trac    327 The bot watches for replies to reports of tracked regressions. Additionally,
335 it's looking out for posted or committed patch    328 it's looking out for posted or committed patches referencing such reports
336 with "Closes:" tags; replies to such patch pos !! 329 with "Link:" tags; replies to such patch postings are tracked as well.
337 Combined this data provides good insights into    330 Combined this data provides good insights into the current state of the fixing
338 process.                                          331 process.
339                                                   332 
340 Regzbot tries to do its job with as little ove    333 Regzbot tries to do its job with as little overhead as possible for both
341 reporters and developers. In fact, only report    334 reporters and developers. In fact, only reporters are burdened with an extra
342 duty: they need to tell regzbot about the regr    335 duty: they need to tell regzbot about the regression report using the ``#regzbot
343 introduced`` command outlined above; if they d    336 introduced`` command outlined above; if they don't do that, someone else can
344 take care of that using ``#regzbot ^introduced    337 take care of that using ``#regzbot ^introduced``.
345                                                   338 
346 For developers there normally is no extra work    339 For developers there normally is no extra work involved, they just need to make
347 sure to do something that was expected long be    340 sure to do something that was expected long before regzbot came to light: add
348 links to the patch description pointing to all !! 341 "Link:" tags to the patch description pointing to all reports about the issue
                                                   >> 342 fixed.
349                                                   343 
350 Do I have to use regzbot?                         344 Do I have to use regzbot?
351 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                         345 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
352                                                   346 
353 It's in the interest of everyone if you do, as    347 It's in the interest of everyone if you do, as kernel maintainers like Linus
354 Torvalds partly rely on regzbot's tracking in     348 Torvalds partly rely on regzbot's tracking in their work -- for example when
355 deciding to release a new version or extend th    349 deciding to release a new version or extend the development phase. For this they
356 need to be aware of all unfixed regression; to    350 need to be aware of all unfixed regression; to do that, Linus is known to look
357 into the weekly reports sent by regzbot.          351 into the weekly reports sent by regzbot.
358                                                   352 
359 Do I have to tell regzbot about every regressi    353 Do I have to tell regzbot about every regression I stumble upon?
360 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    354 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
361                                                   355 
362 Ideally yes: we are all humans and easily forg    356 Ideally yes: we are all humans and easily forget problems when something more
363 important unexpectedly comes up -- for example    357 important unexpectedly comes up -- for example a bigger problem in the Linux
364 kernel or something in real life that's keepin    358 kernel or something in real life that's keeping us away from keyboards for a
365 while. Hence, it's best to tell regzbot about     359 while. Hence, it's best to tell regzbot about every regression, except when you
366 immediately write a fix and commit it to a tre    360 immediately write a fix and commit it to a tree regularly merged to the affected
367 kernel series.                                    361 kernel series.
368                                                   362 
369 How to see which regressions regzbot tracks cu    363 How to see which regressions regzbot tracks currently?
370 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    364 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
371                                                   365 
372 Check `regzbot's web-interface <https://linux-    366 Check `regzbot's web-interface <https://linux-regtracking.leemhuis.info/regzbot/>`_
373 for the latest info; alternatively, `search fo    367 for the latest info; alternatively, `search for the latest regression report
374 <https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/?q=%22Linux+regr    368 <https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/?q=%22Linux+regressions+report%22+f%3Aregzbot>`_,
375 which regzbot normally sends out once a week o    369 which regzbot normally sends out once a week on Sunday evening (UTC), which is a
376 few hours before Linus usually publishes new (    370 few hours before Linus usually publishes new (pre-)releases.
377                                                   371 
378 What places is regzbot monitoring?                372 What places is regzbot monitoring?
379 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                373 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
380                                                   374 
381 Regzbot is watching the most important Linux m    375 Regzbot is watching the most important Linux mailing lists as well as the git
382 repositories of linux-next, mainline, and stab    376 repositories of linux-next, mainline, and stable/longterm.
383                                                   377 
384 What kind of issues are supposed to be tracked    378 What kind of issues are supposed to be tracked by regzbot?
385 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    379 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
386                                                   380 
387 The bot is meant to track regressions, hence p    381 The bot is meant to track regressions, hence please don't involve regzbot for
388 regular issues. But it's okay for the Linux ke    382 regular issues. But it's okay for the Linux kernel's regression tracker if you
389 use regzbot to track severe issues, like repor    383 use regzbot to track severe issues, like reports about hangs, corrupted data,
390 or internal errors (Panic, Oops, BUG(), warnin    384 or internal errors (Panic, Oops, BUG(), warning, ...).
391                                                   385 
392 Can I add regressions found by CI systems to r    386 Can I add regressions found by CI systems to regzbot's tracking?
393 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    387 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
394                                                   388 
395 Feel free to do so, if the particular regressi    389 Feel free to do so, if the particular regression likely has impact on practical
396 use cases and thus might be noticed by users;     390 use cases and thus might be noticed by users; hence, please don't involve
397 regzbot for theoretical regressions unlikely t    391 regzbot for theoretical regressions unlikely to show themselves in real world
398 usage.                                            392 usage.
399                                                   393 
400 How to interact with regzbot?                     394 How to interact with regzbot?
401 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     395 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
402                                                   396 
403 By using a 'regzbot command' in a direct or in    397 By using a 'regzbot command' in a direct or indirect reply to the mail with the
404 regression report. These commands need to be i    398 regression report. These commands need to be in their own paragraph (IOW: they
405 need to be separated from the rest of the mail    399 need to be separated from the rest of the mail using blank lines).
406                                                   400 
407 One such command is ``#regzbot introduced: <ve !! 401 One such command is ``#regzbot introduced <version or commit>``, which makes
408 regzbot consider your mail as a regressions re    402 regzbot consider your mail as a regressions report added to the tracking, as
409 already described above; ``#regzbot ^introduce !! 403 already described above; ``#regzbot ^introduced <version or commit>`` is another
410 such command, which makes regzbot consider the    404 such command, which makes regzbot consider the parent mail as a report for a
411 regression which it starts to track.              405 regression which it starts to track.
412                                                   406 
413 Once one of those two commands has been utiliz    407 Once one of those two commands has been utilized, other regzbot commands can be
414 used in direct or indirect replies to the repo    408 used in direct or indirect replies to the report. You can write them below one
415 of the `introduced` commands or in replies to     409 of the `introduced` commands or in replies to the mail that used one of them
416 or itself is a reply to that mail:                410 or itself is a reply to that mail:
417                                                   411 
418  * Set or update the title::                      412  * Set or update the title::
419                                                   413 
420        #regzbot title: foo                        414        #regzbot title: foo
421                                                   415 
422  * Monitor a discussion or bugzilla.kernel.org    416  * Monitor a discussion or bugzilla.kernel.org ticket where additions aspects of
423    the issue or a fix are discussed -- for exa    417    the issue or a fix are discussed -- for example the posting of a patch fixing
424    the regression::                               418    the regression::
425                                                   419 
426        #regzbot monitor: https://lore.kernel.o    420        #regzbot monitor: https://lore.kernel.org/all/30th.anniversary.repost@klaava.Helsinki.FI/
427                                                   421 
428    Monitoring only works for lore.kernel.org a    422    Monitoring only works for lore.kernel.org and bugzilla.kernel.org; regzbot
429    will consider all messages in that thread o    423    will consider all messages in that thread or ticket as related to the fixing
430    process.                                       424    process.
431                                                   425 
432  * Point to a place with further details of in    426  * Point to a place with further details of interest, like a mailing list post
433    or a ticket in a bug tracker that are sligh    427    or a ticket in a bug tracker that are slightly related, but about a different
434    topic::                                        428    topic::
435                                                   429 
436        #regzbot link: https://bugzilla.kernel.    430        #regzbot link: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123456789
437                                                   431 
438  * Mark a regression as fixed by a commit that    432  * Mark a regression as fixed by a commit that is heading upstream or already
439    landed::                                       433    landed::
440                                                   434 
441        #regzbot fix: 1f2e3d4c5d                !! 435        #regzbot fixed-by: 1f2e3d4c5d
442                                                   436 
443  * Mark a regression as a duplicate of another    437  * Mark a regression as a duplicate of another one already tracked by regzbot::
444                                                   438 
445        #regzbot dup-of: https://lore.kernel.or    439        #regzbot dup-of: https://lore.kernel.org/all/30th.anniversary.repost@klaava.Helsinki.FI/
446                                                   440 
447  * Mark a regression as invalid::                 441  * Mark a regression as invalid::
448                                                   442 
449        #regzbot invalid: wasn't a regression,     443        #regzbot invalid: wasn't a regression, problem has always existed
450                                                   444 
451 Is there more to tell about regzbot and its co    445 Is there more to tell about regzbot and its commands?
452 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    446 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
453                                                   447 
454 More detailed and up-to-date information about    448 More detailed and up-to-date information about the Linux
455 kernel's regression tracking bot can be found     449 kernel's regression tracking bot can be found on its
456 `project page <https://gitlab.com/knurd42/regz    450 `project page <https://gitlab.com/knurd42/regzbot>`_, which among others
457 contains a `getting started guide <https://git    451 contains a `getting started guide <https://gitlab.com/knurd42/regzbot/-/blob/main/docs/getting_started.md>`_
458 and `reference documentation <https://gitlab.c    452 and `reference documentation <https://gitlab.com/knurd42/regzbot/-/blob/main/docs/reference.md>`_
459 which both cover more details than the above s    453 which both cover more details than the above section.
460                                                   454 
461 Quotes from Linus about regression                455 Quotes from Linus about regression
462 ----------------------------------                456 ----------------------------------
463                                                   457 
464 Find below a few real life examples of how Lin    458 Find below a few real life examples of how Linus Torvalds expects regressions to
465 be handled:                                       459 be handled:
466                                                   460 
467  * From `2017-10-26 (1/2)                         461  * From `2017-10-26 (1/2)
468    <https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CA+55aFwiiQYJ+    462    <https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CA+55aFwiiQYJ+YoLKCXjN_beDVfu38mg=Ggg5LFOcqHE8Qi7Zw@mail.gmail.com/">https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CA+55aFwiiQYJ+YoLKCXjN_beDVfu38mg=Ggg5LFOcqHE8Qi7Zw@mail.gmail.com/>`_::
469                                                   463 
470        If you break existing user space setups    464        If you break existing user space setups THAT IS A REGRESSION.
471                                                   465 
472        It's not ok to say "but we'll fix the u    466        It's not ok to say "but we'll fix the user space setup".
473                                                   467 
474        Really. NOT OK.                            468        Really. NOT OK.
475                                                   469 
476        [...]                                      470        [...]
477                                                   471 
478        The first rule is:                         472        The first rule is:
479                                                   473 
480         - we don't cause regressions              474         - we don't cause regressions
481                                                   475 
482        and the corollary is that when regressi    476        and the corollary is that when regressions *do* occur, we admit to
483        them and fix them, instead of blaming u    477        them and fix them, instead of blaming user space.
484                                                   478 
485        The fact that you have apparently been     479        The fact that you have apparently been denying the regression now for
486        three weeks means that I will revert, a    480        three weeks means that I will revert, and I will stop pulling apparmor
487        requests until the people involved unde    481        requests until the people involved understand how kernel development
488        is done.                                   482        is done.
489                                                   483 
490  * From `2017-10-26 (2/2)                         484  * From `2017-10-26 (2/2)
491    <https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CA+55aFxW7NMAM    485    <https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CA+55aFxW7NMAMvYhkvz1UPbUTUJewRt6Yb51QAx5RtrWOwjebg@mail.gmail.com/">https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CA+55aFxW7NMAMvYhkvz1UPbUTUJewRt6Yb51QAx5RtrWOwjebg@mail.gmail.com/>`_::
492                                                   486 
493        People should basically always feel lik    487        People should basically always feel like they can update their kernel
494        and simply not have to worry about it.     488        and simply not have to worry about it.
495                                                   489 
496        I refuse to introduce "you can only upd    490        I refuse to introduce "you can only update the kernel if you also
497        update that other program" kind of limi    491        update that other program" kind of limitations. If the kernel used to
498        work for you, the rule is that it conti    492        work for you, the rule is that it continues to work for you.
499                                                   493 
500        There have been exceptions, but they ar    494        There have been exceptions, but they are few and far between, and they
501        generally have some major and fundament    495        generally have some major and fundamental reasons for having happened,
502        that were basically entirely unavoidabl    496        that were basically entirely unavoidable, and people _tried_hard_ to
503        avoid them. Maybe we can't practically     497        avoid them. Maybe we can't practically support the hardware any more
504        after it is decades old and nobody uses    498        after it is decades old and nobody uses it with modern kernels any
505        more. Maybe there's a serious security     499        more. Maybe there's a serious security issue with how we did things,
506        and people actually depended on that fu    500        and people actually depended on that fundamentally broken model. Maybe
507        there was some fundamental other breaka    501        there was some fundamental other breakage that just _had_ to have a
508        flag day for very core and fundamental     502        flag day for very core and fundamental reasons.
509                                                   503 
510        And notice that this is very much about    504        And notice that this is very much about *breaking* peoples environments.
511                                                   505 
512        Behavioral changes happen, and maybe we    506        Behavioral changes happen, and maybe we don't even support some
513        feature any more. There's a number of f    507        feature any more. There's a number of fields in /proc/<pid>/stat that
514        are printed out as zeroes, simply becau    508        are printed out as zeroes, simply because they don't even *exist* in
515        the kernel any more, or because showing    509        the kernel any more, or because showing them was a mistake (typically
516        an information leak). But the numbers g    510        an information leak). But the numbers got replaced by zeroes, so that
517        the code that used to parse the fields     511        the code that used to parse the fields still works. The user might not
518        see everything they used to see, and so    512        see everything they used to see, and so behavior is clearly different,
519        but things still _work_, even if they m    513        but things still _work_, even if they might no longer show sensitive
520        (or no longer relevant) information.       514        (or no longer relevant) information.
521                                                   515 
522        But if something actually breaks, then     516        But if something actually breaks, then the change must get fixed or
523        reverted. And it gets fixed in the *ker    517        reverted. And it gets fixed in the *kernel*. Not by saying "well, fix
524        your user space then". It was a kernel     518        your user space then". It was a kernel change that exposed the
525        problem, it needs to be the kernel that    519        problem, it needs to be the kernel that corrects for it, because we
526        have a "upgrade in place" model. We don    520        have a "upgrade in place" model. We don't have a "upgrade with new
527        user space".                               521        user space".
528                                                   522 
529        And I seriously will refuse to take cod    523        And I seriously will refuse to take code from people who do not
530        understand and honor this very simple r    524        understand and honor this very simple rule.
531                                                   525 
532        This rule is also not going to change.     526        This rule is also not going to change.
533                                                   527 
534        And yes, I realize that the kernel is "    528        And yes, I realize that the kernel is "special" in this respect. I'm
535        proud of it.                               529        proud of it.
536                                                   530 
537        I have seen, and can point to, lots of     531        I have seen, and can point to, lots of projects that go "We need to
538        break that use case in order to make pr    532        break that use case in order to make progress" or "you relied on
539        undocumented behavior, it sucks to be y    533        undocumented behavior, it sucks to be you" or "there's a better way to
540        do what you want to do, and you have to    534        do what you want to do, and you have to change to that new better
541        way", and I simply don't think that's a    535        way", and I simply don't think that's acceptable outside of very early
542        alpha releases that have experimental u    536        alpha releases that have experimental users that know what they signed
543        up for. The kernel hasn't been in that     537        up for. The kernel hasn't been in that situation for the last two
544        decades.                                   538        decades.
545                                                   539 
546        We do API breakage _inside_ the kernel     540        We do API breakage _inside_ the kernel all the time. We will fix
547        internal problems by saying "you now ne    541        internal problems by saying "you now need to do XYZ", but then it's
548        about internal kernel API's, and the pe    542        about internal kernel API's, and the people who do that then also
549        obviously have to fix up all the in-ker    543        obviously have to fix up all the in-kernel users of that API. Nobody
550        can say "I now broke the API you used,     544        can say "I now broke the API you used, and now _you_ need to fix it
551        up". Whoever broke something gets to fi    545        up". Whoever broke something gets to fix it too.
552                                                   546 
553        And we simply do not break user space.     547        And we simply do not break user space.
554                                                   548 
555  * From `2020-05-21                               549  * From `2020-05-21
556    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAHk-=wiVi7mSrs    550    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAHk-=wiVi7mSrsMP=fLXQrXK_UimybW=ziLOwSzFTtoXUacWVQ@mail.gmail.com/">https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAHk-=wiVi7mSrsMP=fLXQrXK_UimybW=ziLOwSzFTtoXUacWVQ@mail.gmail.com/>`_::
557                                                   551 
558        The rules about regressions have never     552        The rules about regressions have never been about any kind of
559        documented behavior, or where the code     553        documented behavior, or where the code lives.
560                                                   554 
561        The rules about regressions are always     555        The rules about regressions are always about "breaks user workflow".
562                                                   556 
563        Users are literally the _only_ thing th    557        Users are literally the _only_ thing that matters.
564                                                   558 
565        No amount of "you shouldn't have used t    559        No amount of "you shouldn't have used this" or "that behavior was
566        undefined, it's your own fault your app    560        undefined, it's your own fault your app broke" or "that used to work
567        simply because of a kernel bug" is at a    561        simply because of a kernel bug" is at all relevant.
568                                                   562 
569        Now, reality is never entirely black-an    563        Now, reality is never entirely black-and-white. So we've had things
570        like "serious security issue" etc that     564        like "serious security issue" etc that just forces us to make changes
571        that may break user space. But even the    565        that may break user space. But even then the rule is that we don't
572        really have other options that would al    566        really have other options that would allow things to continue.
573                                                   567 
574        And obviously, if users take years to e    568        And obviously, if users take years to even notice that something
575        broke, or if we have sane ways to work     569        broke, or if we have sane ways to work around the breakage that
576        doesn't make for too much trouble for u    570        doesn't make for too much trouble for users (ie "ok, there are a
577        handful of users, and they can use a ke    571        handful of users, and they can use a kernel command line to work
578        around it" kind of things) we've also b    572        around it" kind of things) we've also been a bit less strict.
579                                                   573 
580        But no, "that was documented to be brok    574        But no, "that was documented to be broken" (whether it's because the
581        code was in staging or because the man-    575        code was in staging or because the man-page said something else) is
582        irrelevant. If staging code is so usefu    576        irrelevant. If staging code is so useful that people end up using it,
583        that means that it's basically regular     577        that means that it's basically regular kernel code with a flag saying
584        "please clean this up".                    578        "please clean this up".
585                                                   579 
586        The other side of the coin is that peop    580        The other side of the coin is that people who talk about "API
587        stability" are entirely wrong. API's do    581        stability" are entirely wrong. API's don't matter either. You can make
588        any changes to an API you like - as lon    582        any changes to an API you like - as long as nobody notices.
589                                                   583 
590        Again, the regression rule is not about    584        Again, the regression rule is not about documentation, not about
591        API's, and not about the phase of the m    585        API's, and not about the phase of the moon.
592                                                   586 
593        It's entirely about "we caused problems    587        It's entirely about "we caused problems for user space that used to work".
594                                                   588 
595  * From `2017-11-05                               589  * From `2017-11-05
596    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/CA+55aFzUvbGjD8    590    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/CA+55aFzUvbGjD8nQ-+3oiMBx14c_6zOj2n7KLN3UsJ-qsd4Dcw@mail.gmail.com/">https://lore.kernel.org/all/CA+55aFzUvbGjD8nQ-+3oiMBx14c_6zOj2n7KLN3UsJ-qsd4Dcw@mail.gmail.com/>`_::
597                                                   591 
598        And our regression rule has never been     592        And our regression rule has never been "behavior doesn't change".
599        That would mean that we could never mak    593        That would mean that we could never make any changes at all.
600                                                   594 
601        For example, we do things like add new     595        For example, we do things like add new error handling etc all the
602        time, which we then sometimes even add     596        time, which we then sometimes even add tests for in our kselftest
603        directory.                                 597        directory.
604                                                   598 
605        So clearly behavior changes all the tim    599        So clearly behavior changes all the time and we don't consider that a
606        regression per se.                         600        regression per se.
607                                                   601 
608        The rule for a regression for the kerne    602        The rule for a regression for the kernel is that some real user
609        workflow breaks. Not some test. Not a "    603        workflow breaks. Not some test. Not a "look, I used to be able to do
610        X, now I can't".                           604        X, now I can't".
611                                                   605 
612  * From `2018-08-03                               606  * From `2018-08-03
613    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/CA+55aFwWZX=CXm    607    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/CA+55aFwWZX=CXmWDTkDGb36kf12XmTehmQjbiMPCqCRG2hi9kw@mail.gmail.com/">https://lore.kernel.org/all/CA+55aFwWZX=CXmWDTkDGb36kf12XmTehmQjbiMPCqCRG2hi9kw@mail.gmail.com/>`_::
614                                                   608 
616                                                   610 
617        We do not regress, and we do not regres    611        We do not regress, and we do not regress exactly because your are 100% wrong.
618                                                   612 
619        And the reason you state for your opini    613        And the reason you state for your opinion is in fact exactly *WHY* you
620        are wrong.                                 614        are wrong.
621                                                   615 
622        Your "good reasons" are pure and utter     616        Your "good reasons" are pure and utter garbage.
623                                                   617 
624        The whole point of "we do not regress"     618        The whole point of "we do not regress" is so that people can upgrade
625        the kernel and never have to worry abou    619        the kernel and never have to worry about it.
626                                                   620 
627        > Kernel had a bug which has been fixed    621        > Kernel had a bug which has been fixed
628                                                   622 
629        That is *ENTIRELY* immaterial.             623        That is *ENTIRELY* immaterial.
630                                                   624 
631        Guys, whether something was buggy or no    625        Guys, whether something was buggy or not DOES NOT MATTER.
632                                                   626 
633        Why?                                       627        Why?
634                                                   628 
635        Bugs happen. That's a fact of life. Arg    629        Bugs happen. That's a fact of life. Arguing that "we had to break
636        something because we were fixing a bug"    630        something because we were fixing a bug" is completely insane. We fix
637        tens of bugs every single day, thinking    631        tens of bugs every single day, thinking that "fixing a bug" means that
638        we can break something is simply NOT TR    632        we can break something is simply NOT TRUE.
639                                                   633 
640        So bugs simply aren't even relevant to     634        So bugs simply aren't even relevant to the discussion. They happen,
641        they get found, they get fixed, and it     635        they get found, they get fixed, and it has nothing to do with "we
642        break users".                              636        break users".
643                                                   637 
644        Because the only thing that matters IS     638        Because the only thing that matters IS THE USER.
645                                                   639 
646        How hard is that to understand?            640        How hard is that to understand?
647                                                   641 
648        Anybody who uses "but it was buggy" as     642        Anybody who uses "but it was buggy" as an argument is entirely missing
649        the point. As far as the USER was conce    643        the point. As far as the USER was concerned, it wasn't buggy - it
650        worked for him/her.                        644        worked for him/her.
651                                                   645 
652        Maybe it worked *because* the user had     646        Maybe it worked *because* the user had taken the bug into account,
653        maybe it worked because the user didn't    647        maybe it worked because the user didn't notice - again, it doesn't
654        matter. It worked for the user.            648        matter. It worked for the user.
655                                                   649 
656        Breaking a user workflow for a "bug" is    650        Breaking a user workflow for a "bug" is absolutely the WORST reason
657        for breakage you can imagine.              651        for breakage you can imagine.
658                                                   652 
659        It's basically saying "I took something    653        It's basically saying "I took something that worked, and I broke it,
660        but now it's better". Do you not see ho    654        but now it's better". Do you not see how f*cking insane that statement
661        is?                                        655        is?
662                                                   656 
663        And without users, your program is not     657        And without users, your program is not a program, it's a pointless
664        piece of code that you might as well th    658        piece of code that you might as well throw away.
665                                                   659 
666        Seriously. This is *why* the #1 rule fo    660        Seriously. This is *why* the #1 rule for kernel development is "we
667        don't break users". Because "I fixed a     661        don't break users". Because "I fixed a bug" is absolutely NOT AN
668        ARGUMENT if that bug fix broke a user s    662        ARGUMENT if that bug fix broke a user setup. You actually introduced a
669        MUCH BIGGER bug by "fixing" something t    663        MUCH BIGGER bug by "fixing" something that the user clearly didn't
670        even care about.                           664        even care about.
671                                                   665 
672        And dammit, we upgrade the kernel ALL T    666        And dammit, we upgrade the kernel ALL THE TIME without upgrading any
673        other programs at all. It is absolutely    667        other programs at all. It is absolutely required, because flag-days
674        and dependencies are horribly bad.         668        and dependencies are horribly bad.
675                                                   669 
676        And it is also required simply because     670        And it is also required simply because I as a kernel developer do not
677        upgrade random other tools that I don't    671        upgrade random other tools that I don't even care about as I develop
678        the kernel, and I want any of my users     672        the kernel, and I want any of my users to feel safe doing the same
679        time.                                      673        time.
680                                                   674 
681        So no. Your rule is COMPLETELY wrong. I    675        So no. Your rule is COMPLETELY wrong. If you cannot upgrade a kernel
682        without upgrading some other random bin    676        without upgrading some other random binary, then we have a problem.
683                                                   677 
684  * From `2021-06-05                               678  * From `2021-06-05
685    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAHk-=wiUVqHN76    679    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAHk-=wiUVqHN76YUwhkjZzwTdjMMJf_zN4+u7vEJjmEGh3recw@mail.gmail.com/">https://lore.kernel.org/all/CAHk-=wiUVqHN76YUwhkjZzwTdjMMJf_zN4+u7vEJjmEGh3recw@mail.gmail.com/>`_::
686                                                   680 
688                                                   682 
689        Honestly, security people need to under    683        Honestly, security people need to understand that "not working" is not
690        a success case of security. It's a fail    684        a success case of security. It's a failure case.
691                                                   685 
692        Yes, "not working" may be secure. But s    686        Yes, "not working" may be secure. But security in that case is *pointless*.
693                                                   687 
694  * From `2011-05-06 (1/3)                         688  * From `2011-05-06 (1/3)
695    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/BANLkTim9YvResB    689    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/BANLkTim9YvResB+PwRp7QTK-a5VNg2PvmQ@mail.gmail.com/">https://lore.kernel.org/all/BANLkTim9YvResB+PwRp7QTK-a5VNg2PvmQ@mail.gmail.com/>`_::
696                                                   690 
697        Binary compatibility is more important.    691        Binary compatibility is more important.
698                                                   692 
699        And if binaries don't use the interface    693        And if binaries don't use the interface to parse the format (or just
700        parse it wrongly - see the fairly recen    694        parse it wrongly - see the fairly recent example of adding uuid's to
701        /proc/self/mountinfo), then it's a regr    695        /proc/self/mountinfo), then it's a regression.
702                                                   696 
703        And regressions get reverted, unless th    697        And regressions get reverted, unless there are security issues or
704        similar that makes us go "Oh Gods, we r    698        similar that makes us go "Oh Gods, we really have to break things".
705                                                   699 
706        I don't understand why this simple logi    700        I don't understand why this simple logic is so hard for some kernel
707        developers to understand. Reality matte    701        developers to understand. Reality matters. Your personal wishes matter
708        NOT AT ALL.                                702        NOT AT ALL.
709                                                   703 
710        If you made an interface that can be us    704        If you made an interface that can be used without parsing the
711        interface description, then we're stuck    705        interface description, then we're stuck with the interface. Theory
712        simply doesn't matter.                     706        simply doesn't matter.
713                                                   707 
714        You could help fix the tools, and try t    708        You could help fix the tools, and try to avoid the compatibility
715        issues that way. There aren't that many    709        issues that way. There aren't that many of them.
716                                                   710 
717    From `2011-05-06 (2/3)                         711    From `2011-05-06 (2/3)
718    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/BANLkTi=KVXjKR8    712    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/BANLkTi=KVXjKR82sqsz4gwjr+E0vtqCmvA@mail.gmail.com/">https://lore.kernel.org/all/BANLkTi=KVXjKR82sqsz4gwjr+E0vtqCmvA@mail.gmail.com/>`_::
719                                                   713 
720        it's clearly NOT an internal tracepoint    714        it's clearly NOT an internal tracepoint. By definition. It's being
721        used by powertop.                          715        used by powertop.
722                                                   716 
723    From `2011-05-06 (3/3)                         717    From `2011-05-06 (3/3)
724    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/BANLkTinazaXRdG    718    <https://lore.kernel.org/all/BANLkTinazaXRdGovYL7rRVp+j6HbJ7pzhg@mail.gmail.com/">https://lore.kernel.org/all/BANLkTinazaXRdGovYL7rRVp+j6HbJ7pzhg@mail.gmail.com/>`_::
725                                                   719 
726        We have programs that use that ABI and     720        We have programs that use that ABI and thus it's a regression if they break.
727                                                   721 
728  * From `2012-07-06 <https://lore.kernel.org/al    722  * From `2012-07-06 <https://lore.kernel.org/all/CA+55aFwnLJ+0sjx92EGREGTWOx84wwKaraSzpTNJwPVV8edw8g@mail.gmail.com/">https://lore.kernel.org/all/CA+55aFwnLJ+0sjx92EGREGTWOx84wwKaraSzpTNJwPVV8edw8g@mail.gmail.com/>`_::
729                                                   723 
730        > Now this got me wondering if Debian _    724        > Now this got me wondering if Debian _unstable_ actually qualifies as a
731        > standard distro userspace.               725        > standard distro userspace.
732                                                   726 
733        Oh, if the kernel breaks some standard     727        Oh, if the kernel breaks some standard user space, that counts. Tons
734        of people run Debian unstable              728        of people run Debian unstable
735                                                   729 
736  * From `2019-09-15                               730  * From `2019-09-15
737    <https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CAHk-=wiP4K8DR    731    <https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CAHk-=wiP4K8DRJWsCo=20hn_6054xBamGKF2kPgUzpB5aMaofA@mail.gmail.com/">https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/CAHk-=wiP4K8DRJWsCo=20hn_6054xBamGKF2kPgUzpB5aMaofA@mail.gmail.com/>`_::
738                                                   732 
739        One _particularly_ last-minute revert i    733        One _particularly_ last-minute revert is the top-most commit (ignoring
740        the version change itself) done just be    734        the version change itself) done just before the release, and while
741        it's very annoying, it's perhaps also i    735        it's very annoying, it's perhaps also instructive.
742                                                   736 
743        What's instructive about it is that I r    737        What's instructive about it is that I reverted a commit that wasn't
744        actually buggy. In fact, it was doing e    738        actually buggy. In fact, it was doing exactly what it set out to do,
745        and did it very well. In fact it did it    739        and did it very well. In fact it did it _so_ well that the much
746        improved IO patterns it caused then end    740        improved IO patterns it caused then ended up revealing a user-visible
747        regression due to a real bug in a compl    741        regression due to a real bug in a completely unrelated area.
748                                                   742 
749        The actual details of that regression a    743        The actual details of that regression are not the reason I point that
750        revert out as instructive, though. It's    744        revert out as instructive, though. It's more that it's an instructive
751        example of what counts as a regression,    745        example of what counts as a regression, and what the whole "no
752        regressions" kernel rule means. The rev    746        regressions" kernel rule means. The reverted commit didn't change any
753        API's, and it didn't introduce any new     747        API's, and it didn't introduce any new bugs. But it ended up exposing
754        another problem, and as such caused a k    748        another problem, and as such caused a kernel upgrade to fail for a
755        user. So it got reverted.                  749        user. So it got reverted.
756                                                   750 
757        The point here being that we revert bas    751        The point here being that we revert based on user-reported _behavior_,
758        not based on some "it changes the ABI"     752        not based on some "it changes the ABI" or "it caused a bug" concept.
759        The problem was really pre-existing, an    753        The problem was really pre-existing, and it just didn't happen to
760        trigger before. The better IO patterns     754        trigger before. The better IO patterns introduced by the change just
761        happened to expose an old bug, and peop    755        happened to expose an old bug, and people had grown to depend on the
762        previously benign behavior of that old     756        previously benign behavior of that old issue.
763                                                   757 
764        And never fear, we'll re-introduce the     758        And never fear, we'll re-introduce the fix that improved on the IO
765        patterns once we've decided just how to    759        patterns once we've decided just how to handle the fact that we had a
766        bad interaction with an interface that     760        bad interaction with an interface that people had then just happened
767        to rely on incidental behavior for befo    761        to rely on incidental behavior for before. It's just that we'll have
768        to hash through how to do that (there a    762        to hash through how to do that (there are no less than three different
769        patches by three different developers b    763        patches by three different developers being discussed, and there might
770        be more coming...). In the meantime, I     764        be more coming...). In the meantime, I reverted the thing that exposed
771        the problem to users for this release,     765        the problem to users for this release, even if I hope it will be
772        re-introduced (perhaps even backported     766        re-introduced (perhaps even backported as a stable patch) once we have
773        consensus about the issue it exposed.      767        consensus about the issue it exposed.
774                                                   768 
775        Take-away from the whole thing: it's no    769        Take-away from the whole thing: it's not about whether you change the
776        kernel-userspace ABI, or fix a bug, or     770        kernel-userspace ABI, or fix a bug, or about whether the old code
777        "should never have worked in the first     771        "should never have worked in the first place". It's about whether
778        something breaks existing users' workfl    772        something breaks existing users' workflow.
779                                                   773 
780        Anyway, that was my little aside on the    774        Anyway, that was my little aside on the whole regression thing.  Since
781        it's that "first rule of kernel program    775        it's that "first rule of kernel programming", I felt it is perhaps
782        worth just bringing it up every once in    776        worth just bringing it up every once in a while
783                                                   777 
784 ..                                                778 ..
785    end-of-content                                 779    end-of-content
786 ..                                                780 ..
787    This text is available under GPL-2.0+ or CC    781    This text is available under GPL-2.0+ or CC-BY-4.0, as stated at the top
788    of the file. If you want to distribute this    782    of the file. If you want to distribute this text under CC-BY-4.0 only,
789    please use "The Linux kernel developers" fo    783    please use "The Linux kernel developers" for author attribution and link
790    this as source:                                784    this as source:
791    https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel    785    https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/plain/Documentation/process/handling-regressions.rst
792 ..                                                786 ..
793    Note: Only the content of this RST file as     787    Note: Only the content of this RST file as found in the Linux kernel sources
794    is available under CC-BY-4.0, as versions o    788    is available under CC-BY-4.0, as versions of this text that were processed
795    (for example by the kernel's build system)     789    (for example by the kernel's build system) might contain content taken from
796    files which use a more restrictive license.    790    files which use a more restrictive license.

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