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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

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Diff markup

Differences between /Documentation/scsi/BusLogic.rst (Version linux-6.12-rc7) and /Documentation/scsi/BusLogic.rst (Version linux-6.8.12)

  1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0                 1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  2                                                     2 
  3 ==============================================      3 =========================================================
  4 BusLogic MultiMaster and FlashPoint SCSI Drive      4 BusLogic MultiMaster and FlashPoint SCSI Driver for Linux
  5 ==============================================      5 =========================================================
  6                                                     6 
  7                          Version 2.0.15 for Li      7                          Version 2.0.15 for Linux 2.0
  8                                                     8 
  9                          Version 2.1.15 for Li      9                          Version 2.1.15 for Linux 2.1
 10                                                    10 
 11                               PRODUCTION RELEA     11                               PRODUCTION RELEASE
 12                                                    12 
 13                                 17 August 1998     13                                 17 August 1998
 14                                                    14 
 15                                Leonard N. Zubk     15                                Leonard N. Zubkoff
 16                                                    16 
 17                                Dandelion Digit     17                                Dandelion Digital
 18                                                    18 
 19                                lnz@dandelion.c     19                                lnz@dandelion.com
 20                                                    20 
 21          Copyright 1995-1998 by Leonard N. Zub<     21          Copyright 1995-1998 by Leonard N. Zubkoff <lnz@dandelion.com>
 22                                                    22 
 23                                                    23 
 24 Introduction                                       24 Introduction
 25 ============                                       25 ============
 26                                                    26 
 27 BusLogic, Inc. designed and manufactured a var     27 BusLogic, Inc. designed and manufactured a variety of high performance SCSI
 28 host adapters which share a common programming     28 host adapters which share a common programming interface across a diverse
 29 collection of bus architectures by virtue of t     29 collection of bus architectures by virtue of their MultiMaster ASIC technology.
 30 BusLogic was acquired by Mylex Corporation in      30 BusLogic was acquired by Mylex Corporation in February 1996, but the products
 31 supported by this driver originated under the      31 supported by this driver originated under the BusLogic name and so that name is
 32 retained in the source code and documentation.     32 retained in the source code and documentation.
 33                                                    33 
 34 This driver supports all present BusLogic Mult     34 This driver supports all present BusLogic MultiMaster Host Adapters, and should
 35 support any future MultiMaster designs with li     35 support any future MultiMaster designs with little or no modification.  More
 36 recently, BusLogic introduced the FlashPoint H     36 recently, BusLogic introduced the FlashPoint Host Adapters, which are less
 37 costly and rely on the host CPU, rather than i     37 costly and rely on the host CPU, rather than including an onboard processor.
 38 Despite not having an onboard CPU, the FlashPo     38 Despite not having an onboard CPU, the FlashPoint Host Adapters perform very
 39 well and have very low command latency.  BusLo     39 well and have very low command latency.  BusLogic has recently provided me with
 40 the FlashPoint Driver Developer's Kit, which c     40 the FlashPoint Driver Developer's Kit, which comprises documentation and freely
 41 redistributable source code for the FlashPoint     41 redistributable source code for the FlashPoint SCCB Manager.  The SCCB Manager
 42 is the library of code that runs on the host C     42 is the library of code that runs on the host CPU and performs functions
 43 analogous to the firmware on the MultiMaster H     43 analogous to the firmware on the MultiMaster Host Adapters.  Thanks to their
 44 having provided the SCCB Manager, this driver      44 having provided the SCCB Manager, this driver now supports the FlashPoint Host
 45 Adapters as well.                                  45 Adapters as well.
 46                                                    46 
 47 My primary goals in writing this completely ne     47 My primary goals in writing this completely new BusLogic driver for Linux are
 48 to achieve the full performance that BusLogic      48 to achieve the full performance that BusLogic SCSI Host Adapters and modern
 49 SCSI peripherals are capable of, and to provid     49 SCSI peripherals are capable of, and to provide a highly robust driver that can
 50 be depended upon for high performance mission      50 be depended upon for high performance mission critical applications.  All of
 51 the major performance features can be configur     51 the major performance features can be configured from the Linux kernel command
 52 line or at module initialization time, allowin     52 line or at module initialization time, allowing individual installations to
 53 tune driver performance and error recovery to      53 tune driver performance and error recovery to their particular needs.
 54                                                    54 
 55 The latest information on Linux support for Bu     55 The latest information on Linux support for BusLogic SCSI Host Adapters, as
 56 well as the most recent release of this driver     56 well as the most recent release of this driver and the latest firmware for the
 57 BT-948/958/958D, will always be available from     57 BT-948/958/958D, will always be available from my Linux Home Page at URL
 58 "http://sourceforge.net/projects/dandelion/".      58 "http://sourceforge.net/projects/dandelion/".
 59                                                    59 
 60 Bug reports should be sent via electronic mail     60 Bug reports should be sent via electronic mail to "lnz@dandelion.com".  Please
 61 include with the bug report the complete confi     61 include with the bug report the complete configuration messages reported by the
 62 driver and SCSI subsystem at startup, along wi     62 driver and SCSI subsystem at startup, along with any subsequent system messages
 63 relevant to SCSI operations, and a detailed de     63 relevant to SCSI operations, and a detailed description of your system's
 64 hardware configuration.                            64 hardware configuration.
 65                                                    65 
 66 Mylex has been an excellent company to work wi     66 Mylex has been an excellent company to work with and I highly recommend their
 67 products to the Linux community.  In November      67 products to the Linux community.  In November 1995, I was offered the
 68 opportunity to become a beta test site for the     68 opportunity to become a beta test site for their latest MultiMaster product,
 69 the BT-948 PCI Ultra SCSI Host Adapter, and th     69 the BT-948 PCI Ultra SCSI Host Adapter, and then again for the BT-958 PCI Wide
 70 Ultra SCSI Host Adapter in January 1996.  This     70 Ultra SCSI Host Adapter in January 1996.  This was mutually beneficial since
 71 Mylex received a degree and kind of testing th     71 Mylex received a degree and kind of testing that their own testing group cannot
 72 readily achieve, and the Linux community has a     72 readily achieve, and the Linux community has available high performance host
 73 adapters that have been well tested with Linux     73 adapters that have been well tested with Linux even before being brought to
 74 market.  This relationship has also given me t     74 market.  This relationship has also given me the opportunity to interact
 75 directly with their technical staff, to unders     75 directly with their technical staff, to understand more about the internal
 76 workings of their products, and in turn to edu     76 workings of their products, and in turn to educate them about the needs and
 77 potential of the Linux community.                  77 potential of the Linux community.
 78                                                    78 
 79 More recently, Mylex has reaffirmed the compan     79 More recently, Mylex has reaffirmed the company's interest in supporting the
 80 Linux community, and I am now working on a Lin     80 Linux community, and I am now working on a Linux driver for the DAC960 PCI RAID
 81 Controllers.  Mylex's interest and support is      81 Controllers.  Mylex's interest and support is greatly appreciated.
 82                                                    82 
 83 Unlike some other vendors, if you contact Myle     83 Unlike some other vendors, if you contact Mylex Technical Support with a
 84 problem and are running Linux, they will not t     84 problem and are running Linux, they will not tell you that your use of their
 85 products is unsupported.  Their latest product     85 products is unsupported.  Their latest product marketing literature even states
 86 "Mylex SCSI host adapters are compatible with      86 "Mylex SCSI host adapters are compatible with all major operating systems
 87 including: ... Linux ...".                         87 including: ... Linux ...".
 88                                                    88 
 89 Mylex Corporation is located at 34551 Ardenwoo     89 Mylex Corporation is located at 34551 Ardenwood Blvd., Fremont, California
 90 94555, USA and can be reached at 510/796-6100      90 94555, USA and can be reached at 510/796-6100 or on the World Wide Web at
 91 http://www.mylex.com.  Mylex HBA Technical Sup     91 http://www.mylex.com.  Mylex HBA Technical Support can be reached by electronic
 92 mail at techsup@mylex.com, by Voice at 510/608     92 mail at techsup@mylex.com, by Voice at 510/608-2400, or by FAX at 510/745-7715.
 93 Contact information for offices in Europe and      93 Contact information for offices in Europe and Japan is available on the Web
 94 site.                                              94 site.
 95                                                    95 
 96                                                    96 
 97 Driver Features                                    97 Driver Features
 98 ===============                                    98 ===============
 99                                                    99 
100 Configuration Reporting and Testing               100 Configuration Reporting and Testing
101 -----------------------------------               101 -----------------------------------
102                                                   102 
103   During system initialization, the driver rep    103   During system initialization, the driver reports extensively on the host
104   adapter hardware configuration, including th    104   adapter hardware configuration, including the synchronous transfer parameters
105   requested and negotiated with each target de    105   requested and negotiated with each target device.  AutoSCSI settings for
106   Synchronous Negotiation, Wide Negotiation, a    106   Synchronous Negotiation, Wide Negotiation, and Disconnect/Reconnect are
107   reported for each target device, as well as     107   reported for each target device, as well as the status of Tagged Queuing.
108   If the same setting is in effect for all tar    108   If the same setting is in effect for all target devices, then a single word
109   or phrase is used; otherwise, a letter is pr    109   or phrase is used; otherwise, a letter is provided for each target device to
110   indicate the individual status.  The followi    110   indicate the individual status.  The following examples
111   should clarify this reporting format:           111   should clarify this reporting format:
112                                                   112 
113     Synchronous Negotiation: Ultra                113     Synchronous Negotiation: Ultra
114                                                   114 
115       Synchronous negotiation is enabled for a    115       Synchronous negotiation is enabled for all target devices and the host
116       adapter will attempt to negotiate for 20    116       adapter will attempt to negotiate for 20.0 mega-transfers/second.
117                                                   117 
118     Synchronous Negotiation: Fast                 118     Synchronous Negotiation: Fast
119                                                   119 
120       Synchronous negotiation is enabled for a    120       Synchronous negotiation is enabled for all target devices and the host
121       adapter will attempt to negotiate for 10    121       adapter will attempt to negotiate for 10.0 mega-transfers/second.
122                                                   122 
123     Synchronous Negotiation: Slow                 123     Synchronous Negotiation: Slow
124                                                   124 
125       Synchronous negotiation is enabled for a    125       Synchronous negotiation is enabled for all target devices and the host
126       adapter will attempt to negotiate for 5.    126       adapter will attempt to negotiate for 5.0 mega-transfers/second.
127                                                   127 
128     Synchronous Negotiation: Disabled             128     Synchronous Negotiation: Disabled
129                                                   129 
130       Synchronous negotiation is disabled and     130       Synchronous negotiation is disabled and all target devices are limited to
131       asynchronous operation.                     131       asynchronous operation.
132                                                   132 
133     Synchronous Negotiation: UFSNUUU#UUUUUUUU     133     Synchronous Negotiation: UFSNUUU#UUUUUUUU
134                                                   134 
135       Synchronous negotiation to Ultra speed i    135       Synchronous negotiation to Ultra speed is enabled for target devices 0
136       and 4 through 15, to Fast speed for targ    136       and 4 through 15, to Fast speed for target device 1, to Slow speed for
137       target device 2, and is not permitted to    137       target device 2, and is not permitted to target device 3.  The host
138       adapter's SCSI ID is represented by the     138       adapter's SCSI ID is represented by the "#".
139                                                   139 
140     The status of Wide Negotiation, Disconnect    140     The status of Wide Negotiation, Disconnect/Reconnect, and Tagged Queuing
141     are reported as "Enabled", Disabled", or a    141     are reported as "Enabled", Disabled", or a sequence of "Y" and "N" letters.
142                                                   142 
143 Performance Features                              143 Performance Features
144 --------------------                              144 --------------------
145                                                   145 
146   BusLogic SCSI Host Adapters directly impleme    146   BusLogic SCSI Host Adapters directly implement SCSI-2 Tagged Queuing, and so
147   support has been included in the driver to u    147   support has been included in the driver to utilize tagged queuing with any
148   target devices that report having the tagged    148   target devices that report having the tagged queuing capability.  Tagged
149   queuing allows for multiple outstanding comm    149   queuing allows for multiple outstanding commands to be issued to each target
150   device or logical unit, and can improve I/O     150   device or logical unit, and can improve I/O performance substantially.  In
151   addition, BusLogic's Strict Round Robin Mode    151   addition, BusLogic's Strict Round Robin Mode is used to optimize host adapter
152   performance, and scatter/gather I/O can supp    152   performance, and scatter/gather I/O can support as many segments as can be
153   effectively utilized by the Linux I/O subsys    153   effectively utilized by the Linux I/O subsystem.  Control over the use of
154   tagged queuing for each target device as wel    154   tagged queuing for each target device as well as individual selection of the
155   tagged queue depth is available through driv    155   tagged queue depth is available through driver options provided on the kernel
156   command line or at module initialization tim    156   command line or at module initialization time.  By default, the queue depth
157   is determined automatically based on the hos    157   is determined automatically based on the host adapter's total queue depth and
158   the number, type, speed, and capabilities of    158   the number, type, speed, and capabilities of the target devices found.  In
159   addition, tagged queuing is automatically di    159   addition, tagged queuing is automatically disabled whenever the host adapter
160   firmware version is known not to implement i    160   firmware version is known not to implement it correctly, or whenever a tagged
161   queue depth of 1 is selected.  Tagged queuin    161   queue depth of 1 is selected.  Tagged queuing is also disabled for individual
162   target devices if disconnect/reconnect is di    162   target devices if disconnect/reconnect is disabled for that device.
163                                                   163 
164 Robustness Features                               164 Robustness Features
165 -------------------                               165 -------------------
166                                                   166 
167   The driver implements extensive error recove    167   The driver implements extensive error recovery procedures.  When the higher
168   level parts of the SCSI subsystem request th    168   level parts of the SCSI subsystem request that a timed out command be reset,
169   a selection is made between a full host adap    169   a selection is made between a full host adapter hard reset and SCSI bus reset
170   versus sending a bus device reset message to    170   versus sending a bus device reset message to the individual target device
171   based on the recommendation of the SCSI subs    171   based on the recommendation of the SCSI subsystem.  Error recovery strategies
172   are selectable through driver options indivi    172   are selectable through driver options individually for each target device,
173   and also include sending a bus device reset     173   and also include sending a bus device reset to the specific target device
174   associated with the command being reset, as     174   associated with the command being reset, as well as suppressing error
175   recovery entirely to avoid perturbing an imp    175   recovery entirely to avoid perturbing an improperly functioning device.  If
176   the bus device reset error recovery strategy    176   the bus device reset error recovery strategy is selected and sending a bus
177   device reset does not restore correct operat    177   device reset does not restore correct operation, the next command that is
178   reset will force a full host adapter hard re    178   reset will force a full host adapter hard reset and SCSI bus reset.  SCSI bus
179   resets caused by other devices and detected     179   resets caused by other devices and detected by the host adapter are also
180   handled by issuing a soft reset to the host     180   handled by issuing a soft reset to the host adapter and re-initialization.
181   Finally, if tagged queuing is active and mor    181   Finally, if tagged queuing is active and more than one command reset occurs
182   in a 10 minute interval, or if a command res    182   in a 10 minute interval, or if a command reset occurs within the first 10
183   minutes of operation, then tagged queuing wi    183   minutes of operation, then tagged queuing will be disabled for that target
184   device.  These error recovery options improv    184   device.  These error recovery options improve overall system robustness by
185   preventing individual errant devices from ca    185   preventing individual errant devices from causing the system as a whole to
186   lock up or crash, and thereby allowing a cle    186   lock up or crash, and thereby allowing a clean shutdown and restart after the
187   offending component is removed.                 187   offending component is removed.
188                                                   188 
189 PCI Configuration Support                         189 PCI Configuration Support
190 -------------------------                         190 -------------------------
191                                                   191 
192   On PCI systems running kernels compiled with    192   On PCI systems running kernels compiled with PCI BIOS support enabled, this
193   driver will interrogate the PCI configuratio    193   driver will interrogate the PCI configuration space and use the I/O port
194   addresses assigned by the system BIOS, rathe    194   addresses assigned by the system BIOS, rather than the ISA compatible I/O
195   port addresses.  The ISA compatible I/O port    195   port addresses.  The ISA compatible I/O port address is then disabled by the
196   driver.  On PCI systems it is also recommend    196   driver.  On PCI systems it is also recommended that the AutoSCSI utility be
197   used to disable the ISA compatible I/O port     197   used to disable the ISA compatible I/O port entirely as it is not necessary.
198   The ISA compatible I/O port is disabled by d    198   The ISA compatible I/O port is disabled by default on the BT-948/958/958D.
199                                                   199 
200 /proc File System Support                         200 /proc File System Support
201 -------------------------                         201 -------------------------
202                                                   202 
203   Copies of the host adapter configuration inf    203   Copies of the host adapter configuration information together with updated
204   data transfer and error recovery statistics     204   data transfer and error recovery statistics are available through the
205   /proc/scsi/BusLogic/<N> interface.              205   /proc/scsi/BusLogic/<N> interface.
206                                                   206 
207 Shared Interrupts Support                         207 Shared Interrupts Support
208 -------------------------                         208 -------------------------
209                                                   209 
210   On systems that support shared interrupts, a    210   On systems that support shared interrupts, any number of BusLogic Host
211   Adapters may share the same interrupt reques    211   Adapters may share the same interrupt request channel.
212                                                   212 
213                                                   213 
214 Supported Host Adapters                           214 Supported Host Adapters
215 =======================                           215 =======================
216                                                   216 
217 The following list comprises the supported Bus    217 The following list comprises the supported BusLogic SCSI Host Adapters as of
218 the date of this document.  It is recommended     218 the date of this document.  It is recommended that anyone purchasing a BusLogic
219 Host Adapter not in the following table contac    219 Host Adapter not in the following table contact the author beforehand to verify
220 that it is or will be supported.                  220 that it is or will be supported.
221                                                   221 
222 FlashPoint Series PCI Host Adapters:              222 FlashPoint Series PCI Host Adapters:
223                                                   223 
224 ======================= ======================    224 ======================= =============================================
225 FlashPoint LT (BT-930)  Ultra SCSI-3              225 FlashPoint LT (BT-930)  Ultra SCSI-3
226 FlashPoint LT (BT-930R) Ultra SCSI-3 with RAID    226 FlashPoint LT (BT-930R) Ultra SCSI-3 with RAIDPlus
227 FlashPoint LT (BT-920)  Ultra SCSI-3 (BT-930 w    227 FlashPoint LT (BT-920)  Ultra SCSI-3 (BT-930 without BIOS)
228 FlashPoint DL (BT-932)  Dual Channel Ultra SCS    228 FlashPoint DL (BT-932)  Dual Channel Ultra SCSI-3
229 FlashPoint DL (BT-932R) Dual Channel Ultra SCS    229 FlashPoint DL (BT-932R) Dual Channel Ultra SCSI-3 with RAIDPlus
230 FlashPoint LW (BT-950)  Wide Ultra SCSI-3         230 FlashPoint LW (BT-950)  Wide Ultra SCSI-3
231 FlashPoint LW (BT-950R) Wide Ultra SCSI-3 with    231 FlashPoint LW (BT-950R) Wide Ultra SCSI-3 with RAIDPlus
232 FlashPoint DW (BT-952)  Dual Channel Wide Ultr    232 FlashPoint DW (BT-952)  Dual Channel Wide Ultra SCSI-3
233 FlashPoint DW (BT-952R) Dual Channel Wide Ultr    233 FlashPoint DW (BT-952R) Dual Channel Wide Ultra SCSI-3 with RAIDPlus
234 ======================= ======================    234 ======================= =============================================
235                                                   235 
236 MultiMaster "W" Series Host Adapters:             236 MultiMaster "W" Series Host Adapters:
237                                                   237 
238 =======     ===         ======================    238 =======     ===         ==============================
239 BT-948      PCI         Ultra SCSI-3              239 BT-948      PCI         Ultra SCSI-3
240 BT-958      PCI         Wide Ultra SCSI-3         240 BT-958      PCI         Wide Ultra SCSI-3
241 BT-958D     PCI         Wide Differential Ultr    241 BT-958D     PCI         Wide Differential Ultra SCSI-3
242 =======     ===         ======================    242 =======     ===         ==============================
243                                                   243 
244 MultiMaster "C" Series Host Adapters:             244 MultiMaster "C" Series Host Adapters:
245                                                   245 
246 ========    ====        ======================    246 ========    ====        ==============================
247 BT-946C     PCI         Fast SCSI-2               247 BT-946C     PCI         Fast SCSI-2
248 BT-956C     PCI         Wide Fast SCSI-2          248 BT-956C     PCI         Wide Fast SCSI-2
249 BT-956CD    PCI         Wide Differential Fast    249 BT-956CD    PCI         Wide Differential Fast SCSI-2
250 BT-445C     VLB         Fast SCSI-2               250 BT-445C     VLB         Fast SCSI-2
251 BT-747C     EISA        Fast SCSI-2               251 BT-747C     EISA        Fast SCSI-2
252 BT-757C     EISA        Wide Fast SCSI-2          252 BT-757C     EISA        Wide Fast SCSI-2
253 BT-757CD    EISA        Wide Differential Fast    253 BT-757CD    EISA        Wide Differential Fast SCSI-2
254 ========    ====        ======================    254 ========    ====        ==============================
255                                                   255 
256 MultiMaster "S" Series Host Adapters:             256 MultiMaster "S" Series Host Adapters:
257                                                   257 
258 =======     ====        ======================    258 =======     ====        ==============================
259 BT-445S     VLB         Fast SCSI-2               259 BT-445S     VLB         Fast SCSI-2
260 BT-747S     EISA        Fast SCSI-2               260 BT-747S     EISA        Fast SCSI-2
261 BT-747D     EISA        Differential Fast SCSI    261 BT-747D     EISA        Differential Fast SCSI-2
262 BT-757S     EISA        Wide Fast SCSI-2          262 BT-757S     EISA        Wide Fast SCSI-2
263 BT-757D     EISA        Wide Differential Fast    263 BT-757D     EISA        Wide Differential Fast SCSI-2
264 BT-742A     EISA        SCSI-2 (742A revision     264 BT-742A     EISA        SCSI-2 (742A revision H)
265 =======     ====        ======================    265 =======     ====        ==============================
266                                                   266 
267 MultiMaster "A" Series Host Adapters:             267 MultiMaster "A" Series Host Adapters:
268                                                   268 
269 =======     ====        ======================    269 =======     ====        ==============================
270 BT-742A     EISA        SCSI-2 (742A revisions    270 BT-742A     EISA        SCSI-2 (742A revisions A - G)
271 =======     ====        ======================    271 =======     ====        ==============================
272                                                   272 
273 AMI FastDisk Host Adapters that are true BusLo    273 AMI FastDisk Host Adapters that are true BusLogic MultiMaster clones are also
274 supported by this driver.                         274 supported by this driver.
275                                                   275 
276 BusLogic SCSI Host Adapters are available pack    276 BusLogic SCSI Host Adapters are available packaged both as bare boards and as
277 retail kits.  The BT- model numbers above refe    277 retail kits.  The BT- model numbers above refer to the bare board packaging.
278 The retail kit model numbers are found by repl    278 The retail kit model numbers are found by replacing BT- with KT- in the above
279 list.  The retail kit includes the bare board     279 list.  The retail kit includes the bare board and manual as well as cabling and
280 driver media and documentation that are not pr    280 driver media and documentation that are not provided with bare boards.
281                                                   281 
282                                                   282 
283 FlashPoint Installation Notes                     283 FlashPoint Installation Notes
284 =============================                     284 =============================
285                                                   285 
286 RAIDPlus Support                                  286 RAIDPlus Support
287 ----------------                                  287 ----------------
288                                                   288 
289   FlashPoint Host Adapters now include RAIDPlu    289   FlashPoint Host Adapters now include RAIDPlus, Mylex's bootable software
290   RAID.  RAIDPlus is not supported on Linux, a    290   RAID.  RAIDPlus is not supported on Linux, and there are no plans to support
291   it.  The MD driver in Linux 2.0 provides for    291   it.  The MD driver in Linux 2.0 provides for concatenation (LINEAR) and
292   striping (RAID-0), and support for mirroring    292   striping (RAID-0), and support for mirroring (RAID-1), fixed parity (RAID-4),
293   and distributed parity (RAID-5) is available    293   and distributed parity (RAID-5) is available separately.  The built-in Linux
294   RAID support is generally more flexible and     294   RAID support is generally more flexible and is expected to perform better
295   than RAIDPlus, so there is little impetus to    295   than RAIDPlus, so there is little impetus to include RAIDPlus support in the
296   BusLogic driver.                                296   BusLogic driver.
297                                                   297 
298 Enabling UltraSCSI Transfers                      298 Enabling UltraSCSI Transfers
299 ----------------------------                      299 ----------------------------
300                                                   300 
301   FlashPoint Host Adapters ship with their con    301   FlashPoint Host Adapters ship with their configuration set to "Factory
302   Default" settings that are conservative and     302   Default" settings that are conservative and do not allow for UltraSCSI speed
303   to be negotiated.  This results in fewer pro    303   to be negotiated.  This results in fewer problems when these host adapters
304   are installed in systems with cabling or ter    304   are installed in systems with cabling or termination that is not sufficient
305   for UltraSCSI operation, or where existing S    305   for UltraSCSI operation, or where existing SCSI devices do not properly
306   respond to synchronous transfer negotiation     306   respond to synchronous transfer negotiation for UltraSCSI speed.  AutoSCSI
307   may be used to load "Optimum Performance" se    307   may be used to load "Optimum Performance" settings which allow UltraSCSI
308   speed to be negotiated with all devices, or     308   speed to be negotiated with all devices, or UltraSCSI speed can be enabled on
309   an individual basis.  It is recommended that    309   an individual basis.  It is recommended that SCAM be manually disabled after
310   the "Optimum Performance" settings are loade    310   the "Optimum Performance" settings are loaded.
311                                                   311 
312                                                   312 
313 BT-948/958/958D Installation Notes                313 BT-948/958/958D Installation Notes
314 ==================================                314 ==================================
315                                                   315 
316 The BT-948/958/958D PCI Ultra SCSI Host Adapte    316 The BT-948/958/958D PCI Ultra SCSI Host Adapters have some features which may
317 require attention in some circumstances when i    317 require attention in some circumstances when installing Linux.
318                                                   318 
319 PCI I/O Port Assignments                          319 PCI I/O Port Assignments
320 ------------------------                          320 ------------------------
321                                                   321 
322   When configured to factory default settings,    322   When configured to factory default settings, the BT-948/958/958D will only
323   recognize the PCI I/O port assignments made     323   recognize the PCI I/O port assignments made by the motherboard's PCI BIOS.
324   The BT-948/958/958D will not respond to any     324   The BT-948/958/958D will not respond to any of the ISA compatible I/O ports
325   that previous BusLogic SCSI Host Adapters re    325   that previous BusLogic SCSI Host Adapters respond to.  This driver supports
326   the PCI I/O port assignments, so this is the    326   the PCI I/O port assignments, so this is the preferred configuration.
327   However, if the obsolete BusLogic driver mus    327   However, if the obsolete BusLogic driver must be used for any reason, such as
328   a Linux distribution that does not yet use t    328   a Linux distribution that does not yet use this driver in its boot kernel,
329   BusLogic has provided an AutoSCSI configurat    329   BusLogic has provided an AutoSCSI configuration option to enable a legacy ISA
330   compatible I/O port.                            330   compatible I/O port.
331                                                   331 
332   To enable this backward compatibility option    332   To enable this backward compatibility option, invoke the AutoSCSI utility via
333   Ctrl-B at system startup and select "Adapter    333   Ctrl-B at system startup and select "Adapter Configuration", "View/Modify
334   Configuration", and then change the "ISA Com    334   Configuration", and then change the "ISA Compatible Port" setting from
335   "Disable" to "Primary" or "Alternate".  Once    335   "Disable" to "Primary" or "Alternate".  Once this driver has been installed,
336   the "ISA Compatible Port" option should be s    336   the "ISA Compatible Port" option should be set back to "Disable" to avoid
337   possible future I/O port conflicts.  The old    337   possible future I/O port conflicts.  The older BT-946C/956C/956CD also have
338   this configuration option, but the factory d    338   this configuration option, but the factory default setting is "Primary".
339                                                   339 
340 PCI Slot Scanning Order                           340 PCI Slot Scanning Order
341 -----------------------                           341 -----------------------
342                                                   342 
343   In systems with multiple BusLogic PCI Host A    343   In systems with multiple BusLogic PCI Host Adapters, the order in which the
344   PCI slots are scanned may appear reversed wi    344   PCI slots are scanned may appear reversed with the BT-948/958/958D as
345   compared to the BT-946C/956C/956CD.  For boo    345   compared to the BT-946C/956C/956CD.  For booting from a SCSI disk to work
346   correctly, it is necessary that the host ada    346   correctly, it is necessary that the host adapter's BIOS and the kernel agree
347   on which disk is the boot device, which requ    347   on which disk is the boot device, which requires that they recognize the PCI
348   host adapters in the same order.  The mother    348   host adapters in the same order.  The motherboard's PCI BIOS provides a
349   standard way of enumerating the PCI host ada    349   standard way of enumerating the PCI host adapters, which is used by the Linux
350   kernel.  Some PCI BIOS implementations enume    350   kernel.  Some PCI BIOS implementations enumerate the PCI slots in order of
351   increasing bus number and device number, whi    351   increasing bus number and device number, while others do so in the opposite
352   direction.                                      352   direction.
353                                                   353 
354   Unfortunately, Microsoft decided that Window    354   Unfortunately, Microsoft decided that Windows 95 would always enumerate the
355   PCI slots in order of increasing bus number     355   PCI slots in order of increasing bus number and device number regardless of
356   the PCI BIOS enumeration, and requires that     356   the PCI BIOS enumeration, and requires that their scheme be supported by the
357   host adapter's BIOS to receive Windows 95 ce    357   host adapter's BIOS to receive Windows 95 certification.  Therefore, the
358   factory default settings of the BT-948/958/9    358   factory default settings of the BT-948/958/958D enumerate the host adapters
359   by increasing bus number and device number.     359   by increasing bus number and device number.  To disable this feature, invoke
360   the AutoSCSI utility via Ctrl-B at system st    360   the AutoSCSI utility via Ctrl-B at system startup and select "Adapter
361   Configuration", "View/Modify Configuration",    361   Configuration", "View/Modify Configuration", press Ctrl-F10, and then change
362   the "Use Bus And Device # For PCI Scanning S    362   the "Use Bus And Device # For PCI Scanning Seq." option to OFF.
363                                                   363 
364   This driver will interrogate the setting of     364   This driver will interrogate the setting of the PCI Scanning Sequence option
365   so as to recognize the host adapters in the     365   so as to recognize the host adapters in the same order as they are enumerated
366   by the host adapter's BIOS.                     366   by the host adapter's BIOS.
367                                                   367 
368 Enabling UltraSCSI Transfers                      368 Enabling UltraSCSI Transfers
369 ----------------------------                      369 ----------------------------
370                                                   370 
371   The BT-948/958/958D ship with their configur    371   The BT-948/958/958D ship with their configuration set to "Factory Default"
372   settings that are conservative and do not al    372   settings that are conservative and do not allow for UltraSCSI speed to be
373   negotiated.  This results in fewer problems     373   negotiated.  This results in fewer problems when these host adapters are
374   installed in systems with cabling or termina    374   installed in systems with cabling or termination that is not sufficient for
375   UltraSCSI operation, or where existing SCSI     375   UltraSCSI operation, or where existing SCSI devices do not properly respond
376   to synchronous transfer negotiation for Ultr    376   to synchronous transfer negotiation for UltraSCSI speed.  AutoSCSI may be
377   used to load "Optimum Performance" settings     377   used to load "Optimum Performance" settings which allow UltraSCSI speed to be
378   negotiated with all devices, or UltraSCSI sp    378   negotiated with all devices, or UltraSCSI speed can be enabled on an
379   individual basis.  It is recommended that SC    379   individual basis.  It is recommended that SCAM be manually disabled after the
380   "Optimum Performance" settings are loaded.      380   "Optimum Performance" settings are loaded.
381                                                   381 
382                                                   382 
383 Driver Options                                    383 Driver Options
384 ==============                                    384 ==============
385                                                   385 
386 BusLogic Driver Options may be specified eithe    386 BusLogic Driver Options may be specified either via the Linux Kernel Command
387 Line or via the Loadable Kernel Module Install    387 Line or via the Loadable Kernel Module Installation Facility.  Driver Options
388 for multiple host adapters may be specified ei    388 for multiple host adapters may be specified either by separating the option
389 strings by a semicolon, or by specifying multi    389 strings by a semicolon, or by specifying multiple "BusLogic=" strings on the
390 command line.  Individual option specification    390 command line.  Individual option specifications for a single host adapter are
391 separated by commas.  The Probing and Debuggin    391 separated by commas.  The Probing and Debugging Options apply to all host
392 adapters whereas the remaining options apply i    392 adapters whereas the remaining options apply individually only to the
393 selected host adapter.                            393 selected host adapter.
394                                                   394 
395 The BusLogic Driver Probing Options comprise t    395 The BusLogic Driver Probing Options comprise the following:
396                                                   396 
397 NoProbe                                           397 NoProbe
398                                                   398 
399   The "NoProbe" option disables all probing an    399   The "NoProbe" option disables all probing and therefore no BusLogic Host
400   Adapters will be detected.                      400   Adapters will be detected.
401                                                   401 
402 NoProbePCI                                        402 NoProbePCI
403                                                   403 
404   The "NoProbePCI" options disables the interr    404   The "NoProbePCI" options disables the interrogation of PCI Configuration
405   Space and therefore only ISA Multimaster Hos    405   Space and therefore only ISA Multimaster Host Adapters will be detected, as
406   well as PCI Multimaster Host Adapters that h    406   well as PCI Multimaster Host Adapters that have their ISA Compatible I/O
407   Port set to "Primary" or "Alternate".           407   Port set to "Primary" or "Alternate".
408                                                   408 
409 NoSortPCI                                         409 NoSortPCI
410                                                   410 
411   The "NoSortPCI" option forces PCI MultiMaste    411   The "NoSortPCI" option forces PCI MultiMaster Host Adapters to be
412   enumerated in the order provided by the PCI     412   enumerated in the order provided by the PCI BIOS, ignoring any setting of
413   the AutoSCSI "Use Bus And Device # For PCI S    413   the AutoSCSI "Use Bus And Device # For PCI Scanning Seq." option.
414                                                   414 
415 MultiMasterFirst                                  415 MultiMasterFirst
416                                                   416 
417   The "MultiMasterFirst" option forces MultiMa    417   The "MultiMasterFirst" option forces MultiMaster Host Adapters to be probed
418   before FlashPoint Host Adapters.  By default    418   before FlashPoint Host Adapters.  By default, if both FlashPoint and PCI
419   MultiMaster Host Adapters are present, this     419   MultiMaster Host Adapters are present, this driver will probe for
420   FlashPoint Host Adapters first unless the BI    420   FlashPoint Host Adapters first unless the BIOS primary disk is controlled
421   by the first PCI MultiMaster Host Adapter, i    421   by the first PCI MultiMaster Host Adapter, in which case MultiMaster Host
422   Adapters will be probed first.                  422   Adapters will be probed first.
423                                                   423 
424 FlashPointFirst                                   424 FlashPointFirst
425                                                   425 
426   The "FlashPointFirst" option forces FlashPoi    426   The "FlashPointFirst" option forces FlashPoint Host Adapters to be probed
427   before MultiMaster Host Adapters.               427   before MultiMaster Host Adapters.
428                                                   428 
429 The BusLogic Driver Tagged Queuing Options all    429 The BusLogic Driver Tagged Queuing Options allow for explicitly specifying
430 the Queue Depth and whether Tagged Queuing is     430 the Queue Depth and whether Tagged Queuing is permitted for each Target
431 Device (assuming that the Target Device suppor    431 Device (assuming that the Target Device supports Tagged Queuing).  The Queue
432 Depth is the number of SCSI Commands that are     432 Depth is the number of SCSI Commands that are allowed to be concurrently
433 presented for execution (either to the Host Ad    433 presented for execution (either to the Host Adapter or Target Device).  Note
434 that explicitly enabling Tagged Queuing may le    434 that explicitly enabling Tagged Queuing may lead to problems; the option to
435 enable or disable Tagged Queuing is provided p    435 enable or disable Tagged Queuing is provided primarily to allow disabling
436 Tagged Queuing on Target Devices that do not i    436 Tagged Queuing on Target Devices that do not implement it correctly.  The
437 following options are available:                  437 following options are available:
438                                                   438 
439 QueueDepth:<integer>                              439 QueueDepth:<integer>
440                                                   440 
441   The "QueueDepth:" or QD:" option specifies t    441   The "QueueDepth:" or QD:" option specifies the Queue Depth to use for all
442   Target Devices that support Tagged Queuing,     442   Target Devices that support Tagged Queuing, as well as the maximum Queue
443   Depth for devices that do not support Tagged    443   Depth for devices that do not support Tagged Queuing.  If no Queue Depth
444   option is provided, the Queue Depth will be     444   option is provided, the Queue Depth will be determined automatically based
445   on the Host Adapter's Total Queue Depth and     445   on the Host Adapter's Total Queue Depth and the number, type, speed, and
446   capabilities of the detected Target Devices.    446   capabilities of the detected Target Devices.  Target Devices that
447   do not support Tagged Queuing always have th    447   do not support Tagged Queuing always have their Queue Depth set to
448   BusLogic_UntaggedQueueDepth or BusLogic_Unta    448   BusLogic_UntaggedQueueDepth or BusLogic_UntaggedQueueDepthBB, unless a
449   lower Queue Depth option is provided.  A Que    449   lower Queue Depth option is provided.  A Queue Depth of 1 automatically
450   disables Tagged Queuing.                        450   disables Tagged Queuing.
451                                                   451 
452 QueueDepth:[<integer>,<integer>...]               452 QueueDepth:[<integer>,<integer>...]
453                                                   453 
454   The "QueueDepth:[...]" or "QD:[...]" option     454   The "QueueDepth:[...]" or "QD:[...]" option specifies the Queue Depth
455   individually for each Target Device.  If an     455   individually for each Target Device.  If an <integer> is omitted, the
456   associated Target Device will have its Queue    456   associated Target Device will have its Queue Depth selected automatically.
457                                                   457 
458 TaggedQueuing:Default                             458 TaggedQueuing:Default
459                                                   459 
460   The "TaggedQueuing:Default" or "TQ:Default"     460   The "TaggedQueuing:Default" or "TQ:Default" option permits Tagged Queuing
461   based on the firmware version of the BusLogi    461   based on the firmware version of the BusLogic Host Adapter and based on
462   whether the Queue Depth allows queuing multi    462   whether the Queue Depth allows queuing multiple commands.
463                                                   463 
464 TaggedQueuing:Enable                              464 TaggedQueuing:Enable
465                                                   465 
466   The "TaggedQueuing:Enable" or "TQ:Enable" op    466   The "TaggedQueuing:Enable" or "TQ:Enable" option enables Tagged Queuing for
467   all Target Devices on this Host Adapter, ove    467   all Target Devices on this Host Adapter, overriding any limitation that
468   would otherwise be imposed based on the Host    468   would otherwise be imposed based on the Host Adapter firmware version.
469                                                   469 
470 TaggedQueuing:Disable                             470 TaggedQueuing:Disable
471                                                   471 
472   The "TaggedQueuing:Disable" or "TQ:Disable"     472   The "TaggedQueuing:Disable" or "TQ:Disable" option disables Tagged Queuing
473   for all Target Devices on this Host Adapter.    473   for all Target Devices on this Host Adapter.
474                                                   474 
475 TaggedQueuing:<Target-Spec>                       475 TaggedQueuing:<Target-Spec>
476                                                   476 
477   The "TaggedQueuing:<Target-Spec>" or "TQ:<Ta    477   The "TaggedQueuing:<Target-Spec>" or "TQ:<Target-Spec>" option controls
478   Tagged Queuing individually for each Target     478   Tagged Queuing individually for each Target Device.  <Target-Spec> is a
479   sequence of "Y", "N", and "X" characters.  "    479   sequence of "Y", "N", and "X" characters.  "Y" enables Tagged Queuing, "N"
480   disables Tagged Queuing, and "X" accepts the    480   disables Tagged Queuing, and "X" accepts the default based on the firmware
481   version.  The first character refers to Targ    481   version.  The first character refers to Target Device 0, the second to
482   Target Device 1, and so on; if the sequence     482   Target Device 1, and so on; if the sequence of "Y", "N", and "X" characters
483   does not cover all the Target Devices, unspe    483   does not cover all the Target Devices, unspecified characters are assumed
484   to be "X".                                      484   to be "X".
485                                                   485 
486 The BusLogic Driver Miscellaneous Options comp    486 The BusLogic Driver Miscellaneous Options comprise the following:
487                                                   487 
488 BusSettleTime:<seconds>                           488 BusSettleTime:<seconds>
489                                                   489 
490   The "BusSettleTime:" or "BST:" option specif    490   The "BusSettleTime:" or "BST:" option specifies the Bus Settle Time in
491   seconds.  The Bus Settle Time is the amount     491   seconds.  The Bus Settle Time is the amount of time to wait between a Host
492   Adapter Hard Reset which initiates a SCSI Bu    492   Adapter Hard Reset which initiates a SCSI Bus Reset and issuing any SCSI
493   Commands.  If unspecified, it defaults to Bu    493   Commands.  If unspecified, it defaults to BusLogic_DefaultBusSettleTime.
494                                                   494 
495 InhibitTargetInquiry                              495 InhibitTargetInquiry
496                                                   496 
497   The "InhibitTargetInquiry" option inhibits t    497   The "InhibitTargetInquiry" option inhibits the execution of an Inquire
498   Target Devices or Inquire Installed Devices     498   Target Devices or Inquire Installed Devices command on MultiMaster Host
499   Adapters.  This may be necessary with some o    499   Adapters.  This may be necessary with some older Target Devices that do not
500   respond correctly when Logical Units above 0    500   respond correctly when Logical Units above 0 are addressed.
501                                                   501 
502 The BusLogic Driver Debugging Options comprise    502 The BusLogic Driver Debugging Options comprise the following:
503                                                   503 
504 TraceProbe                                        504 TraceProbe
505                                                   505 
506   The "TraceProbe" option enables tracing of H    506   The "TraceProbe" option enables tracing of Host Adapter Probing.
507                                                   507 
508 TraceHardwareReset                                508 TraceHardwareReset
509                                                   509 
510   The "TraceHardwareReset" option enables trac    510   The "TraceHardwareReset" option enables tracing of Host Adapter Hardware
511   Reset.                                          511   Reset.
512                                                   512 
513 TraceConfiguration                                513 TraceConfiguration
514                                                   514 
515   The "TraceConfiguration" option enables trac    515   The "TraceConfiguration" option enables tracing of Host Adapter
516   Configuration.                                  516   Configuration.
517                                                   517 
518 TraceErrors                                       518 TraceErrors
519                                                   519 
520   The "TraceErrors" option enables tracing of     520   The "TraceErrors" option enables tracing of SCSI Commands that return an
521   error from the Target Device.  The CDB and S    521   error from the Target Device.  The CDB and Sense Data will be printed for
522   each SCSI Command that fails.                   522   each SCSI Command that fails.
523                                                   523 
524 Debug                                             524 Debug
525                                                   525 
526   The "Debug" option enables all debugging opt    526   The "Debug" option enables all debugging options.
527                                                   527 
528 The following examples demonstrate setting the    528 The following examples demonstrate setting the Queue Depth for Target Devices
529 1 and 2 on the first host adapter to 7 and 15,    529 1 and 2 on the first host adapter to 7 and 15, the Queue Depth for all Target
530 Devices on the second host adapter to 31, and     530 Devices on the second host adapter to 31, and the Bus Settle Time on the
531 second host adapter to 30 seconds.                531 second host adapter to 30 seconds.
532                                                   532 
533 Linux Kernel Command Line::                       533 Linux Kernel Command Line::
534                                                   534 
535   linux BusLogic=QueueDepth:[,7,15];QueueDepth    535   linux BusLogic=QueueDepth:[,7,15];QueueDepth:31,BusSettleTime:30
536                                                   536 
537 LILO Linux Boot Loader (in /etc/lilo.conf)::      537 LILO Linux Boot Loader (in /etc/lilo.conf)::
538                                                   538 
539   append = "BusLogic=QueueDepth:[,7,15];QueueD    539   append = "BusLogic=QueueDepth:[,7,15];QueueDepth:31,BusSettleTime:30"
540                                                   540 
541 INSMOD Loadable Kernel Module Installation Fac    541 INSMOD Loadable Kernel Module Installation Facility::
542                                                   542 
543   insmod BusLogic.o \                             543   insmod BusLogic.o \
544       'BusLogic="QueueDepth:[,7,15];QueueDepth    544       'BusLogic="QueueDepth:[,7,15];QueueDepth:31,BusSettleTime:30"'
545                                                   545 
546                                                   546 
547 .. Note::                                         547 .. Note::
548                                                   548 
549       Module Utilities 2.1.71 or later is requ    549       Module Utilities 2.1.71 or later is required for correct parsing
550       of driver options containing commas.        550       of driver options containing commas.
551                                                   551 
552                                                   552 
553 Driver Installation                               553 Driver Installation
554 ===================                               554 ===================
555                                                   555 
556 This distribution was prepared for Linux kerne    556 This distribution was prepared for Linux kernel version 2.0.35, but should be
557 compatible with 2.0.4 or any later 2.0 series     557 compatible with 2.0.4 or any later 2.0 series kernel.
558                                                   558 
559 To install the new BusLogic SCSI driver, you m    559 To install the new BusLogic SCSI driver, you may use the following commands,
560 replacing "/usr/src" with wherever you keep yo    560 replacing "/usr/src" with wherever you keep your Linux kernel source tree::
561                                                   561 
562   cd /usr/src                                     562   cd /usr/src
563   tar -xvzf BusLogic-2.0.15.tar.gz                563   tar -xvzf BusLogic-2.0.15.tar.gz
564   mv README.* LICENSE.* BusLogic.[ch] FlashPoi    564   mv README.* LICENSE.* BusLogic.[ch] FlashPoint.c linux/drivers/scsi
565   patch -p0 < BusLogic.patch (only for 2.0.33     565   patch -p0 < BusLogic.patch (only for 2.0.33 and below)
566   cd linux                                        566   cd linux
567   make config                                     567   make config
568   make zImage                                     568   make zImage
569                                                   569 
570 Then install "arch/x86/boot/zImage" as your st    570 Then install "arch/x86/boot/zImage" as your standard kernel, run lilo if
571 appropriate, and reboot.                          571 appropriate, and reboot.
572                                                   572 
573                                                   573 
574 BusLogic Announcements Mailing List               574 BusLogic Announcements Mailing List
575 ===================================               575 ===================================
576                                                   576 
577 The BusLogic Announcements Mailing List provid    577 The BusLogic Announcements Mailing List provides a forum for informing Linux
578 users of new driver releases and other announc    578 users of new driver releases and other announcements regarding Linux support
579 for BusLogic SCSI Host Adapters.  To join the     579 for BusLogic SCSI Host Adapters.  To join the mailing list, send a message to
580 "buslogic-announce-request@dandelion.com" with    580 "buslogic-announce-request@dandelion.com" with the line "subscribe" in the
581 message body.                                     581 message body.

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