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Differences between /Documentation/timers/timekeeping.rst (Architecture ppc) and /Documentation/timers/timekeeping.rst (Architecture mips)

  1 ==============================================      1 ===========================================================
  2 Clock sources, Clock events, sched_clock() and      2 Clock sources, Clock events, sched_clock() and delay timers
  3 ==============================================      3 ===========================================================
  4                                                     4 
  5 This document tries to briefly explain some ba      5 This document tries to briefly explain some basic kernel timekeeping
  6 abstractions. It partly pertains to the driver      6 abstractions. It partly pertains to the drivers usually found in
  7 drivers/clocksource in the kernel tree, but th      7 drivers/clocksource in the kernel tree, but the code may be spread out
  8 across the kernel.                                  8 across the kernel.
  9                                                     9 
 10 If you grep through the kernel source you will     10 If you grep through the kernel source you will find a number of architecture-
 11 specific implementations of clock sources, clo     11 specific implementations of clock sources, clockevents and several likewise
 12 architecture-specific overrides of the sched_c     12 architecture-specific overrides of the sched_clock() function and some
 13 delay timers.                                      13 delay timers.
 14                                                    14 
 15 To provide timekeeping for your platform, the      15 To provide timekeeping for your platform, the clock source provides
 16 the basic timeline, whereas clock events shoot     16 the basic timeline, whereas clock events shoot interrupts on certain points
 17 on this timeline, providing facilities such as     17 on this timeline, providing facilities such as high-resolution timers.
 18 sched_clock() is used for scheduling and times     18 sched_clock() is used for scheduling and timestamping, and delay timers
 19 provide an accurate delay source using hardwar     19 provide an accurate delay source using hardware counters.
 20                                                    20 
 21                                                    21 
 22 Clock sources                                      22 Clock sources
 23 -------------                                      23 -------------
 24                                                    24 
 25 The purpose of the clock source is to provide      25 The purpose of the clock source is to provide a timeline for the system that
 26 tells you where you are in time. For example i     26 tells you where you are in time. For example issuing the command 'date' on
 27 a Linux system will eventually read the clock      27 a Linux system will eventually read the clock source to determine exactly
 28 what time it is.                                   28 what time it is.
 29                                                    29 
 30 Typically the clock source is a monotonic, ato     30 Typically the clock source is a monotonic, atomic counter which will provide
 31 n bits which count from 0 to (2^n)-1 and then      31 n bits which count from 0 to (2^n)-1 and then wraps around to 0 and start over.
 32 It will ideally NEVER stop ticking as long as      32 It will ideally NEVER stop ticking as long as the system is running. It
 33 may stop during system suspend.                    33 may stop during system suspend.
 34                                                    34 
 35 The clock source shall have as high resolution     35 The clock source shall have as high resolution as possible, and the frequency
 36 shall be as stable and correct as possible as      36 shall be as stable and correct as possible as compared to a real-world wall
 37 clock. It should not move unpredictably back a     37 clock. It should not move unpredictably back and forth in time or miss a few
 38 cycles here and there.                             38 cycles here and there.
 39                                                    39 
 40 It must be immune to the kind of effects that      40 It must be immune to the kind of effects that occur in hardware where e.g.
 41 the counter register is read in two phases on      41 the counter register is read in two phases on the bus lowest 16 bits first
 42 and the higher 16 bits in a second bus cycle w     42 and the higher 16 bits in a second bus cycle with the counter bits
 43 potentially being updated in between leading t     43 potentially being updated in between leading to the risk of very strange
 44 values from the counter.                           44 values from the counter.
 45                                                    45 
 46 When the wall-clock accuracy of the clock sour     46 When the wall-clock accuracy of the clock source isn't satisfactory, there
 47 are various quirks and layers in the timekeepi     47 are various quirks and layers in the timekeeping code for e.g. synchronizing
 48 the user-visible time to RTC clocks in the sys     48 the user-visible time to RTC clocks in the system or against networked time
 49 servers using NTP, but all they do basically i     49 servers using NTP, but all they do basically is update an offset against
 50 the clock source, which provides the fundament     50 the clock source, which provides the fundamental timeline for the system.
 51 These measures does not affect the clock sourc     51 These measures does not affect the clock source per se, they only adapt the
 52 system to the shortcomings of it.                  52 system to the shortcomings of it.
 53                                                    53 
 54 The clock source struct shall provide means to     54 The clock source struct shall provide means to translate the provided counter
 55 into a nanosecond value as an unsigned long lo     55 into a nanosecond value as an unsigned long long (unsigned 64 bit) number.
 56 Since this operation may be invoked very often     56 Since this operation may be invoked very often, doing this in a strict
 57 mathematical sense is not desirable: instead t     57 mathematical sense is not desirable: instead the number is taken as close as
 58 possible to a nanosecond value using only the      58 possible to a nanosecond value using only the arithmetic operations
 59 multiply and shift, so in clocksource_cyc2ns()     59 multiply and shift, so in clocksource_cyc2ns() you find:
 60                                                    60 
 61   ns ~= (clocksource * mult) >> shift              61   ns ~= (clocksource * mult) >> shift
 62                                                    62 
 63 You will find a number of helper functions in      63 You will find a number of helper functions in the clock source code intended
 64 to aid in providing these mult and shift value     64 to aid in providing these mult and shift values, such as
 65 clocksource_khz2mult(), clocksource_hz2mult()      65 clocksource_khz2mult(), clocksource_hz2mult() that help determine the
 66 mult factor from a fixed shift, and clocksourc     66 mult factor from a fixed shift, and clocksource_register_hz() and
 67 clocksource_register_khz() which will help out     67 clocksource_register_khz() which will help out assigning both shift and mult
 68 factors using the frequency of the clock sourc     68 factors using the frequency of the clock source as the only input.
 69                                                    69 
 70 For real simple clock sources accessed from a      70 For real simple clock sources accessed from a single I/O memory location
 71 there is nowadays even clocksource_mmio_init()     71 there is nowadays even clocksource_mmio_init() which will take a memory
 72 location, bit width, a parameter telling wheth     72 location, bit width, a parameter telling whether the counter in the
 73 register counts up or down, and the timer cloc     73 register counts up or down, and the timer clock rate, and then conjure all
 74 necessary parameters.                              74 necessary parameters.
 75                                                    75 
 76 Since a 32-bit counter at say 100 MHz will wra     76 Since a 32-bit counter at say 100 MHz will wrap around to zero after some 43
 77 seconds, the code handling the clock source wi     77 seconds, the code handling the clock source will have to compensate for this.
 78 That is the reason why the clock source struct     78 That is the reason why the clock source struct also contains a 'mask'
 79 member telling how many bits of the source are     79 member telling how many bits of the source are valid. This way the timekeeping
 80 code knows when the counter will wrap around a     80 code knows when the counter will wrap around and can insert the necessary
 81 compensation code on both sides of the wrap po     81 compensation code on both sides of the wrap point so that the system timeline
 82 remains monotonic.                                 82 remains monotonic.
 83                                                    83 
 84                                                    84 
 85 Clock events                                       85 Clock events
 86 ------------                                       86 ------------
 87                                                    87 
 88 Clock events are the conceptual reverse of clo     88 Clock events are the conceptual reverse of clock sources: they take a
 89 desired time specification value and calculate     89 desired time specification value and calculate the values to poke into
 90 hardware timer registers.                          90 hardware timer registers.
 91                                                    91 
 92 Clock events are orthogonal to clock sources.      92 Clock events are orthogonal to clock sources. The same hardware
 93 and register range may be used for the clock e     93 and register range may be used for the clock event, but it is essentially
 94 a different thing. The hardware driving clock      94 a different thing. The hardware driving clock events has to be able to
 95 fire interrupts, so as to trigger events on th     95 fire interrupts, so as to trigger events on the system timeline. On an SMP
 96 system, it is ideal (and customary) to have on     96 system, it is ideal (and customary) to have one such event driving timer per
 97 CPU core, so that each core can trigger events     97 CPU core, so that each core can trigger events independently of any other
 98 core.                                              98 core.
 99                                                    99 
100 You will notice that the clock event device co    100 You will notice that the clock event device code is based on the same basic
101 idea about translating counters to nanoseconds    101 idea about translating counters to nanoseconds using mult and shift
102 arithmetic, and you find the same family of he    102 arithmetic, and you find the same family of helper functions again for
103 assigning these values. The clock event driver    103 assigning these values. The clock event driver does not need a 'mask'
104 attribute however: the system will not try to     104 attribute however: the system will not try to plan events beyond the time
105 horizon of the clock event.                       105 horizon of the clock event.
106                                                   106 
107                                                   107 
108 sched_clock()                                     108 sched_clock()
109 -------------                                     109 -------------
110                                                   110 
111 In addition to the clock sources and clock eve    111 In addition to the clock sources and clock events there is a special weak
112 function in the kernel called sched_clock(). T    112 function in the kernel called sched_clock(). This function shall return the
113 number of nanoseconds since the system was sta    113 number of nanoseconds since the system was started. An architecture may or
114 may not provide an implementation of sched_clo    114 may not provide an implementation of sched_clock() on its own. If a local
115 implementation is not provided, the system jif    115 implementation is not provided, the system jiffy counter will be used as
116 sched_clock().                                    116 sched_clock().
117                                                   117 
118 As the name suggests, sched_clock() is used fo    118 As the name suggests, sched_clock() is used for scheduling the system,
119 determining the absolute timeslice for a certa    119 determining the absolute timeslice for a certain process in the CFS scheduler
120 for example. It is also used for printk timest    120 for example. It is also used for printk timestamps when you have selected to
121 include time information in printk for things     121 include time information in printk for things like bootcharts.
122                                                   122 
123 Compared to clock sources, sched_clock() has t    123 Compared to clock sources, sched_clock() has to be very fast: it is called
124 much more often, especially by the scheduler.     124 much more often, especially by the scheduler. If you have to do trade-offs
125 between accuracy compared to the clock source,    125 between accuracy compared to the clock source, you may sacrifice accuracy
126 for speed in sched_clock(). It however require    126 for speed in sched_clock(). It however requires some of the same basic
127 characteristics as the clock source, i.e. it s    127 characteristics as the clock source, i.e. it should be monotonic.
128                                                   128 
129 The sched_clock() function may wrap only on un    129 The sched_clock() function may wrap only on unsigned long long boundaries,
130 i.e. after 64 bits. Since this is a nanosecond    130 i.e. after 64 bits. Since this is a nanosecond value this will mean it wraps
131 after circa 585 years. (For most practical sys    131 after circa 585 years. (For most practical systems this means "never".)
132                                                   132 
133 If an architecture does not provide its own im    133 If an architecture does not provide its own implementation of this function,
134 it will fall back to using jiffies, making its    134 it will fall back to using jiffies, making its maximum resolution 1/HZ of the
135 jiffy frequency for the architecture. This wil    135 jiffy frequency for the architecture. This will affect scheduling accuracy
136 and will likely show up in system benchmarks.     136 and will likely show up in system benchmarks.
137                                                   137 
138 The clock driving sched_clock() may stop or re    138 The clock driving sched_clock() may stop or reset to zero during system
139 suspend/sleep. This does not matter to the fun    139 suspend/sleep. This does not matter to the function it serves of scheduling
140 events on the system. However it may result in    140 events on the system. However it may result in interesting timestamps in
141 printk().                                         141 printk().
142                                                   142 
143 The sched_clock() function should be callable     143 The sched_clock() function should be callable in any context, IRQ- and
144 NMI-safe and return a sane value in any contex    144 NMI-safe and return a sane value in any context.
145                                                   145 
146 Some architectures may have a limited set of t    146 Some architectures may have a limited set of time sources and lack a nice
147 counter to derive a 64-bit nanosecond value, s    147 counter to derive a 64-bit nanosecond value, so for example on the ARM
148 architecture, special helper functions have be    148 architecture, special helper functions have been created to provide a
149 sched_clock() nanosecond base from a 16- or 32    149 sched_clock() nanosecond base from a 16- or 32-bit counter. Sometimes the
150 same counter that is also used as clock source    150 same counter that is also used as clock source is used for this purpose.
151                                                   151 
152 On SMP systems, it is crucial for performance     152 On SMP systems, it is crucial for performance that sched_clock() can be called
153 independently on each CPU without any synchron    153 independently on each CPU without any synchronization performance hits.
154 Some hardware (such as the x86 TSC) will cause    154 Some hardware (such as the x86 TSC) will cause the sched_clock() function to
155 drift between the CPUs on the system. The kern    155 drift between the CPUs on the system. The kernel can work around this by
156 enabling the CONFIG_HAVE_UNSTABLE_SCHED_CLOCK     156 enabling the CONFIG_HAVE_UNSTABLE_SCHED_CLOCK option. This is another aspect
157 that makes sched_clock() different from the or    157 that makes sched_clock() different from the ordinary clock source.
158                                                   158 
159                                                   159 
160 Delay timers (some architectures only)            160 Delay timers (some architectures only)
161 --------------------------------------            161 --------------------------------------
162                                                   162 
163 On systems with variable CPU frequency, the va    163 On systems with variable CPU frequency, the various kernel delay() functions
164 will sometimes behave strangely. Basically the    164 will sometimes behave strangely. Basically these delays usually use a hard
165 loop to delay a certain number of jiffy fracti    165 loop to delay a certain number of jiffy fractions using a "lpj" (loops per
166 jiffy) value, calibrated on boot.                 166 jiffy) value, calibrated on boot.
167                                                   167 
168 Let's hope that your system is running on maxi    168 Let's hope that your system is running on maximum frequency when this value
169 is calibrated: as an effect when the frequency    169 is calibrated: as an effect when the frequency is geared down to half the
170 full frequency, any delay() will be twice as l    170 full frequency, any delay() will be twice as long. Usually this does not
171 hurt, as you're commonly requesting that amoun    171 hurt, as you're commonly requesting that amount of delay *or more*. But
172 basically the semantics are quite unpredictabl    172 basically the semantics are quite unpredictable on such systems.
173                                                   173 
174 Enter timer-based delays. Using these, a timer    174 Enter timer-based delays. Using these, a timer read may be used instead of
175 a hard-coded loop for providing the desired de    175 a hard-coded loop for providing the desired delay.
176                                                   176 
177 This is done by declaring a struct delay_timer    177 This is done by declaring a struct delay_timer and assigning the appropriate
178 function pointers and rate settings for this d    178 function pointers and rate settings for this delay timer.
179                                                   179 
180 This is available on some architectures like O    180 This is available on some architectures like OpenRISC or ARM.

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