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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

Version: ~ [ linux-6.12-rc7 ] ~ [ linux-6.11.7 ] ~ [ linux-6.10.14 ] ~ [ linux-6.9.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.8.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.7.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.6.60 ] ~ [ linux-6.5.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.4.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.3.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.2.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.1.116 ] ~ [ linux-6.0.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.19.17 ] ~ [ linux-5.18.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.17.15 ] ~ [ linux-5.16.20 ] ~ [ linux-5.15.171 ] ~ [ linux-5.14.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.13.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.12.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.11.22 ] ~ [ linux-5.10.229 ] ~ [ linux-5.9.16 ] ~ [ linux-5.8.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.7.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.6.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.5.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.4.285 ] ~ [ linux-5.3.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.2.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.1.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.0.21 ] ~ [ linux-4.20.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.19.323 ] ~ [ linux-4.18.20 ] ~ [ linux-4.17.19 ] ~ [ linux-4.16.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.15.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.14.336 ] ~ [ linux-4.13.16 ] ~ [ linux-4.12.14 ] ~ [ linux-4.11.12 ] ~ [ linux-4.10.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.9.337 ] ~ [ linux-4.4.302 ] ~ [ linux-3.10.108 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ linux-2.6.0 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ unix-v6-master ] ~ [ ccs-tools-1.8.12 ] ~ [ policy-sample ] ~
Architecture: ~ [ i386 ] ~ [ alpha ] ~ [ m68k ] ~ [ mips ] ~ [ ppc ] ~ [ sparc ] ~ [ sparc64 ] ~

Diff markup

Differences between /Documentation/userspace-api/media/rc/rc-protos.rst (Architecture sparc64) and /Documentation/userspace-api/media/rc/rc-protos.rst (Architecture i386)

  1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR GFDL-1.      1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR GFDL-1.1-no-invariants-or-later
  2                                                     2 
  3 .. _Remote_controllers_Protocols:                   3 .. _Remote_controllers_Protocols:
  4                                                     4 
  5 *****************************************           5 *****************************************
  6 Remote Controller Protocols and Scancodes           6 Remote Controller Protocols and Scancodes
  7 *****************************************           7 *****************************************
  8                                                     8 
  9 IR is encoded as a series of pulses and spaces      9 IR is encoded as a series of pulses and spaces, using a protocol. These
 10 protocols can encode e.g. an address (which de     10 protocols can encode e.g. an address (which device should respond) and a
 11 command: what it should do. The values for the     11 command: what it should do. The values for these are not always consistent
 12 across different devices for a given protocol.     12 across different devices for a given protocol.
 13                                                    13 
 14 Therefore out the output of the IR decoder is      14 Therefore out the output of the IR decoder is a scancode; a single u32
 15 value. Using keymap tables this can be mapped      15 value. Using keymap tables this can be mapped to linux key codes.
 16                                                    16 
 17 Other things can be encoded too. Some IR proto     17 Other things can be encoded too. Some IR protocols encode a toggle bit; this
 18 is to distinguish whether the same button is b     18 is to distinguish whether the same button is being held down, or has been
 19 released and pressed again. If has been releas     19 released and pressed again. If has been released and pressed again, the
 20 toggle bit will invert from one IR message to      20 toggle bit will invert from one IR message to the next.
 21                                                    21 
 22 Some remotes have a pointer-type device which      22 Some remotes have a pointer-type device which can used to control the
 23 mouse; some air conditioning systems can have      23 mouse; some air conditioning systems can have their target temperature
 24 target set in IR.                                  24 target set in IR.
 25                                                    25 
 26 The following are the protocols the kernel kno     26 The following are the protocols the kernel knows about and also lists
 27 how scancodes are encoded for each protocol.       27 how scancodes are encoded for each protocol.
 28                                                    28 
 29 rc-5 (RC_PROTO_RC5)                                29 rc-5 (RC_PROTO_RC5)
 30 -------------------                                30 -------------------
 31                                                    31 
 32 This IR protocol uses manchester encoding to e     32 This IR protocol uses manchester encoding to encode 14 bits. There is a
 33 detailed description here https://www.sbprojec     33 detailed description here https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rc5.php.
 34                                                    34 
 35 The scancode encoding is *not* consistent with     35 The scancode encoding is *not* consistent with the lirc daemon (lircd) rc5
 36 protocol, or the manchester BPF decoder.           36 protocol, or the manchester BPF decoder.
 37                                                    37 
 38 .. flat-table:: rc5 bits scancode mapping          38 .. flat-table:: rc5 bits scancode mapping
 39    :widths:       1 1 2                            39    :widths:       1 1 2
 40                                                    40 
 41    * - rc-5 bit                                    41    * - rc-5 bit
 42                                                    42 
 43      - scancode bit                                43      - scancode bit
 44                                                    44 
 45      - description                                 45      - description
 46                                                    46 
 47    * - 1                                           47    * - 1
 48                                                    48 
 49      - none                                        49      - none
 50                                                    50 
 51      - Start bit, always set                       51      - Start bit, always set
 52                                                    52 
 53    * - 1                                           53    * - 1
 54                                                    54 
 55      - 6 (inverted)                                55      - 6 (inverted)
 56                                                    56 
 57      - 2nd start bit in rc5,  re-used as 6th c     57      - 2nd start bit in rc5,  re-used as 6th command bit
 58                                                    58 
 59    * - 1                                           59    * - 1
 60                                                    60 
 61      - none                                        61      - none
 62                                                    62 
 63      - Toggle bit                                  63      - Toggle bit
 64                                                    64 
 65    * - 5                                           65    * - 5
 66                                                    66 
 67      - 8 to 13                                     67      - 8 to 13
 68                                                    68 
 69      - Address                                     69      - Address
 70                                                    70 
 71    * - 6                                           71    * - 6
 72                                                    72 
 73      - 0 to 5                                      73      - 0 to 5
 74                                                    74 
 75      - Command                                     75      - Command
 76                                                    76 
 77 There is a variant of rc5 called either rc5x o     77 There is a variant of rc5 called either rc5x or extended rc5
 78 where there the second stop bit is the 6th com     78 where there the second stop bit is the 6th command bit, but inverted.
 79 This is done so it the scancodes and encoding      79 This is done so it the scancodes and encoding is compatible with existing
 80 schemes. This bit is stored in bit 6 of the sc     80 schemes. This bit is stored in bit 6 of the scancode, inverted. This is
 81 done to keep it compatible with plain rc-5 whe     81 done to keep it compatible with plain rc-5 where there are two start bits.
 82                                                    82 
 83 rc-5-sz (RC_PROTO_RC5_SZ)                          83 rc-5-sz (RC_PROTO_RC5_SZ)
 84 -------------------------                          84 -------------------------
 85 This is much like rc-5 but one bit longer. The     85 This is much like rc-5 but one bit longer. The scancode is encoded
 86 differently.                                       86 differently.
 87                                                    87 
 88 .. flat-table:: rc-5-sz bits scancode mapping      88 .. flat-table:: rc-5-sz bits scancode mapping
 89    :widths:       1 1 2                            89    :widths:       1 1 2
 90                                                    90 
 91    * - rc-5-sz bits                                91    * - rc-5-sz bits
 92                                                    92 
 93      - scancode bit                                93      - scancode bit
 94                                                    94 
 95      - description                                 95      - description
 96                                                    96 
 97    * - 1                                           97    * - 1
 98                                                    98 
 99      - none                                        99      - none
100                                                   100 
101      - Start bit, always set                      101      - Start bit, always set
102                                                   102 
103    * - 1                                          103    * - 1
104                                                   104 
105      - 13                                         105      - 13
106                                                   106 
107      - Address bit                                107      - Address bit
108                                                   108 
109    * - 1                                          109    * - 1
110                                                   110 
111      - none                                       111      - none
112                                                   112 
113      - Toggle bit                                 113      - Toggle bit
114                                                   114 
115    * - 6                                          115    * - 6
116                                                   116 
117      - 6 to 11                                    117      - 6 to 11
118                                                   118 
119      - Address                                    119      - Address
120                                                   120 
121    * - 6                                          121    * - 6
122                                                   122 
123      - 0 to 5                                     123      - 0 to 5
124                                                   124 
125      - Command                                    125      - Command
126                                                   126 
127 rc-5x-20 (RC_PROTO_RC5X_20)                       127 rc-5x-20 (RC_PROTO_RC5X_20)
128 ---------------------------                       128 ---------------------------
129                                                   129 
130 This rc-5 extended to encoded 20 bits. The is     130 This rc-5 extended to encoded 20 bits. The is a 3555 microseconds space
131 after the 8th bit.                                131 after the 8th bit.
132                                                   132 
133 .. flat-table:: rc-5x-20 bits scancode mapping    133 .. flat-table:: rc-5x-20 bits scancode mapping
134    :widths:       1 1 2                           134    :widths:       1 1 2
135                                                   135 
136    * - rc-5-sz bits                               136    * - rc-5-sz bits
137                                                   137 
138      - scancode bit                               138      - scancode bit
139                                                   139 
140      - description                                140      - description
141                                                   141 
142    * - 1                                          142    * - 1
143                                                   143 
144      - none                                       144      - none
145                                                   145 
146      - Start bit, always set                      146      - Start bit, always set
147                                                   147 
148    * - 1                                          148    * - 1
149                                                   149 
150      - 14                                         150      - 14
151                                                   151 
152      - Address bit                                152      - Address bit
153                                                   153 
154    * - 1                                          154    * - 1
155                                                   155 
156      - none                                       156      - none
157                                                   157 
158      - Toggle bit                                 158      - Toggle bit
159                                                   159 
160    * - 5                                          160    * - 5
161                                                   161 
162      - 16 to 20                                   162      - 16 to 20
163                                                   163 
164      - Address                                    164      - Address
165                                                   165 
166    * - 6                                          166    * - 6
167                                                   167 
168      - 8 to 13                                    168      - 8 to 13
169                                                   169 
170      - Address                                    170      - Address
171                                                   171 
172    * - 6                                          172    * - 6
173                                                   173 
174      - 0 to 5                                     174      - 0 to 5
175                                                   175 
176      - Command                                    176      - Command
177                                                   177 
178                                                   178 
179 jvc (RC_PROTO_JVC)                                179 jvc (RC_PROTO_JVC)
180 ------------------                                180 ------------------
181                                                   181 
182 The jvc protocol is much like nec, without the    182 The jvc protocol is much like nec, without the inverted values. It is
183 described here https://www.sbprojects.net/know    183 described here https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/jvc.php.
184                                                   184 
185 The scancode is a 16 bits value, where the add    185 The scancode is a 16 bits value, where the address is the lower 8 bits
186 and the command the higher 8 bits; this is rev    186 and the command the higher 8 bits; this is reversed from IR order.
187                                                   187 
188 sony-12 (RC_PROTO_SONY12)                         188 sony-12 (RC_PROTO_SONY12)
189 -------------------------                         189 -------------------------
190                                                   190 
191 The sony protocol is a pulse-width encoding. T    191 The sony protocol is a pulse-width encoding. There are three variants,
192 which just differ in number of bits and scanco    192 which just differ in number of bits and scancode encoding.
193                                                   193 
194 .. flat-table:: sony-12 bits scancode mapping     194 .. flat-table:: sony-12 bits scancode mapping
195    :widths:       1 1 2                           195    :widths:       1 1 2
196                                                   196 
197    * - sony-12 bits                               197    * - sony-12 bits
198                                                   198 
199      - scancode bit                               199      - scancode bit
200                                                   200 
201      - description                                201      - description
202                                                   202 
203    * - 5                                          203    * - 5
204                                                   204 
205      - 16 to 20                                   205      - 16 to 20
206                                                   206 
207      - device                                     207      - device
208                                                   208 
209    * - 7                                          209    * - 7
210                                                   210 
211      - 0 to 6                                     211      - 0 to 6
212                                                   212 
213      - function                                   213      - function
214                                                   214 
215 sony-15 (RC_PROTO_SONY15)                         215 sony-15 (RC_PROTO_SONY15)
216 -------------------------                         216 -------------------------
217                                                   217 
218 The sony protocol is a pulse-width encoding. T    218 The sony protocol is a pulse-width encoding. There are three variants,
219 which just differ in number of bits and scanco    219 which just differ in number of bits and scancode encoding.
220                                                   220 
221 .. flat-table:: sony-12 bits scancode mapping     221 .. flat-table:: sony-12 bits scancode mapping
222    :widths:       1 1 2                           222    :widths:       1 1 2
223                                                   223 
224    * - sony-12 bits                               224    * - sony-12 bits
225                                                   225 
226      - scancode bit                               226      - scancode bit
227                                                   227 
228      - description                                228      - description
229                                                   229 
230    * - 8                                          230    * - 8
231                                                   231 
232      - 16 to 23                                   232      - 16 to 23
233                                                   233 
234      - device                                     234      - device
235                                                   235 
236    * - 7                                          236    * - 7
237                                                   237 
238      - 0 to 6                                     238      - 0 to 6
239                                                   239 
240      - function                                   240      - function
241                                                   241 
242 sony-20 (RC_PROTO_SONY20)                         242 sony-20 (RC_PROTO_SONY20)
243 -------------------------                         243 -------------------------
244                                                   244 
245 The sony protocol is a pulse-width encoding. T    245 The sony protocol is a pulse-width encoding. There are three variants,
246 which just differ in number of bits and scanco    246 which just differ in number of bits and scancode encoding.
247                                                   247 
248 .. flat-table:: sony-20 bits scancode mapping     248 .. flat-table:: sony-20 bits scancode mapping
249    :widths:       1 1 2                           249    :widths:       1 1 2
250                                                   250 
251    * - sony-20 bits                               251    * - sony-20 bits
252                                                   252 
253      - scancode bit                               253      - scancode bit
254                                                   254 
255      - description                                255      - description
256                                                   256 
257    * - 5                                          257    * - 5
258                                                   258 
259      - 16 to 20                                   259      - 16 to 20
260                                                   260 
261      - device                                     261      - device
262                                                   262 
263    * - 7                                          263    * - 7
264                                                   264 
265      - 0 to 7                                     265      - 0 to 7
266                                                   266 
267      - device                                     267      - device
268                                                   268 
269    * - 8                                          269    * - 8
270                                                   270 
271      - 8 to 15                                    271      - 8 to 15
272                                                   272 
273      - extended bits                              273      - extended bits
274                                                   274 
275 nec (RC_PROTO_NEC)                                275 nec (RC_PROTO_NEC)
276 ------------------                                276 ------------------
277                                                   277 
278 The nec protocol encodes an 8 bit address and     278 The nec protocol encodes an 8 bit address and an 8 bit command. It is
279 described here https://www.sbprojects.net/know    279 described here https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/nec.php. Note
280 that the protocol sends least significant bit     280 that the protocol sends least significant bit first.
281                                                   281 
282 As a check, the nec protocol sends the address    282 As a check, the nec protocol sends the address and command twice; the
283 second time it is inverted. This is done for v    283 second time it is inverted. This is done for verification.
284                                                   284 
285 A plain nec IR message has 16 bits; the high 8    285 A plain nec IR message has 16 bits; the high 8 bits are the address
286 and the low 8 bits are the command.               286 and the low 8 bits are the command.
287                                                   287 
288 nec-x (RC_PROTO_NECX)                             288 nec-x (RC_PROTO_NECX)
289 ---------------------                             289 ---------------------
290                                                   290 
291 Extended nec has a 16 bit address and a 8 bit     291 Extended nec has a 16 bit address and a 8 bit command. This is encoded
292 as a 24 bit value as you would expect, with th    292 as a 24 bit value as you would expect, with the lower 8 bits the command
293 and the upper 16 bits the address.                293 and the upper 16 bits the address.
294                                                   294 
295 nec-32 (RC_PROTO_NEC32)                           295 nec-32 (RC_PROTO_NEC32)
296 -----------------------                           296 -----------------------
297                                                   297 
298 nec-32 does not send an inverted address or an    298 nec-32 does not send an inverted address or an inverted command; the
299 entire message, all 32 bits, are used.            299 entire message, all 32 bits, are used.
300                                                   300 
301 For this to be decoded correctly, the second 8    301 For this to be decoded correctly, the second 8 bits must not be the
302 inverted value of the first, and also the last    302 inverted value of the first, and also the last 8 bits must not be the
303 inverted value of the third 8 bit value.          303 inverted value of the third 8 bit value.
304                                                   304 
305 The scancode has a somewhat unusual encoding.     305 The scancode has a somewhat unusual encoding.
306                                                   306 
307 .. flat-table:: nec-32 bits scancode mapping      307 .. flat-table:: nec-32 bits scancode mapping
308                                                   308 
309    * - nec-32 bits                                309    * - nec-32 bits
310                                                   310 
311      - scancode bit                               311      - scancode bit
312                                                   312 
313    * - First 8 bits                               313    * - First 8 bits
314                                                   314 
315      - 16 to 23                                   315      - 16 to 23
316                                                   316 
317    * - Second 8 bits                              317    * - Second 8 bits
318                                                   318 
319      - 24 to 31                                   319      - 24 to 31
320                                                   320 
321    * - Third 8 bits                               321    * - Third 8 bits
322                                                   322 
323      - 0 to 7                                     323      - 0 to 7
324                                                   324 
325    * - Fourth 8 bits                              325    * - Fourth 8 bits
326                                                   326 
327      - 8 to 15                                    327      - 8 to 15
328                                                   328 
329 sanyo (RC_PROTO_SANYO)                            329 sanyo (RC_PROTO_SANYO)
330 ----------------------                            330 ----------------------
331                                                   331 
332 The sanyo protocol is like the nec protocol, b    332 The sanyo protocol is like the nec protocol, but with 13 bits address
333 rather than 8 bits. Both the address and the c    333 rather than 8 bits. Both the address and the command are followed by
334 their inverted versions, but these are not pre    334 their inverted versions, but these are not present in the scancodes.
335                                                   335 
336 Bis 8 to 20 of the scancode is the 13 bits add    336 Bis 8 to 20 of the scancode is the 13 bits address, and the lower 8
337 bits are the command.                             337 bits are the command.
338                                                   338 
339 mcir2-kbd (RC_PROTO_MCIR2_KBD)                    339 mcir2-kbd (RC_PROTO_MCIR2_KBD)
340 ------------------------------                    340 ------------------------------
341                                                   341 
342 This protocol is generated by the Microsoft MC    342 This protocol is generated by the Microsoft MCE keyboard for keyboard
343 events. Refer to the ir-mce_kbd-decoder.c to s    343 events. Refer to the ir-mce_kbd-decoder.c to see how it is encoded.
344                                                   344 
345 mcir2-mse (RC_PROTO_MCIR2_MSE)                    345 mcir2-mse (RC_PROTO_MCIR2_MSE)
346 ------------------------------                    346 ------------------------------
347                                                   347 
348 This protocol is generated by the Microsoft MC    348 This protocol is generated by the Microsoft MCE keyboard for pointer
349 events. Refer to the ir-mce_kbd-decoder.c to s    349 events. Refer to the ir-mce_kbd-decoder.c to see how it is encoded.
350                                                   350 
351 rc-6-0 (RC_PROTO_RC6_0)                           351 rc-6-0 (RC_PROTO_RC6_0)
352 -----------------------                           352 -----------------------
353                                                   353 
354 This is the rc-6 in mode 0. rc-6 is described     354 This is the rc-6 in mode 0. rc-6 is described here
355 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rc6.ph    355 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rc6.php.
356 The scancode is the exact 16 bits as in the pr    356 The scancode is the exact 16 bits as in the protocol. There is also a
357 toggle bit.                                       357 toggle bit.
358                                                   358 
359 rc-6-6a-20 (RC_PROTO_RC6_6A_20)                   359 rc-6-6a-20 (RC_PROTO_RC6_6A_20)
360 -------------------------------                   360 -------------------------------
361                                                   361 
362 This is the rc-6 in mode 6a, 20 bits. rc-6 is     362 This is the rc-6 in mode 6a, 20 bits. rc-6 is described here
363 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rc6.ph    363 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rc6.php.
364 The scancode is the exact 20 bits                 364 The scancode is the exact 20 bits
365 as in the protocol. There is also a toggle bit    365 as in the protocol. There is also a toggle bit.
366                                                   366 
367 rc-6-6a-24 (RC_PROTO_RC6_6A_24)                   367 rc-6-6a-24 (RC_PROTO_RC6_6A_24)
368 -------------------------------                   368 -------------------------------
369                                                   369 
370 This is the rc-6 in mode 6a, 24 bits. rc-6 is     370 This is the rc-6 in mode 6a, 24 bits. rc-6 is described here
371 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rc6.ph    371 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rc6.php.
372 The scancode is the exact 24 bits                 372 The scancode is the exact 24 bits
373 as in the protocol. There is also a toggle bit    373 as in the protocol. There is also a toggle bit.
374                                                   374 
375 rc-6-6a-32 (RC_PROTO_RC6_6A_32)                   375 rc-6-6a-32 (RC_PROTO_RC6_6A_32)
376 -------------------------------                   376 -------------------------------
377                                                   377 
378 This is the rc-6 in mode 6a, 32 bits. rc-6 is     378 This is the rc-6 in mode 6a, 32 bits. rc-6 is described here
379 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rc6.ph    379 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rc6.php.
380 The upper 16 bits are the vendor,                 380 The upper 16 bits are the vendor,
381 and the lower 16 bits are the vendor-specific     381 and the lower 16 bits are the vendor-specific bits. This protocol is
382 for the non-Microsoft MCE variant (vendor != 0    382 for the non-Microsoft MCE variant (vendor != 0x800f).
383                                                   383 
384                                                   384 
385 rc-6-mce (RC_PROTO_RC6_MCE)                       385 rc-6-mce (RC_PROTO_RC6_MCE)
386 ---------------------------                       386 ---------------------------
387                                                   387 
388 This is the rc-6 in mode 6a, 32 bits. The uppe    388 This is the rc-6 in mode 6a, 32 bits. The upper 16 bits are the vendor,
389 and the lower 16 bits are the vendor-specific     389 and the lower 16 bits are the vendor-specific bits. This protocol is
390 for the Microsoft MCE variant (vendor = 0x800f    390 for the Microsoft MCE variant (vendor = 0x800f). The toggle bit in the
391 protocol itself is ignored, and the 16th bit s    391 protocol itself is ignored, and the 16th bit should be takes as the toggle
392 bit.                                              392 bit.
393                                                   393 
394 sharp (RC_PROTO_SHARP)                            394 sharp (RC_PROTO_SHARP)
395 ----------------------                            395 ----------------------
396                                                   396 
397 This is a protocol used by Sharp VCRs, is desc    397 This is a protocol used by Sharp VCRs, is described here
398 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/sharp.    398 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/sharp.php. There is a very long
399 (40ms) space between the normal and inverted v    399 (40ms) space between the normal and inverted values, and some IR receivers
400 cannot decode this.                               400 cannot decode this.
401                                                   401 
402 There is a 5 bit address and a 8 bit command.     402 There is a 5 bit address and a 8 bit command. In the scancode the address is
403 in bits 8 to 12, and the command in bits 0 to     403 in bits 8 to 12, and the command in bits 0 to 7.
404                                                   404 
405 xmp (RC_PROTO_XMP)                                405 xmp (RC_PROTO_XMP)
406 ------------------                                406 ------------------
407                                                   407 
408 This protocol has several versions and only ve    408 This protocol has several versions and only version 1 is supported. Refer
409 to the decoder (ir-xmp-decoder.c) to see how i    409 to the decoder (ir-xmp-decoder.c) to see how it is encoded.
410                                                   410 
411                                                   411 
412 cec (RC_PROTO_CEC)                                412 cec (RC_PROTO_CEC)
413 ------------------                                413 ------------------
414                                                   414 
415 This is not an IR protocol, this is a protocol    415 This is not an IR protocol, this is a protocol over CEC. The CEC
416 infrastructure uses rc-core for handling CEC c    416 infrastructure uses rc-core for handling CEC commands, so that they
417 can easily be remapped.                           417 can easily be remapped.
418                                                   418 
419 imon (RC_PROTO_IMON)                              419 imon (RC_PROTO_IMON)
420 --------------------                              420 --------------------
421                                                   421 
422 This protocol is used by Antec Veris/SoundGrap    422 This protocol is used by Antec Veris/SoundGraph iMON remotes.
423                                                   423 
424 The protocol                                      424 The protocol
425 describes both button presses and pointer move    425 describes both button presses and pointer movements. The protocol encodes
426 31 bits, and the scancode is simply the 31 bit    426 31 bits, and the scancode is simply the 31 bits with the top bit always 0.
427                                                   427 
428 rc-mm-12 (RC_PROTO_RCMM12)                        428 rc-mm-12 (RC_PROTO_RCMM12)
429 --------------------------                        429 --------------------------
430                                                   430 
431 The rc-mm protocol is described here              431 The rc-mm protocol is described here
432 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rcmm.p    432 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rcmm.php. The scancode is simply
433 the 12 bits.                                      433 the 12 bits.
434                                                   434 
435 rc-mm-24 (RC_PROTO_RCMM24)                        435 rc-mm-24 (RC_PROTO_RCMM24)
436 --------------------------                        436 --------------------------
437                                                   437 
438 The rc-mm protocol is described here              438 The rc-mm protocol is described here
439 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rcmm.p    439 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rcmm.php. The scancode is simply
440 the 24 bits.                                      440 the 24 bits.
441                                                   441 
442 rc-mm-32 (RC_PROTO_RCMM32)                        442 rc-mm-32 (RC_PROTO_RCMM32)
443 --------------------------                        443 --------------------------
444                                                   444 
445 The rc-mm protocol is described here              445 The rc-mm protocol is described here
446 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rcmm.p    446 https://www.sbprojects.net/knowledge/ir/rcmm.php. The scancode is simply
447 the 32 bits.                                      447 the 32 bits.
448                                                   448 
449 xbox-dvd (RC_PROTO_XBOX_DVD)                      449 xbox-dvd (RC_PROTO_XBOX_DVD)
450 ----------------------------                      450 ----------------------------
451                                                   451 
452 This protocol is used by XBox DVD Remote, whic    452 This protocol is used by XBox DVD Remote, which was made for the original
453 XBox. There is no in-kernel decoder or encoder    453 XBox. There is no in-kernel decoder or encoder for this protocol. The usb
454 device decodes the protocol. There is a BPF de    454 device decodes the protocol. There is a BPF decoder available in v4l-utils.

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