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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

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Differences between /arch/arm/kernel/sleep.S (Version linux-6.12-rc7) and /arch/sparc64/kernel/sleep.S (Version linux-5.15.171)

  1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */            
  2 #include <linux/linkage.h>                        
  3 #include <linux/threads.h>                        
  4 #include <asm/asm-offsets.h>                      
  5 #include <asm/assembler.h>                        
  6 #include <asm/glue-cache.h>                       
  7 #include <asm/glue-proc.h>                        
  8         .text                                     
 10 /*                                                
 11  * Implementation of MPIDR hash algorithm thro    
 12  * and OR'ing.                                    
 13  *                                                
 14  * @dst: register containing hash result          
 15  * @rs0: register containing affinity level 0     
 16  * @rs1: register containing affinity level 1     
 17  * @rs2: register containing affinity level 2     
 18  * @mpidr: register containing MPIDR value        
 19  * @mask: register containing MPIDR mask          
 20  *                                                
 21  * Pseudo C-code:                                 
 22  *                                                
 23  *u32 dst;                                        
 24  *                                                
 25  *compute_mpidr_hash(u32 rs0, u32 rs1, u32 rs2    
 26  *      u32 aff0, aff1, aff2;                     
 27  *      u32 mpidr_masked = mpidr & mask;          
 28  *      aff0 = mpidr_masked & 0xff;               
 29  *      aff1 = mpidr_masked & 0xff00;             
 30  *      aff2 = mpidr_masked & 0xff0000;           
 31  *      dst = (aff0 >> rs0 | aff1 >> rs1 | aff    
 32  *}                                               
 33  * Input registers: rs0, rs1, rs2, mpidr, mask    
 34  * Output register: dst                           
 35  * Note: input and output registers must be di    
 36          (eg: a macro instance with mpidr = r1    
 37  */                                               
 38         .macro compute_mpidr_hash dst, rs0, rs    
 39         and     \mpidr, \mpidr, \mask             
 40         and     \dst, \mpidr, #0xff               
 41  ARM(   mov     \dst, \dst, lsr \rs0              
 42  THUMB( lsr     \dst, \dst, \rs0                  
 43         and     \mask, \mpidr, #0xff00            
 44  ARM(   orr     \dst, \dst, \mask, lsr \rs1       
 45  THUMB( lsr     \mask, \mask, \rs1                
 46  THUMB( orr     \dst, \dst, \mask                 
 47         and     \mask, \mpidr, #0xff0000          
 48  ARM(   orr     \dst, \dst, \mask, lsr \rs2       
 49  THUMB( lsr     \mask, \mask, \rs2                
 50  THUMB( orr     \dst, \dst, \mask                 
 51         .endm                                     
 53 /*                                                
 54  * Save CPU state for a suspend.  This saves t    
 55  * registers, and allocates space on the kerne    
 56  * specific registers and some other data for     
 57  *  r0 = suspend function arg0                    
 58  *  r1 = suspend function                         
 59  *  r2 = MPIDR value the resuming CPU will use    
 60  */                                               
 61 ENTRY(__cpu_suspend)                              
 62         stmfd   sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}               
 63 #ifdef MULTI_CPU                                  
 64         ldr     r10, =processor                   
 65         ldr     r4, [r10, #CPU_SLEEP_SIZE] @ s    
 66 #else                                             
 67         ldr     r4, =cpu_suspend_size             
 68 #endif                                            
 69         mov     r5, sp                  @ curr    
 70 #ifdef CONFIG_VMAP_STACK                          
 71         @ Run the suspend code from the overfl    
 72         @ on vmalloc-to-phys conversions anywh    
 73         @ The original SP value captured in R5    
 74         ldr_this_cpu sp, overflow_stack_ptr, r    
 75 #endif                                            
 76         add     r4, r4, #12             @ Spac    
 77         sub     sp, sp, r4              @ allo    
 78         ldr     r3, =sleep_save_sp                
 79         stmfd   sp!, {r0, r1}           @ save    
 80         ldr     r3, [r3, #SLEEP_SAVE_SP_VIRT]     
 81         ALT_SMP(W(nop))                 @ don'    
 82         ALT_UP_B(1f)                              
 83         adr_l   r0, mpidr_hash                    
 84         /* This ldmia relies on the memory lay    
 85         ldmia   r0, {r1, r6-r8} @ r1 = mpidr m    
 86         compute_mpidr_hash      r0, r6, r7, r8    
 87         add     r3, r3, r0, lsl #2                
 88 1:      mov     r2, r5                  @ virt    
 89         mov     r1, r4                  @ size    
 90         add     r0, sp, #8              @ poin    
 91         bl      __cpu_suspend_save                
 92         badr    lr, cpu_suspend_abort             
 93         ldmfd   sp!, {r0, pc}           @ call    
 94 ENDPROC(__cpu_suspend)                            
 95         .ltorg                                    
 97 cpu_suspend_abort:                                
 98         ldmia   sp!, {r1 - r3}          @ pop     
 99         teq     r0, #0                            
100         moveq   r0, #1                  @ forc    
101         mov     sp, r2                            
102         ldmfd   sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}               
103 ENDPROC(cpu_suspend_abort)                        
105 /*                                                
106  * r0 = control register value                    
107  */                                               
108         .align  5                                 
109         .pushsection    .idmap.text,"ax"          
110 ENTRY(cpu_resume_mmu)                             
111         ldr     r3, =cpu_resume_after_mmu         
112         instr_sync                                
113         mcr     p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0   @ turn    
114         mrc     p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 0   @ read    
115         instr_sync                                
116         mov     r0, r0                            
117         mov     r0, r0                            
118         ret     r3                      @ jump    
119 ENDPROC(cpu_resume_mmu)                           
120         .popsection                               
121 cpu_resume_after_mmu:                             
122 #if defined(CONFIG_VMAP_STACK) && !defined(CON    
123         @ Before using the vmap'ed stack, we h    
124         @ as the ID map does not cover the vma    
125         mrc     p15, 0, ip, c2, c0, 1   @ read    
126         mcr     p15, 0, ip, c2, c0, 0   @ set     
127         instr_sync                                
128 #endif                                            
129         bl      cpu_init                @ rest    
130 #if defined(CONFIG_KASAN) && defined(CONFIG_KA    
131         mov     r0, sp                            
132         bl      kasan_unpoison_task_stack_belo    
133 #endif                                            
134         mov     r0, #0                  @ retu    
135         ldmfd   sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}               
136 ENDPROC(cpu_resume_after_mmu)                     
138         .text                                     
139         .align                                    
141 #ifdef CONFIG_MCPM                                
142         .arm                                      
143 THUMB(  .thumb                  )                 
144 ENTRY(cpu_resume_no_hyp)                          
145 ARM_BE8(setend be)                      @ ensu    
146         b       no_hyp                            
147 #endif                                            
149 #ifdef CONFIG_MMU                                 
150         .arm                                      
151 ENTRY(cpu_resume_arm)                             
152  THUMB( badr    r9, 1f          )       @ Kern    
153  THUMB( bx      r9              )       @ If t    
154  THUMB( .thumb                  )       @ swit    
155  THUMB(1:                       )                 
156 #endif                                            
158 ENTRY(cpu_resume)                                 
159 ARM_BE8(setend be)                      @ ensu    
160 #ifdef CONFIG_ARM_VIRT_EXT                        
161         bl      __hyp_stub_install_secondary      
162 #endif                                            
163         safe_svcmode_maskall r1                   
164 no_hyp:                                           
165         mov     r1, #0                            
166         ALT_SMP(mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 5)        
167         ALT_UP_B(1f)                              
168         adr_l   r2, mpidr_hash          @ r2 =    
170         /*                                        
171          * This ldmia relies on the memory lay    
172          * struct mpidr_hash.                     
173          */                                       
174         ldmia   r2, { r3-r6 }   @ r3 = mpidr m    
175         compute_mpidr_hash      r1, r4, r5, r6    
176 1:                                                
177         ldr_l   r0, sleep_save_sp + SLEEP_SAVE    
178         ldr     r0, [r0, r1, lsl #2]              
180         @ load phys pgd, stack, resume fn         
181   ARM(  ldmia   r0!, {r1, sp, pc}       )         
182 THUMB(  ldmia   r0!, {r1, r2, r3}       )         
183 THUMB(  mov     sp, r2                  )         
184 THUMB(  bx      r3                      )         
185 ENDPROC(cpu_resume)                               
187 #ifdef CONFIG_MMU                                 
188 ENDPROC(cpu_resume_arm)                           
189 #endif                                            
190 #ifdef CONFIG_MCPM                                
191 ENDPROC(cpu_resume_no_hyp)                        
192 #endif                                            
194         .data                                     
195         .align  2                                 
196         .type   sleep_save_sp, #object            
197 ENTRY(sleep_save_sp)                              
198         .space  SLEEP_SAVE_SP_SZ                  

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