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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

Version: ~ [ linux-6.12-rc7 ] ~ [ linux-6.11.7 ] ~ [ linux-6.10.14 ] ~ [ linux-6.9.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.8.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.7.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.6.60 ] ~ [ linux-6.5.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.4.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.3.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.2.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.1.116 ] ~ [ linux-6.0.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.19.17 ] ~ [ linux-5.18.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.17.15 ] ~ [ linux-5.16.20 ] ~ [ linux-5.15.171 ] ~ [ linux-5.14.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.13.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.12.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.11.22 ] ~ [ linux-5.10.229 ] ~ [ linux-5.9.16 ] ~ [ linux-5.8.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.7.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.6.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.5.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.4.285 ] ~ [ linux-5.3.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.2.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.1.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.0.21 ] ~ [ linux-4.20.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.19.323 ] ~ [ linux-4.18.20 ] ~ [ linux-4.17.19 ] ~ [ linux-4.16.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.15.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.14.336 ] ~ [ linux-4.13.16 ] ~ [ linux-4.12.14 ] ~ [ linux-4.11.12 ] ~ [ linux-4.10.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.9.337 ] ~ [ linux-4.4.302 ] ~ [ linux-3.10.108 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ linux-2.6.0 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ unix-v6-master ] ~ [ ccs-tools-1.8.12 ] ~ [ policy-sample ] ~
Architecture: ~ [ i386 ] ~ [ alpha ] ~ [ m68k ] ~ [ mips ] ~ [ ppc ] ~ [ sparc ] ~ [ sparc64 ] ~

Diff markup

Differences between /tools/bpf/bpftool/Documentation/bpftool-gen.rst (Architecture mips) and /tools/bpf/bpftool/Documentation/bpftool-gen.rst (Architecture alpha)

  1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR B      1 .. SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause)
  2                                                     2 
  3 ================                                    3 ================
  4 bpftool-gen                                         4 bpftool-gen
  5 ================                                    5 ================
  6 ----------------------------------------------      6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7 tool for BPF code-generation                        7 tool for BPF code-generation
  8 ----------------------------------------------      8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9                                                     9 
 10 :Manual section: 8                                 10 :Manual section: 8
 11                                                    11 
 12 .. include:: substitutions.rst                     12 .. include:: substitutions.rst
 13                                                    13 
 14 SYNOPSIS                                           14 SYNOPSIS
 15 ========                                           15 ========
 16                                                    16 
 17 **bpftool** [*OPTIONS*] **gen** *COMMAND*          17 **bpftool** [*OPTIONS*] **gen** *COMMAND*
 18                                                    18 
 19 *OPTIONS* := { |COMMON_OPTIONS| | { **-L** | *     19 *OPTIONS* := { |COMMON_OPTIONS| | { **-L** | **--use-loader** } }
 20                                                    20 
 21 *COMMAND* := { **object** | **skeleton** | **h     21 *COMMAND* := { **object** | **skeleton** | **help** }
 22                                                    22 
 23 GEN COMMANDS                                       23 GEN COMMANDS
 24 =============                                      24 =============
 25                                                    25 
 26 | **bpftool** **gen object** *OUTPUT_FILE* *IN     26 | **bpftool** **gen object** *OUTPUT_FILE* *INPUT_FILE* [*INPUT_FILE*...]
 27 | **bpftool** **gen skeleton** *FILE* [**name*     27 | **bpftool** **gen skeleton** *FILE* [**name** *OBJECT_NAME*]
 28 | **bpftool** **gen subskeleton** *FILE* [**na     28 | **bpftool** **gen subskeleton** *FILE* [**name** *OBJECT_NAME*]
 29 | **bpftool** **gen min_core_btf** *INPUT* *OU     29 | **bpftool** **gen min_core_btf** *INPUT* *OUTPUT* *OBJECT* [*OBJECT*...]
 30 | **bpftool** **gen help**                         30 | **bpftool** **gen help**
 31                                                    31 
 32 DESCRIPTION                                        32 DESCRIPTION
 33 ===========                                        33 ===========
 34 bpftool gen object *OUTPUT_FILE* *INPUT_FILE*      34 bpftool gen object *OUTPUT_FILE* *INPUT_FILE* [*INPUT_FILE*...]
 35     Statically link (combine) together one or      35     Statically link (combine) together one or more *INPUT_FILE*'s into a single
 36     resulting *OUTPUT_FILE*. All the files inv     36     resulting *OUTPUT_FILE*. All the files involved are BPF ELF object files.
 37                                                    37 
 38     The rules of BPF static linking are mostly     38     The rules of BPF static linking are mostly the same as for user-space
 39     object files, but in addition to combining     39     object files, but in addition to combining data and instruction sections,
 40     .BTF and .BTF.ext (if present in any of th     40     .BTF and .BTF.ext (if present in any of the input files) data are combined
 41     together. .BTF data is deduplicated, so al     41     together. .BTF data is deduplicated, so all the common types across
 42     *INPUT_FILE*'s will only be represented on     42     *INPUT_FILE*'s will only be represented once in the resulting BTF
 43     information.                                   43     information.
 44                                                    44 
 45     BPF static linking allows to partition BPF     45     BPF static linking allows to partition BPF source code into individually
 46     compiled files that are then linked into a     46     compiled files that are then linked into a single resulting BPF object
 47     file, which can be used to generated BPF s     47     file, which can be used to generated BPF skeleton (with **gen skeleton**
 48     command) or passed directly into **libbpf*     48     command) or passed directly into **libbpf** (using **bpf_object__open()**
 49     family of APIs).                               49     family of APIs).
 50                                                    50 
 51 bpftool gen skeleton *FILE*                        51 bpftool gen skeleton *FILE*
 52     Generate BPF skeleton C header file for a      52     Generate BPF skeleton C header file for a given *FILE*.
 53                                                    53 
 54     BPF skeleton is an alternative interface t     54     BPF skeleton is an alternative interface to existing libbpf APIs for
 55     working with BPF objects. Skeleton code is     55     working with BPF objects. Skeleton code is intended to significantly
 56     shorten and simplify code to load and work     56     shorten and simplify code to load and work with BPF programs from userspace
 57     side. Generated code is tailored to specif     57     side. Generated code is tailored to specific input BPF object *FILE*,
 58     reflecting its structure by listing out av     58     reflecting its structure by listing out available maps, program, variables,
 59     etc. Skeleton eliminates the need to looku     59     etc. Skeleton eliminates the need to lookup mentioned components by name.
 60     Instead, if skeleton instantiation succeed     60     Instead, if skeleton instantiation succeeds, they are populated in skeleton
 61     structure as valid libbpf types (e.g., **s     61     structure as valid libbpf types (e.g., **struct bpf_map** pointer) and can
 62     be passed to existing generic libbpf APIs.     62     be passed to existing generic libbpf APIs.
 63                                                    63 
 64     In addition to simple and reliable access      64     In addition to simple and reliable access to maps and programs, skeleton
 65     provides a storage for BPF links (**struct     65     provides a storage for BPF links (**struct bpf_link**) for each BPF program
 66     within BPF object. When requested, support     66     within BPF object. When requested, supported BPF programs will be
 67     automatically attached and resulting BPF l     67     automatically attached and resulting BPF links stored for further use by
 68     user in pre-allocated fields in skeleton s     68     user in pre-allocated fields in skeleton struct. For BPF programs that
 69     can't be automatically attached by libbpf,     69     can't be automatically attached by libbpf, user can attach them manually,
 70     but store resulting BPF link in per-progra     70     but store resulting BPF link in per-program link field. All such set up
 71     links will be automatically destroyed on B     71     links will be automatically destroyed on BPF skeleton destruction. This
 72     eliminates the need for users to manage li     72     eliminates the need for users to manage links manually and rely on libbpf
 73     support to detach programs and free up res     73     support to detach programs and free up resources.
 74                                                    74 
 75     Another facility provided by BPF skeleton      75     Another facility provided by BPF skeleton is an interface to global
 76     variables of all supported kinds: mutable,     76     variables of all supported kinds: mutable, read-only, as well as extern
 77     ones. This interface allows to pre-setup i     77     ones. This interface allows to pre-setup initial values of variables before
 78     BPF object is loaded and verified by kerne     78     BPF object is loaded and verified by kernel. For non-read-only variables,
 79     the same interface can be used to fetch va     79     the same interface can be used to fetch values of global variables on
 80     userspace side, even if they are modified      80     userspace side, even if they are modified by BPF code.
 81                                                    81 
 82     During skeleton generation, contents of so     82     During skeleton generation, contents of source BPF object *FILE* is
 83     embedded within generated code and is thus     83     embedded within generated code and is thus not necessary to keep around.
 84     This ensures skeleton and BPF object file      84     This ensures skeleton and BPF object file are matching 1-to-1 and always
 85     stay in sync. Generated code is dual-licen     85     stay in sync. Generated code is dual-licensed under LGPL-2.1 and
 86     BSD-2-Clause licenses.                         86     BSD-2-Clause licenses.
 87                                                    87 
 88     It is a design goal and guarantee that ske     88     It is a design goal and guarantee that skeleton interfaces are
 89     interoperable with generic libbpf APIs. Us     89     interoperable with generic libbpf APIs. User should always be able to use
 90     skeleton API to create and load BPF object     90     skeleton API to create and load BPF object, and later use libbpf APIs to
 91     keep working with specific maps, programs,     91     keep working with specific maps, programs, etc.
 92                                                    92 
 93     As part of skeleton, few custom functions      93     As part of skeleton, few custom functions are generated. Each of them is
 94     prefixed with object name. Object name can     94     prefixed with object name. Object name can either be derived from object
 95     file name, i.e., if BPF object file name i     95     file name, i.e., if BPF object file name is **example.o**, BPF object name
 96     will be **example**. Object name can be al     96     will be **example**. Object name can be also specified explicitly through
 97     **name** *OBJECT_NAME* parameter. The foll     97     **name** *OBJECT_NAME* parameter. The following custom functions are
 98     provided (assuming **example** as the obje     98     provided (assuming **example** as the object name):
 99                                                    99 
100     - **example__open** and **example__open_op    100     - **example__open** and **example__open_opts**.
101       These functions are used to instantiate     101       These functions are used to instantiate skeleton. It corresponds to
102       libbpf's **bpf_object__open**\ () API. *    102       libbpf's **bpf_object__open**\ () API. **_opts** variants accepts extra
103       **bpf_object_open_opts** options.           103       **bpf_object_open_opts** options.
104                                                   104 
105     - **example__load**.                          105     - **example__load**.
106       This function creates maps, loads and ve    106       This function creates maps, loads and verifies BPF programs, initializes
107       global data maps. It corresponds to libb    107       global data maps. It corresponds to libbpf's **bpf_object__load**\ ()
108       API.                                        108       API.
109                                                   109 
110     - **example__open_and_load** combines **ex    110     - **example__open_and_load** combines **example__open** and
111       **example__load** invocations in one com    111       **example__load** invocations in one commonly used operation.
112                                                   112 
113     - **example__attach** and **example__detac    113     - **example__attach** and **example__detach**.
114       This pair of functions allow to attach a    114       This pair of functions allow to attach and detach, correspondingly,
115       already loaded BPF object. Only BPF prog    115       already loaded BPF object. Only BPF programs of types supported by libbpf
116       for auto-attachment will be auto-attache    116       for auto-attachment will be auto-attached and their corresponding BPF
117       links instantiated. For other BPF progra    117       links instantiated. For other BPF programs, user can manually create a
118       BPF link and assign it to corresponding     118       BPF link and assign it to corresponding fields in skeleton struct.
119       **example__detach** will detach both lin    119       **example__detach** will detach both links created automatically, as well
120       as those populated by user manually.        120       as those populated by user manually.
121                                                   121 
122     - **example__destroy**.                       122     - **example__destroy**.
123       Detach and unload BPF programs, free up     123       Detach and unload BPF programs, free up all the resources used by
124       skeleton and BPF object.                    124       skeleton and BPF object.
125                                                   125 
126     If BPF object has global variables, corres    126     If BPF object has global variables, corresponding structs with memory
127     layout corresponding to global data data s    127     layout corresponding to global data data section layout will be created.
128     Currently supported ones are: *.data*, *.b    128     Currently supported ones are: *.data*, *.bss*, *.rodata*, and *.kconfig*
129     structs/data sections. These data sections    129     structs/data sections. These data sections/structs can be used to set up
130     initial values of variables, if set before    130     initial values of variables, if set before **example__load**. Afterwards,
131     if target kernel supports memory-mapped BP    131     if target kernel supports memory-mapped BPF arrays, same structs can be
132     used to fetch and update (non-read-only) d    132     used to fetch and update (non-read-only) data from userspace, with same
133     simplicity as for BPF side.                   133     simplicity as for BPF side.
134                                                   134 
135 bpftool gen subskeleton *FILE*                    135 bpftool gen subskeleton *FILE*
136     Generate BPF subskeleton C header file for    136     Generate BPF subskeleton C header file for a given *FILE*.
137                                                   137 
138     Subskeletons are similar to skeletons, exc    138     Subskeletons are similar to skeletons, except they do not own the
139     corresponding maps, programs, or global va    139     corresponding maps, programs, or global variables. They require that the
140     object file used to generate them is alrea    140     object file used to generate them is already loaded into a *bpf_object* by
141     some other means.                             141     some other means.
142                                                   142 
143     This functionality is useful when a librar    143     This functionality is useful when a library is included into a larger BPF
144     program. A subskeleton for the library wou    144     program. A subskeleton for the library would have access to all objects and
145     globals defined in it, without having to k    145     globals defined in it, without having to know about the larger program.
146                                                   146 
147     Consequently, there are only two functions    147     Consequently, there are only two functions defined for subskeletons:
148                                                   148 
149     - **example__open(bpf_object\*)**.            149     - **example__open(bpf_object\*)**.
150       Instantiates a subskeleton from an alrea    150       Instantiates a subskeleton from an already opened (but not necessarily
151       loaded) **bpf_object**.                     151       loaded) **bpf_object**.
152                                                   152 
153     - **example__destroy()**.                     153     - **example__destroy()**.
154       Frees the storage for the subskeleton bu    154       Frees the storage for the subskeleton but *does not* unload any BPF
155       programs or maps.                           155       programs or maps.
156                                                   156 
157 bpftool gen min_core_btf *INPUT* *OUTPUT* *OBJ    157 bpftool gen min_core_btf *INPUT* *OUTPUT* *OBJECT* [*OBJECT*...]
158     Generate a minimum BTF file as *OUTPUT*, d    158     Generate a minimum BTF file as *OUTPUT*, derived from a given *INPUT* BTF
159     file, containing all needed BTF types so o    159     file, containing all needed BTF types so one, or more, given eBPF objects
160     CO-RE relocations may be satisfied.           160     CO-RE relocations may be satisfied.
161                                                   161 
162     When kernels aren't compiled with CONFIG_D    162     When kernels aren't compiled with CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF, libbpf, when
163     loading an eBPF object, has to rely on ext    163     loading an eBPF object, has to rely on external BTF files to be able to
164     calculate CO-RE relocations.                  164     calculate CO-RE relocations.
165                                                   165 
166     Usually, an external BTF file is built fro    166     Usually, an external BTF file is built from existing kernel DWARF data
167     using pahole. It contains all the types us    167     using pahole. It contains all the types used by its respective kernel image
168     and, because of that, is big.                 168     and, because of that, is big.
169                                                   169 
170     The min_core_btf feature builds smaller BT    170     The min_core_btf feature builds smaller BTF files, customized to one or
171     multiple eBPF objects, so they can be dist    171     multiple eBPF objects, so they can be distributed together with an eBPF
172     CO-RE based application, turning the appli    172     CO-RE based application, turning the application portable to different
173     kernel versions.                              173     kernel versions.
174                                                   174 
175     Check examples below for more information     175     Check examples below for more information on how to use it.
176                                                   176 
177 bpftool gen help                                  177 bpftool gen help
178     Print short help message.                     178     Print short help message.
179                                                   179 
180 OPTIONS                                           180 OPTIONS
181 =======                                           181 =======
182 .. include:: common_options.rst                   182 .. include:: common_options.rst
183                                                   183 
184 -L, --use-loader                                  184 -L, --use-loader
185     For skeletons, generate a "light" skeleton    185     For skeletons, generate a "light" skeleton (also known as "loader"
186     skeleton). A light skeleton contains a loa    186     skeleton). A light skeleton contains a loader eBPF program. It does not use
187     the majority of the libbpf infrastructure,    187     the majority of the libbpf infrastructure, and does not need libelf.
188                                                   188 
189 EXAMPLES                                          189 EXAMPLES
190 ========                                          190 ========
191 **$ cat example1.bpf.c**                          191 **$ cat example1.bpf.c**
192                                                   192 
193 ::                                                193 ::
194                                                   194 
195   #include <stdbool.h>                            195   #include <stdbool.h>
196   #include <linux/ptrace.h>                       196   #include <linux/ptrace.h>
197   #include <linux/bpf.h>                          197   #include <linux/bpf.h>
198   #include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>                    198   #include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
199                                                   199 
200   const volatile int param1 = 42;                 200   const volatile int param1 = 42;
201   bool global_flag = true;                        201   bool global_flag = true;
202   struct { int x; } data = {};                    202   struct { int x; } data = {};
203                                                   203 
204   SEC("raw_tp/sys_enter")                         204   SEC("raw_tp/sys_enter")
205   int handle_sys_enter(struct pt_regs *ctx)       205   int handle_sys_enter(struct pt_regs *ctx)
206   {                                               206   {
207         static long my_static_var;                207         static long my_static_var;
208         if (global_flag)                          208         if (global_flag)
209                 my_static_var++;                  209                 my_static_var++;
210         else                                      210         else
211                 data.x += param1;                 211                 data.x += param1;
212         return 0;                                 212         return 0;
213   }                                               213   }
214                                                   214 
215 **$ cat example2.bpf.c**                          215 **$ cat example2.bpf.c**
216                                                   216 
217 ::                                                217 ::
218                                                   218 
219   #include <linux/ptrace.h>                       219   #include <linux/ptrace.h>
220   #include <linux/bpf.h>                          220   #include <linux/bpf.h>
221   #include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>                    221   #include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
222                                                   222 
223   struct {                                        223   struct {
224         __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH);          224         __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH);
225         __uint(max_entries, 128);                 225         __uint(max_entries, 128);
226         __type(key, int);                         226         __type(key, int);
227         __type(value, long);                      227         __type(value, long);
228   } my_map SEC(".maps");                          228   } my_map SEC(".maps");
229                                                   229 
230   SEC("raw_tp/sys_exit")                          230   SEC("raw_tp/sys_exit")
231   int handle_sys_exit(struct pt_regs *ctx)        231   int handle_sys_exit(struct pt_regs *ctx)
232   {                                               232   {
233         int zero = 0;                             233         int zero = 0;
234         bpf_map_lookup_elem(&my_map, &zero);      234         bpf_map_lookup_elem(&my_map, &zero);
235         return 0;                                 235         return 0;
236   }                                               236   }
237                                                   237 
238 **$ cat example3.bpf.c**                          238 **$ cat example3.bpf.c**
239                                                   239 
240 ::                                                240 ::
241                                                   241 
242   #include <linux/ptrace.h>                       242   #include <linux/ptrace.h>
243   #include <linux/bpf.h>                          243   #include <linux/bpf.h>
244   #include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>                    244   #include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
245   /* This header file is provided by the bpf_t    245   /* This header file is provided by the bpf_testmod module. */
246   #include "bpf_testmod.h"                        246   #include "bpf_testmod.h"
247                                                   247 
248   int test_2_result = 0;                          248   int test_2_result = 0;
249                                                   249 
250   /* bpf_Testmod.ko calls this function, passi    250   /* bpf_Testmod.ko calls this function, passing a "4"
251    * and testmod_map->data.                       251    * and testmod_map->data.
252    */                                             252    */
253   SEC("struct_ops/test_2")                        253   SEC("struct_ops/test_2")
254   void BPF_PROG(test_2, int a, int b)             254   void BPF_PROG(test_2, int a, int b)
255   {                                               255   {
256         test_2_result = a + b;                    256         test_2_result = a + b;
257   }                                               257   }
258                                                   258 
259   SEC(".struct_ops")                              259   SEC(".struct_ops")
260   struct bpf_testmod_ops testmod_map = {          260   struct bpf_testmod_ops testmod_map = {
261         .test_2 = (void *)test_2,                 261         .test_2 = (void *)test_2,
262         .data = 0x1,                              262         .data = 0x1,
263   };                                              263   };
264                                                   264 
265 This is example BPF application with three BPF    265 This is example BPF application with three BPF programs and a mix of BPF
266 maps and global variables. Source code is spli    266 maps and global variables. Source code is split across three source code
267 files.                                            267 files.
268                                                   268 
269 **$ clang --target=bpf -g example1.bpf.c -o ex    269 **$ clang --target=bpf -g example1.bpf.c -o example1.bpf.o**
270                                                   270 
271 **$ clang --target=bpf -g example2.bpf.c -o ex    271 **$ clang --target=bpf -g example2.bpf.c -o example2.bpf.o**
272                                                   272 
273 **$ clang --target=bpf -g example3.bpf.c -o ex    273 **$ clang --target=bpf -g example3.bpf.c -o example3.bpf.o**
274                                                   274 
275 **$ bpftool gen object example.bpf.o example1.    275 **$ bpftool gen object example.bpf.o example1.bpf.o example2.bpf.o example3.bpf.o**
276                                                   276 
277 This set of commands compiles *example1.bpf.c*    277 This set of commands compiles *example1.bpf.c*, *example2.bpf.c* and
278 *example3.bpf.c* individually and then statica    278 *example3.bpf.c* individually and then statically links respective object
279 files into the final BPF ELF object file *exam    279 files into the final BPF ELF object file *example.bpf.o*.
280                                                   280 
281 **$ bpftool gen skeleton example.bpf.o name ex    281 **$ bpftool gen skeleton example.bpf.o name example | tee example.skel.h**
282                                                   282 
283 ::                                                283 ::
284                                                   284 
285   /* SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD    285   /* SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause) */
286                                                   286 
287   /* THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED! */               287   /* THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED! */
288   #ifndef __EXAMPLE_SKEL_H__                      288   #ifndef __EXAMPLE_SKEL_H__
289   #define __EXAMPLE_SKEL_H__                      289   #define __EXAMPLE_SKEL_H__
290                                                   290 
291   #include <stdlib.h>                             291   #include <stdlib.h>
292   #include <bpf/libbpf.h>                         292   #include <bpf/libbpf.h>
293                                                   293 
294   struct example {                                294   struct example {
295         struct bpf_object_skeleton *skeleton;     295         struct bpf_object_skeleton *skeleton;
296         struct bpf_object *obj;                   296         struct bpf_object *obj;
297         struct {                                  297         struct {
298                 struct bpf_map *rodata;           298                 struct bpf_map *rodata;
299                 struct bpf_map *data;             299                 struct bpf_map *data;
300                 struct bpf_map *bss;              300                 struct bpf_map *bss;
301                 struct bpf_map *my_map;           301                 struct bpf_map *my_map;
302                 struct bpf_map *testmod_map;      302                 struct bpf_map *testmod_map;
303         } maps;                                   303         } maps;
304         struct {                                  304         struct {
305                 struct example__testmod_map__b    305                 struct example__testmod_map__bpf_testmod_ops {
306                         const struct bpf_progr    306                         const struct bpf_program *test_1;
307                         const struct bpf_progr    307                         const struct bpf_program *test_2;
308                         int data;                 308                         int data;
309                 } *testmod_map;                   309                 } *testmod_map;
310         } struct_ops;                             310         } struct_ops;
311         struct {                                  311         struct {
312                 struct bpf_program *handle_sys    312                 struct bpf_program *handle_sys_enter;
313                 struct bpf_program *handle_sys    313                 struct bpf_program *handle_sys_exit;
314         } progs;                                  314         } progs;
315         struct {                                  315         struct {
316                 struct bpf_link *handle_sys_en    316                 struct bpf_link *handle_sys_enter;
317                 struct bpf_link *handle_sys_ex    317                 struct bpf_link *handle_sys_exit;
318         } links;                                  318         } links;
319         struct example__bss {                     319         struct example__bss {
320                 struct {                          320                 struct {
321                         int x;                    321                         int x;
322                 } data;                           322                 } data;
323                 int test_2_result;                323                 int test_2_result;
324         } *bss;                                   324         } *bss;
325         struct example__data {                    325         struct example__data {
326                 _Bool global_flag;                326                 _Bool global_flag;
327                 long int handle_sys_enter_my_s    327                 long int handle_sys_enter_my_static_var;
328         } *data;                                  328         } *data;
329         struct example__rodata {                  329         struct example__rodata {
330                 int param1;                       330                 int param1;
331         } *rodata;                                331         } *rodata;
332   };                                              332   };
333                                                   333 
334   static void example__destroy(struct example     334   static void example__destroy(struct example *obj);
335   static inline struct example *example__open_    335   static inline struct example *example__open_opts(
336                 const struct bpf_object_open_o    336                 const struct bpf_object_open_opts *opts);
337   static inline struct example *example__open(    337   static inline struct example *example__open();
338   static inline int example__load(struct examp    338   static inline int example__load(struct example *obj);
339   static inline struct example *example__open_    339   static inline struct example *example__open_and_load();
340   static inline int example__attach(struct exa    340   static inline int example__attach(struct example *obj);
341   static inline void example__detach(struct ex    341   static inline void example__detach(struct example *obj);
342                                                   342 
343   #endif /* __EXAMPLE_SKEL_H__ */                 343   #endif /* __EXAMPLE_SKEL_H__ */
344                                                   344 
345 **$ cat example.c**                               345 **$ cat example.c**
346                                                   346 
347 ::                                                347 ::
348                                                   348 
349   #include "example.skel.h"                       349   #include "example.skel.h"
350                                                   350 
351   int main()                                      351   int main()
352   {                                               352   {
353         struct example *skel;                     353         struct example *skel;
354         int err = 0;                              354         int err = 0;
355                                                   355 
356         skel = example__open();                   356         skel = example__open();
357         if (!skel)                                357         if (!skel)
358                 goto cleanup;                     358                 goto cleanup;
359                                                   359 
360         skel->rodata->param1 = 128;               360         skel->rodata->param1 = 128;
361                                                   361 
362         /* Change the value through the pointe    362         /* Change the value through the pointer of shadow type */
363         skel->struct_ops.testmod_map->data = 1    363         skel->struct_ops.testmod_map->data = 13;
364                                                   364 
365         err = example__load(skel);                365         err = example__load(skel);
366         if (err)                                  366         if (err)
367                 goto cleanup;                     367                 goto cleanup;
368                                                   368 
369         /* The result of the function test_2()    369         /* The result of the function test_2() */
370         printf("test_2_result: %d\n", skel->bs    370         printf("test_2_result: %d\n", skel->bss->test_2_result);
371                                                   371 
372         err = example__attach(skel);              372         err = example__attach(skel);
373         if (err)                                  373         if (err)
374                 goto cleanup;                     374                 goto cleanup;
375                                                   375 
376         /* all libbpf APIs are usable */          376         /* all libbpf APIs are usable */
377         printf("my_map name: %s\n", bpf_map__n    377         printf("my_map name: %s\n", bpf_map__name(skel->maps.my_map));
378         printf("sys_enter prog FD: %d\n",         378         printf("sys_enter prog FD: %d\n",
379                bpf_program__fd(skel->progs.han    379                bpf_program__fd(skel->progs.handle_sys_enter));
380                                                   380 
381         /* detach and re-attach sys_exit progr    381         /* detach and re-attach sys_exit program */
382         bpf_link__destroy(skel->links.handle_s    382         bpf_link__destroy(skel->links.handle_sys_exit);
383         skel->links.handle_sys_exit =             383         skel->links.handle_sys_exit =
384                 bpf_program__attach(skel->prog    384                 bpf_program__attach(skel->progs.handle_sys_exit);
385                                                   385 
386         printf("my_static_var: %ld\n",            386         printf("my_static_var: %ld\n",
387                skel->bss->handle_sys_enter_my_    387                skel->bss->handle_sys_enter_my_static_var);
388                                                   388 
389   cleanup:                                        389   cleanup:
390         example__destroy(skel);                   390         example__destroy(skel);
391         return err;                               391         return err;
392   }                                               392   }
393                                                   393 
394 **# ./example**                                   394 **# ./example**
395                                                   395 
396 ::                                                396 ::
397                                                   397 
398   test_2_result: 17                               398   test_2_result: 17
399   my_map name: my_map                             399   my_map name: my_map
400   sys_enter prog FD: 8                            400   sys_enter prog FD: 8
401   my_static_var: 7                                401   my_static_var: 7
402                                                   402 
403 This is a stripped-out version of skeleton gen    403 This is a stripped-out version of skeleton generated for above example code.
404                                                   404 
405 min_core_btf                                      405 min_core_btf
406 ------------                                      406 ------------
407                                                   407 
408 **$ bpftool btf dump file 5.4.0-example.btf fo    408 **$ bpftool btf dump file 5.4.0-example.btf format raw**
409                                                   409 
410 ::                                                410 ::
411                                                   411 
412   [1] INT 'long unsigned int' size=8 bits_offs    412   [1] INT 'long unsigned int' size=8 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=64 encoding=(none)
413   [2] CONST '(anon)' type_id=1                    413   [2] CONST '(anon)' type_id=1
414   [3] VOLATILE '(anon)' type_id=1                 414   [3] VOLATILE '(anon)' type_id=1
415   [4] ARRAY '(anon)' type_id=1 index_type_id=2    415   [4] ARRAY '(anon)' type_id=1 index_type_id=21 nr_elems=2
416   [5] PTR '(anon)' type_id=8                      416   [5] PTR '(anon)' type_id=8
417   [6] CONST '(anon)' type_id=5                    417   [6] CONST '(anon)' type_id=5
418   [7] INT 'char' size=1 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=    418   [7] INT 'char' size=1 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=8 encoding=(none)
419   [8] CONST '(anon)' type_id=7                    419   [8] CONST '(anon)' type_id=7
420   [9] INT 'unsigned int' size=4 bits_offset=0     420   [9] INT 'unsigned int' size=4 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=32 encoding=(none)
421   <long output>                                   421   <long output>
422                                                   422 
423 **$ bpftool btf dump file one.bpf.o format raw    423 **$ bpftool btf dump file one.bpf.o format raw**
424                                                   424 
425 ::                                                425 ::
426                                                   426 
427   [1] PTR '(anon)' type_id=2                      427   [1] PTR '(anon)' type_id=2
428   [2] STRUCT 'trace_event_raw_sys_enter' size=    428   [2] STRUCT 'trace_event_raw_sys_enter' size=64 vlen=4
429         'ent' type_id=3 bits_offset=0             429         'ent' type_id=3 bits_offset=0
430         'id' type_id=7 bits_offset=64             430         'id' type_id=7 bits_offset=64
431         'args' type_id=9 bits_offset=128          431         'args' type_id=9 bits_offset=128
432         '__data' type_id=12 bits_offset=512       432         '__data' type_id=12 bits_offset=512
433   [3] STRUCT 'trace_entry' size=8 vlen=4          433   [3] STRUCT 'trace_entry' size=8 vlen=4
434         'type' type_id=4 bits_offset=0            434         'type' type_id=4 bits_offset=0
435         'flags' type_id=5 bits_offset=16          435         'flags' type_id=5 bits_offset=16
436         'preempt_count' type_id=5 bits_offset=    436         'preempt_count' type_id=5 bits_offset=24
437   <long output>                                   437   <long output>
438                                                   438 
439 **$ bpftool gen min_core_btf 5.4.0-example.btf    439 **$ bpftool gen min_core_btf 5.4.0-example.btf 5.4.0-smaller.btf one.bpf.o**
440                                                   440 
441 **$ bpftool btf dump file 5.4.0-smaller.btf fo    441 **$ bpftool btf dump file 5.4.0-smaller.btf format raw**
442                                                   442 
443 ::                                                443 ::
444                                                   444 
445   [1] TYPEDEF 'pid_t' type_id=6                   445   [1] TYPEDEF 'pid_t' type_id=6
446   [2] STRUCT 'trace_event_raw_sys_enter' size=    446   [2] STRUCT 'trace_event_raw_sys_enter' size=64 vlen=1
447         'args' type_id=4 bits_offset=128          447         'args' type_id=4 bits_offset=128
448   [3] STRUCT 'task_struct' size=9216 vlen=2       448   [3] STRUCT 'task_struct' size=9216 vlen=2
449         'pid' type_id=1 bits_offset=17920         449         'pid' type_id=1 bits_offset=17920
450         'real_parent' type_id=7 bits_offset=18    450         'real_parent' type_id=7 bits_offset=18048
451   [4] ARRAY '(anon)' type_id=5 index_type_id=8    451   [4] ARRAY '(anon)' type_id=5 index_type_id=8 nr_elems=6
452   [5] INT 'long unsigned int' size=8 bits_offs    452   [5] INT 'long unsigned int' size=8 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=64 encoding=(none)
453   [6] TYPEDEF '__kernel_pid_t' type_id=8          453   [6] TYPEDEF '__kernel_pid_t' type_id=8
454   [7] PTR '(anon)' type_id=3                      454   [7] PTR '(anon)' type_id=3
455   [8] INT 'int' size=4 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=3    455   [8] INT 'int' size=4 bits_offset=0 nr_bits=32 encoding=SIGNED
456   <end>                                           456   <end>
457                                                   457 
458 Now, the "5.4.0-smaller.btf" file may be used     458 Now, the "5.4.0-smaller.btf" file may be used by libbpf as an external BTF file
459 when loading the "one.bpf.o" object into the "    459 when loading the "one.bpf.o" object into the "5.4.0-example" kernel. Note that
460 the generated BTF file won't allow other eBPF     460 the generated BTF file won't allow other eBPF objects to be loaded, just the
461 ones given to min_core_btf.                       461 ones given to min_core_btf.
462                                                   462 
463 ::                                                463 ::
464                                                   464 
465   LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_object_open_opts, opts, .btf    465   LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_object_open_opts, opts, .btf_custom_path = "5.4.0-smaller.btf");
466   struct bpf_object *obj;                         466   struct bpf_object *obj;
467                                                   467 
468   obj = bpf_object__open_file("one.bpf.o", &op    468   obj = bpf_object__open_file("one.bpf.o", &opts);
469                                                   469 
470   ...                                             470   ...

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