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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

Version: ~ [ linux-6.12-rc7 ] ~ [ linux-6.11.7 ] ~ [ linux-6.10.14 ] ~ [ linux-6.9.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.8.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.7.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.6.60 ] ~ [ linux-6.5.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.4.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.3.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.2.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.1.116 ] ~ [ linux-6.0.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.19.17 ] ~ [ linux-5.18.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.17.15 ] ~ [ linux-5.16.20 ] ~ [ linux-5.15.171 ] ~ [ linux-5.14.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.13.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.12.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.11.22 ] ~ [ linux-5.10.229 ] ~ [ linux-5.9.16 ] ~ [ linux-5.8.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.7.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.6.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.5.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.4.285 ] ~ [ linux-5.3.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.2.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.1.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.0.21 ] ~ [ linux-4.20.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.19.323 ] ~ [ linux-4.18.20 ] ~ [ linux-4.17.19 ] ~ [ linux-4.16.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.15.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.14.336 ] ~ [ linux-4.13.16 ] ~ [ linux-4.12.14 ] ~ [ linux-4.11.12 ] ~ [ linux-4.10.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.9.337 ] ~ [ linux-4.4.302 ] ~ [ linux-3.10.108 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ linux-2.6.0 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ unix-v6-master ] ~ [ ccs-tools-1.8.12 ] ~ [ policy-sample ] ~
Architecture: ~ [ i386 ] ~ [ alpha ] ~ [ m68k ] ~ [ mips ] ~ [ ppc ] ~ [ sparc ] ~ [ sparc64 ] ~

Diff markup

Differences between /tools/perf/Documentation/perf-script.txt (Version linux-6.12-rc7) and /tools/perf/Documentation/perf-script.txt (Version linux-6.6.60)

  1 perf-script(1)                                      1 perf-script(1)
  2 =============                                       2 =============
  3                                                     3 
  4 NAME                                                4 NAME
  5 ----                                                5 ----
  6 perf-script - Read perf.data (created by perf       6 perf-script - Read perf.data (created by perf record) and display trace output
  7                                                     7 
  8 SYNOPSIS                                            8 SYNOPSIS
  9 --------                                            9 --------
 10 [verse]                                            10 [verse]
 11 'perf script' [<options>]                          11 'perf script' [<options>]
 12 'perf script' [<options>] record <script> [<re     12 'perf script' [<options>] record <script> [<record-options>] <command>
 13 'perf script' [<options>] report <script> [scr     13 'perf script' [<options>] report <script> [script-args]
 14 'perf script' [<options>] <script> <required-s     14 'perf script' [<options>] <script> <required-script-args> [<record-options>] <command>
 15 'perf script' [<options>] <top-script> [script     15 'perf script' [<options>] <top-script> [script-args]
 16                                                    16 
 17 DESCRIPTION                                        17 DESCRIPTION
 18 -----------                                        18 -----------
 19 This command reads the input file and displays     19 This command reads the input file and displays the trace recorded.
 20                                                    20 
 21 There are several variants of perf script:         21 There are several variants of perf script:
 22                                                    22 
 23   'perf script' to see a detailed trace of the     23   'perf script' to see a detailed trace of the workload that was
 24   recorded.                                        24   recorded.
 25                                                    25 
 26   You can also run a set of pre-canned scripts     26   You can also run a set of pre-canned scripts that aggregate and
 27   summarize the raw trace data in various ways     27   summarize the raw trace data in various ways (the list of scripts is
 28   available via 'perf script -l').  The follow     28   available via 'perf script -l').  The following variants allow you to
 29   record and run those scripts:                    29   record and run those scripts:
 30                                                    30 
 31   'perf script record <script> <command>' to r     31   'perf script record <script> <command>' to record the events required
 32   for 'perf script report'.  <script> is the n     32   for 'perf script report'.  <script> is the name displayed in the
 33   output of 'perf script --list' i.e. the actu     33   output of 'perf script --list' i.e. the actual script name minus any
 34   language extension.  If <command> is not spe     34   language extension.  If <command> is not specified, the events are
 35   recorded using the -a (system-wide) 'perf re     35   recorded using the -a (system-wide) 'perf record' option.
 36                                                    36 
 37   'perf script report <script> [args]' to run      37   'perf script report <script> [args]' to run and display the results
 38   of <script>.  <script> is the name displayed     38   of <script>.  <script> is the name displayed in the output of 'perf
 39   script --list' i.e. the actual script name m     39   script --list' i.e. the actual script name minus any language
 40   extension.  The perf.data output from a prev     40   extension.  The perf.data output from a previous run of 'perf script
 41   record <script>' is used and should be prese     41   record <script>' is used and should be present for this command to
 42   succeed.  [args] refers to the (mainly optio     42   succeed.  [args] refers to the (mainly optional) args expected by
 43   the script.                                      43   the script.
 44                                                    44 
 45   'perf script <script> <required-script-args>     45   'perf script <script> <required-script-args> <command>' to both
 46   record the events required for <script> and      46   record the events required for <script> and to run the <script>
 47   using 'live-mode' i.e. without writing anyth     47   using 'live-mode' i.e. without writing anything to disk.  <script>
 48   is the name displayed in the output of 'perf     48   is the name displayed in the output of 'perf script --list' i.e. the
 49   actual script name minus any language extens     49   actual script name minus any language extension.  If <command> is
 50   not specified, the events are recorded using     50   not specified, the events are recorded using the -a (system-wide)
 51   'perf record' option.  If <script> has any r     51   'perf record' option.  If <script> has any required args, they
 52   should be specified before <command>.  This      52   should be specified before <command>.  This mode doesn't allow for
 53   optional script args to be specified; if opt     53   optional script args to be specified; if optional script args are
 54   desired, they can be specified using separat     54   desired, they can be specified using separate 'perf script record'
 55   and 'perf script report' commands, with the      55   and 'perf script report' commands, with the stdout of the record step
 56   piped to the stdin of the report script, usi     56   piped to the stdin of the report script, using the '-o -' and '-i -'
 57   options of the corresponding commands.           57   options of the corresponding commands.
 58                                                    58 
 59   'perf script <top-script>' to both record th     59   'perf script <top-script>' to both record the events required for
 60   <top-script> and to run the <top-script> usi     60   <top-script> and to run the <top-script> using 'live-mode'
 61   i.e. without writing anything to disk.  <top     61   i.e. without writing anything to disk.  <top-script> is the name
 62   displayed in the output of 'perf script --li     62   displayed in the output of 'perf script --list' i.e. the actual
 63   script name minus any language extension; a      63   script name minus any language extension; a <top-script> is defined
 64   as any script name ending with the string 't     64   as any script name ending with the string 'top'.
 65                                                    65 
 66   [<record-options>] can be passed to the reco     66   [<record-options>] can be passed to the record steps of 'perf script
 67   record' and 'live-mode' variants; this isn't     67   record' and 'live-mode' variants; this isn't possible however for
 68   <top-script> 'live-mode' or 'perf script rep     68   <top-script> 'live-mode' or 'perf script report' variants.
 69                                                    69 
 70   See the 'SEE ALSO' section for links to lang     70   See the 'SEE ALSO' section for links to language-specific
 71   information on how to write and run your own     71   information on how to write and run your own trace scripts.
 72                                                    72 
 73 OPTIONS                                            73 OPTIONS
 74 -------                                            74 -------
 75 <command>...::                                     75 <command>...::
 76         Any command you can specify in a shell     76         Any command you can specify in a shell.
 77                                                    77 
 78 -D::                                               78 -D::
 79 --dump-raw-trace=::                                79 --dump-raw-trace=::
 80         Display verbose dump of the trace data     80         Display verbose dump of the trace data.
 81                                                    81 
 82 --dump-unsorted-raw-trace=::                       82 --dump-unsorted-raw-trace=::
 83         Same as --dump-raw-trace but not sorte     83         Same as --dump-raw-trace but not sorted in time order.
 84                                                    84 
 85 -L::                                               85 -L::
 86 --Latency=::                                       86 --Latency=::
 87         Show latency attributes (irqs/preempti     87         Show latency attributes (irqs/preemption disabled, etc).
 88                                                    88 
 89 -l::                                               89 -l::
 90 --list=::                                          90 --list=::
 91         Display a list of available trace scri     91         Display a list of available trace scripts.
 92                                                    92 
 93 -s ['lang']::                                      93 -s ['lang']::
 94 --script=::                                        94 --script=::
 95         Process trace data with the given scri     95         Process trace data with the given script ([lang]:script[.ext]).
 96         If the string 'lang' is specified in p     96         If the string 'lang' is specified in place of a script name, a
 97         list of supported languages will be di     97         list of supported languages will be displayed instead.
 98                                                    98 
 99 -g::                                               99 -g::
100 --gen-script=::                                   100 --gen-script=::
101         Generate perf-script.[ext] starter scr    101         Generate perf-script.[ext] starter script for given language,
102         using current perf.data.                  102         using current perf.data.
103                                                   103 
104 --dlfilter=<file>::                               104 --dlfilter=<file>::
105         Filter sample events using the given s    105         Filter sample events using the given shared object file.
106         Refer linkperf:perf-dlfilter[1]           106         Refer linkperf:perf-dlfilter[1]
107                                                   107 
108 --dlarg=<arg>::                                   108 --dlarg=<arg>::
109         Pass 'arg' as an argument to the dlfil    109         Pass 'arg' as an argument to the dlfilter. --dlarg may be repeated
110         to add more arguments.                    110         to add more arguments.
111                                                   111 
112 --list-dlfilters::                                112 --list-dlfilters::
113         Display a list of available dlfilters.    113         Display a list of available dlfilters. Use with option -v (must come
114         before option --list-dlfilters) to sho    114         before option --list-dlfilters) to show long descriptions.
115                                                   115 
116 -a::                                              116 -a::
117         Force system-wide collection.  Scripts    117         Force system-wide collection.  Scripts run without a <command>
118         normally use -a by default, while scri    118         normally use -a by default, while scripts run with a <command>
119         normally don't - this option allows th    119         normally don't - this option allows the latter to be run in
120         system-wide mode.                         120         system-wide mode.
121                                                   121 
122 -i::                                              122 -i::
123 --input=::                                        123 --input=::
124         Input file name. (default: perf.data u    124         Input file name. (default: perf.data unless stdin is a fifo)
125                                                   125 
126 -d::                                              126 -d::
127 --debug-mode::                                    127 --debug-mode::
128         Do various checks like samples orderin    128         Do various checks like samples ordering and lost events.
129                                                   129 
130 -F::                                              130 -F::
131 --fields::                                        131 --fields::
132         Comma separated list of fields to prin    132         Comma separated list of fields to print. Options are:
133         comm, tid, pid, time, cpu, event, trac    133         comm, tid, pid, time, cpu, event, trace, ip, sym, dso, dsoff, addr, symoff,
134         srcline, period, iregs, uregs, brstack    134         srcline, period, iregs, uregs, brstack, brstacksym, flags, bpf-output,
135         brstackinsn, brstackinsnlen, brstackdi !! 135         brstackinsn, brstackinsnlen, brstackoff, callindent, insn, insnlen, synth,
136         insnlen, synth, phys_addr, metric, mis !! 136         phys_addr, metric, misc, srccode, ipc, data_page_size, code_page_size, ins_lat,
137         code_page_size, ins_lat, machine_pid,  !! 137         machine_pid, vcpu, cgroup, retire_lat.
138                                                << 
139         Field list can be prepended with the t    138         Field list can be prepended with the type, trace, sw or hw,
140         to indicate to which event type the fi    139         to indicate to which event type the field list applies.
141         e.g., -F sw:comm,tid,time,ip,sym  and     140         e.g., -F sw:comm,tid,time,ip,sym  and -F trace:time,cpu,trace
142                                                   141 
143                 perf script -F <fields>           142                 perf script -F <fields>
144                                                   143 
145         is equivalent to:                         144         is equivalent to:
146                                                   145 
147                 perf script -F trace:<fields>     146                 perf script -F trace:<fields> -F sw:<fields> -F hw:<fields>
148                                                   147 
149         i.e., the specified fields apply to al    148         i.e., the specified fields apply to all event types if the type string
150         is not given.                             149         is not given.
151                                                   150 
152         In addition to overriding fields, it i    151         In addition to overriding fields, it is also possible to add or remove
153         fields from the defaults. For example     152         fields from the defaults. For example
154                                                   153 
155                 -F -cpu,+insn                     154                 -F -cpu,+insn
156                                                   155 
157         removes the cpu field and adds the ins    156         removes the cpu field and adds the insn field. Adding/removing fields
158         cannot be mixed with normal overriding    157         cannot be mixed with normal overriding.
159                                                   158 
160         The arguments are processed in the ord    159         The arguments are processed in the order received. A later usage can
161         reset a prior request. e.g.:              160         reset a prior request. e.g.:
162                                                   161 
163                 -F trace: -F comm,tid,time,ip,    162                 -F trace: -F comm,tid,time,ip,sym
164                                                   163 
165         The first -F suppresses trace events (    164         The first -F suppresses trace events (field list is ""), but then the
166         second invocation sets the fields to c    165         second invocation sets the fields to comm,tid,time,ip,sym. In this case a
167         warning is given to the user:             166         warning is given to the user:
168                                                   167 
169                 "Overriding previous field req    168                 "Overriding previous field request for all events."
170                                                   169 
171         Alternatively, consider the order:        170         Alternatively, consider the order:
172                                                   171 
173                 -F comm,tid,time,ip,sym -F tra    172                 -F comm,tid,time,ip,sym -F trace:
174                                                   173 
175         The first -F sets the fields for all e    174         The first -F sets the fields for all events and the second -F
176         suppresses trace events. The user is g    175         suppresses trace events. The user is given a warning message about
177         the override, and the result of the ab    176         the override, and the result of the above is that only S/W and H/W
178         events are displayed with the given fi    177         events are displayed with the given fields.
179                                                   178 
180         It's possible tp add/remove fields onl    179         It's possible tp add/remove fields only for specific event type:
181                                                   180 
182                 -Fsw:-cpu,-period                 181                 -Fsw:-cpu,-period
183                                                   182 
184         removes cpu and period from software e    183         removes cpu and period from software events.
185                                                   184 
186         For the 'wildcard' option if a user se    185         For the 'wildcard' option if a user selected field is invalid for an
187         event type, a message is displayed to     186         event type, a message is displayed to the user that the option is
188         ignored for that type. For example:       187         ignored for that type. For example:
189                                                   188 
190                 $ perf script -F comm,tid,trac    189                 $ perf script -F comm,tid,trace
191                 'trace' not valid for hardware    190                 'trace' not valid for hardware events. Ignoring.
192                 'trace' not valid for software    191                 'trace' not valid for software events. Ignoring.
193                                                   192 
194         Alternatively, if the type is given an    193         Alternatively, if the type is given an invalid field is specified it
195         is an error. For example:                 194         is an error. For example:
196                                                   195 
197         perf script -v -F sw:comm,tid,trace       196         perf script -v -F sw:comm,tid,trace
198         'trace' not valid for software events.    197         'trace' not valid for software events.
199                                                   198 
200         At this point usage is displayed, and     199         At this point usage is displayed, and perf-script exits.
201                                                   200 
202         The flags field is synthesized and may    201         The flags field is synthesized and may have a value when Instruction
203         Trace decoding. The flags are "bcrosyi    202         Trace decoding. The flags are "bcrosyiABExghDt" which stand for branch,
204         call, return, conditional, system, asy    203         call, return, conditional, system, asynchronous, interrupt,
205         transaction abort, trace begin, trace     204         transaction abort, trace begin, trace end, in transaction, VM-Entry,
206         VM-Exit, interrupt disabled and interr    205         VM-Exit, interrupt disabled and interrupt disable toggle respectively.
207         Known combinations of flags are printe    206         Known combinations of flags are printed more nicely e.g.
208         "call" for "bc", "return" for "br", "j    207         "call" for "bc", "return" for "br", "jcc" for "bo", "jmp" for "b",
209         "int" for "bci", "iret" for "bri", "sy    208         "int" for "bci", "iret" for "bri", "syscall" for "bcs", "sysret" for "brs",
210         "async" for "by", "hw int" for "bcyi",    209         "async" for "by", "hw int" for "bcyi", "tx abrt" for "bA", "tr strt" for "bB",
211         "tr end" for "bE", "vmentry" for "bcg"    210         "tr end" for "bE", "vmentry" for "bcg", "vmexit" for "bch".
212         However the "x", "D" and "t" flags wil    211         However the "x", "D" and "t" flags will be displayed separately in those
213         cases e.g. "jcc     (xD)" for a condit    212         cases e.g. "jcc     (xD)" for a condition branch within a transaction
214         with interrupts disabled. Note, interr    213         with interrupts disabled. Note, interrupts becoming disabled is "t",
215         whereas interrupts becoming enabled is    214         whereas interrupts becoming enabled is "Dt".
216                                                   215 
217         The callindent field is synthesized an    216         The callindent field is synthesized and may have a value when
218         Instruction Trace decoding. For calls     217         Instruction Trace decoding. For calls and returns, it will display the
219         name of the symbol indented with space    218         name of the symbol indented with spaces to reflect the stack depth.
220                                                   219 
221         When doing instruction trace decoding, !! 220         When doing instruction trace decoding insn and insnlen give the
222         instruction bytes, disassembled instru !! 221         instruction bytes and the instruction length of the current
223         and the instruction length of the curr !! 222         instruction.
224                                                   223 
225         The synth field is used by synthesized    224         The synth field is used by synthesized events which may be created when
226         Instruction Trace decoding.               225         Instruction Trace decoding.
227                                                   226 
228         The ipc (instructions per cycle) field    227         The ipc (instructions per cycle) field is synthesized and may have a value when
229         Instruction Trace decoding.               228         Instruction Trace decoding.
230                                                   229 
231         The machine_pid and vcpu fields are de    230         The machine_pid and vcpu fields are derived from data resulting from using
232         perf inject to insert a perf.data file    231         perf inject to insert a perf.data file recorded inside a virtual machine into
233         a perf.data file recorded on the host     232         a perf.data file recorded on the host at the same time.
234                                                   233 
235         The cgroup fields requires sample havi    234         The cgroup fields requires sample having the cgroup id which is saved
236         when "--all-cgroups" option is passed     235         when "--all-cgroups" option is passed to 'perf record'.
237                                                   236 
238         Finally, a user may not set fields to     237         Finally, a user may not set fields to none for all event types.
239         i.e., -F "" is not allowed.               238         i.e., -F "" is not allowed.
240                                                   239 
241         The brstack output includes branch rel    240         The brstack output includes branch related information with raw addresses using the
242         /v/v/v/v/cycles syntax in the followin    241         /v/v/v/v/cycles syntax in the following order:
243         FROM: branch source instruction           242         FROM: branch source instruction
244         TO  : branch target instruction           243         TO  : branch target instruction
245         M/P/-: M=branch target mispredicted or    244         M/P/-: M=branch target mispredicted or branch direction was mispredicted, P=target predicted or direction predicted, -=not supported
246         X/- : X=branch inside a transactional     245         X/- : X=branch inside a transactional region, -=not in transaction region or not supported
247         A/- : A=TSX abort entry, -=not aborted    246         A/- : A=TSX abort entry, -=not aborted region or not supported
248         cycles                                    247         cycles
249                                                   248 
250         The brstacksym is identical to brstack    249         The brstacksym is identical to brstack, except that the FROM and TO addresses are printed in a symbolic form if possible.
251                                                   250 
252         When brstackinsn is specified the full    251         When brstackinsn is specified the full assembler sequences of branch sequences for each sample
253         is printed. This is the full execution    252         is printed. This is the full execution path leading to the sample. This is only supported when the
254         sample was recorded with perf record -    253         sample was recorded with perf record -b or -j any.
255                                                   254 
256         Use brstackinsnlen to print the brstac    255         Use brstackinsnlen to print the brstackinsn lenght. For example, you
257         can’t know the next sequential instr    256         can’t know the next sequential instruction after an unconditional branch unless
258         you calculate that based on its length    257         you calculate that based on its length.
259                                                   258 
260         brstackdisasm acts like brstackinsn, b << 
261         perf is built with the capstone librar << 
262                                                << 
263         The brstackoff field will print an off    259         The brstackoff field will print an offset into a specific dso/binary.
264                                                   260 
265         With the metric option perf script can    261         With the metric option perf script can compute metrics for
266         sampling periods, similar to perf stat    262         sampling periods, similar to perf stat. This requires
267         specifying a group with multiple event    263         specifying a group with multiple events defining metrics with the :S option
268         for perf record. perf will sample on t    264         for perf record. perf will sample on the first event, and
269         print computed metrics for all the eve    265         print computed metrics for all the events in the group. Please note
270         that the metric computed is averaged o    266         that the metric computed is averaged over the whole sampling
271         period (since the last sample), not ju    267         period (since the last sample), not just for the sample point.
272                                                   268 
273         For sample events it's possible to dis    269         For sample events it's possible to display misc field with -F +misc option,
274         following letters are displayed for ea    270         following letters are displayed for each bit:
275                                                   271 
276           PERF_RECORD_MISC_KERNEL                 272           PERF_RECORD_MISC_KERNEL               K
277           PERF_RECORD_MISC_USER                   273           PERF_RECORD_MISC_USER                 U
278           PERF_RECORD_MISC_HYPERVISOR             274           PERF_RECORD_MISC_HYPERVISOR           H
279           PERF_RECORD_MISC_GUEST_KERNEL           275           PERF_RECORD_MISC_GUEST_KERNEL         G
280           PERF_RECORD_MISC_GUEST_USER             276           PERF_RECORD_MISC_GUEST_USER           g
281           PERF_RECORD_MISC_MMAP_DATA*             277           PERF_RECORD_MISC_MMAP_DATA*           M
282           PERF_RECORD_MISC_COMM_EXEC              278           PERF_RECORD_MISC_COMM_EXEC            E
283           PERF_RECORD_MISC_SWITCH_OUT             279           PERF_RECORD_MISC_SWITCH_OUT           S
285                                                   281 
286           $ perf script -F +misc ...              282           $ perf script -F +misc ...
287            sched-messaging  1414 K     28690.6    283            sched-messaging  1414 K     28690.636582:       4590 cycles ...
288            sched-messaging  1407 U     28690.6    284            sched-messaging  1407 U     28690.636600:     325620 cycles ...
289            sched-messaging  1414 K     28690.6    285            sched-messaging  1414 K     28690.636608:      19473 cycles ...
290           misc field ___________/                 286           misc field ___________/
291                                                   287 
292 -k::                                              288 -k::
293 --vmlinux=<file>::                                289 --vmlinux=<file>::
294         vmlinux pathname                          290         vmlinux pathname
295                                                   291 
296 --kallsyms=<file>::                               292 --kallsyms=<file>::
297         kallsyms pathname                         293         kallsyms pathname
298                                                   294 
299 --symfs=<directory>::                             295 --symfs=<directory>::
300         Look for files with symbols relative t    296         Look for files with symbols relative to this directory.
301                                                   297 
302 -G::                                              298 -G::
303 --hide-call-graph::                               299 --hide-call-graph::
304         When printing symbols do not display c    300         When printing symbols do not display call chain.
305                                                   301 
306 --stop-bt::                                       302 --stop-bt::
307         Stop display of callgraph at these sym    303         Stop display of callgraph at these symbols
308                                                   304 
309 -C::                                              305 -C::
310 --cpu:: Only report samples for the list of CP    306 --cpu:: Only report samples for the list of CPUs provided. Multiple CPUs can
311         be provided as a comma-separated list     307         be provided as a comma-separated list with no space: 0,1. Ranges of
312         CPUs are specified with -: 0-2. Defaul    308         CPUs are specified with -: 0-2. Default is to report samples on all
313         CPUs.                                     309         CPUs.
314                                                   310 
315 -c::                                              311 -c::
316 --comms=::                                        312 --comms=::
317         Only display events for these comms. C    313         Only display events for these comms. CSV that understands
318         file://filename entries.                  314         file://filename entries.
319                                                   315 
320 --pid=::                                          316 --pid=::
321         Only show events for given process ID     317         Only show events for given process ID (comma separated list).
322                                                   318 
323 --tid=::                                          319 --tid=::
324         Only show events for given thread ID (    320         Only show events for given thread ID (comma separated list).
325                                                   321 
326 -I::                                              322 -I::
327 --show-info::                                     323 --show-info::
328         Display extended information about the    324         Display extended information about the perf.data file. This adds
329         information which may be very large an    325         information which may be very large and thus may clutter the display.
330         It currently includes: cpu and numa to    326         It currently includes: cpu and numa topology of the host system.
331         It can only be used with the perf scri    327         It can only be used with the perf script report mode.
332                                                   328 
333 --show-kernel-path::                              329 --show-kernel-path::
334         Try to resolve the path of [kernel.kal    330         Try to resolve the path of [kernel.kallsyms]
335                                                   331 
336 --show-task-events                                332 --show-task-events
337         Display task related events (e.g. FORK    333         Display task related events (e.g. FORK, COMM, EXIT).
338                                                   334 
339 --show-mmap-events                                335 --show-mmap-events
340         Display mmap related events (e.g. MMAP    336         Display mmap related events (e.g. MMAP, MMAP2).
341                                                   337 
342 --show-namespace-events                           338 --show-namespace-events
343         Display namespace events i.e. events o    339         Display namespace events i.e. events of type PERF_RECORD_NAMESPACES.
344                                                   340 
345 --show-switch-events                              341 --show-switch-events
346         Display context switch events i.e. eve    342         Display context switch events i.e. events of type PERF_RECORD_SWITCH or
347         PERF_RECORD_SWITCH_CPU_WIDE.              343         PERF_RECORD_SWITCH_CPU_WIDE.
348                                                   344 
349 --show-lost-events                                345 --show-lost-events
350         Display lost events i.e. events of typ    346         Display lost events i.e. events of type PERF_RECORD_LOST.
351                                                   347 
352 --show-round-events                               348 --show-round-events
353         Display finished round events i.e. eve    349         Display finished round events i.e. events of type PERF_RECORD_FINISHED_ROUND.
354                                                   350 
355 --show-bpf-events                                 351 --show-bpf-events
356         Display bpf events i.e. events of type    352         Display bpf events i.e. events of type PERF_RECORD_KSYMBOL and PERF_RECORD_BPF_EVENT.
357                                                   353 
358 --show-cgroup-events                              354 --show-cgroup-events
359         Display cgroup events i.e. events of t    355         Display cgroup events i.e. events of type PERF_RECORD_CGROUP.
360                                                   356 
361 --show-text-poke-events                           357 --show-text-poke-events
362         Display text poke events i.e. events o    358         Display text poke events i.e. events of type PERF_RECORD_TEXT_POKE and
363         PERF_RECORD_KSYMBOL.                      359         PERF_RECORD_KSYMBOL.
364                                                   360 
365 --demangle::                                      361 --demangle::
366         Demangle symbol names to human readabl    362         Demangle symbol names to human readable form. It's enabled by default,
367         disable with --no-demangle.               363         disable with --no-demangle.
368                                                   364 
369 --demangle-kernel::                               365 --demangle-kernel::
370         Demangle kernel symbol names to human     366         Demangle kernel symbol names to human readable form (for C++ kernels).
371                                                << 
372 --addr2line=<path>::                           << 
373         Path to addr2line binary.              << 
374                                                   367 
375 --header                                          368 --header
376         Show perf.data header.                    369         Show perf.data header.
377                                                   370 
378 --header-only                                     371 --header-only
379         Show only perf.data header.               372         Show only perf.data header.
380                                                   373 
381 --itrace::                                        374 --itrace::
382         Options for decoding instruction traci    375         Options for decoding instruction tracing data. The options are:
383                                                   376 
384 include::itrace.txt[]                             377 include::itrace.txt[]
385                                                   378 
386         To disable decoding entirely, use --no    379         To disable decoding entirely, use --no-itrace.
387                                                   380 
388 --full-source-path::                              381 --full-source-path::
389         Show the full path for source files fo    382         Show the full path for source files for srcline output.
390                                                   383 
391 --max-stack::                                     384 --max-stack::
392         Set the stack depth limit when parsing    385         Set the stack depth limit when parsing the callchain, anything
393         beyond the specified depth will be ign    386         beyond the specified depth will be ignored. This is a trade-off
394         between information loss and faster pr    387         between information loss and faster processing especially for
395         workloads that can have a very long ca    388         workloads that can have a very long callchain stack.
396         Note that when using the --itrace opti    389         Note that when using the --itrace option the synthesized callchain size
397         will override this value if the synthe    390         will override this value if the synthesized callchain size is bigger.
398                                                   391 
399         Default: 127                              392         Default: 127
400                                                   393 
401 --ns::                                            394 --ns::
402         Use 9 decimal places when displaying t    395         Use 9 decimal places when displaying time (i.e. show the nanoseconds)
403                                                   396 
404 -f::                                              397 -f::
405 --force::                                         398 --force::
406         Don't do ownership validation.            399         Don't do ownership validation.
407                                                   400 
408 --time::                                          401 --time::
409         Only analyze samples within given time    402         Only analyze samples within given time window: <start>,<stop>. Times
410         have the format seconds.nanoseconds. I    403         have the format seconds.nanoseconds. If start is not given (i.e. time
411         string is ',x.y') then analysis starts    404         string is ',x.y') then analysis starts at the beginning of the file. If
412         stop time is not given (i.e. time stri    405         stop time is not given (i.e. time string is 'x.y,') then analysis goes
413         to end of file. Multiple ranges can be    406         to end of file. Multiple ranges can be separated by spaces, which
414         requires the argument to be quoted e.g    407         requires the argument to be quoted e.g. --time "1234.567,1234.789 1235,"
415                                                   408 
416         Also support time percent with multipl    409         Also support time percent with multiple time ranges. Time string is
417         'a%/n,b%/m,...' or 'a%-b%,c%-%d,...'.     410         'a%/n,b%/m,...' or 'a%-b%,c%-%d,...'.
418                                                   411 
419         For example:                              412         For example:
420         Select the second 10% time slice:         413         Select the second 10% time slice:
421         perf script --time 10%/2                  414         perf script --time 10%/2
422                                                   415 
423         Select from 0% to 10% time slice:         416         Select from 0% to 10% time slice:
424         perf script --time 0%-10%                 417         perf script --time 0%-10%
425                                                   418 
426         Select the first and second 10% time s    419         Select the first and second 10% time slices:
427         perf script --time 10%/1,10%/2            420         perf script --time 10%/1,10%/2
428                                                   421 
429         Select from 0% to 10% and 30% to 40% s    422         Select from 0% to 10% and 30% to 40% slices:
430         perf script --time 0%-10%,30%-40%         423         perf script --time 0%-10%,30%-40%
431                                                   424 
432 --max-blocks::                                    425 --max-blocks::
433         Set the maximum number of program bloc    426         Set the maximum number of program blocks to print with brstackinsn for
434         each sample.                              427         each sample.
435                                                   428 
436 --reltime::                                       429 --reltime::
437         Print time stamps relative to trace st    430         Print time stamps relative to trace start.
438                                                   431 
439 --deltatime::                                     432 --deltatime::
440         Print time stamps relative to previous    433         Print time stamps relative to previous event.
441                                                   434 
442 --per-event-dump::                                435 --per-event-dump::
443         Create per event files with a "perf.da    436         Create per event files with a "perf.data.EVENT.dump" name instead of
444         printing to stdout, useful, for instan    437         printing to stdout, useful, for instance, for generating flamegraphs.
445                                                   438 
446 --inline::                                        439 --inline::
447         If a callgraph address belongs to an i    440         If a callgraph address belongs to an inlined function, the inline stack
448         will be printed. Each entry has functi    441         will be printed. Each entry has function name and file/line. Enabled by
449         default, disable with --no-inline.        442         default, disable with --no-inline.
450                                                   443 
451 --insn-trace[=<raw|disasm>]::                     444 --insn-trace[=<raw|disasm>]::
452         Show instruction stream in bytes (raw)    445         Show instruction stream in bytes (raw) or disassembled (disasm)
453         for intel_pt traces. The default is 'r    446         for intel_pt traces. The default is 'raw'. To use xed, combine
454         'raw' with --xed to show disassembly d    447         'raw' with --xed to show disassembly done by xed.
455                                                   448 
456 --xed::                                           449 --xed::
457         Run xed disassembler on output. Requir    450         Run xed disassembler on output. Requires installing the xed disassembler.
458                                                   451 
459 -S::                                              452 -S::
460 --symbols=symbol[,symbol...]::                    453 --symbols=symbol[,symbol...]::
461         Only consider the listed symbols. Symb    454         Only consider the listed symbols. Symbols are typically a name
462         but they may also be hexadecimal addre    455         but they may also be hexadecimal address.
463                                                   456 
464         The hexadecimal address may be the sta    457         The hexadecimal address may be the start address of a symbol or
465         any other address to filter the trace     458         any other address to filter the trace records
466                                                   459 
467         For example, to select the symbol nopl    460         For example, to select the symbol noploop or the address 0x4007a0:
468         perf script --symbols=noploop,0x4007a0    461         perf script --symbols=noploop,0x4007a0
469                                                   462 
470         Support filtering trace records by sym    463         Support filtering trace records by symbol name, start address of
471         symbol, any hexadecimal address and ad    464         symbol, any hexadecimal address and address range.
472                                                   465 
473         The comparison order is:                  466         The comparison order is:
474                                                   467 
475         1. symbol name comparison                 468         1. symbol name comparison
476         2. symbol start address comparison.       469         2. symbol start address comparison.
477         3. any hexadecimal address comparison.    470         3. any hexadecimal address comparison.
478         4. address range comparison (see --add    471         4. address range comparison (see --addr-range).
479                                                   472 
480 --addr-range::                                    473 --addr-range::
481        Use with -S or --symbols to list traced    474        Use with -S or --symbols to list traced records within address range.
482                                                   475 
483        For example, to list the traced records    476        For example, to list the traced records within the address range
484        [0x4007a0, 0x0x4007a9]:                    477        [0x4007a0, 0x0x4007a9]:
485        perf script -S 0x4007a0 --addr-range 10    478        perf script -S 0x4007a0 --addr-range 10
486                                                   479 
487 --dsos=::                                         480 --dsos=::
488         Only consider symbols in these DSOs.      481         Only consider symbols in these DSOs.
489                                                   482 
490 --call-trace::                                    483 --call-trace::
491         Show call stream for intel_pt traces.     484         Show call stream for intel_pt traces. The CPUs are interleaved, but
492         can be filtered with -C.                  485         can be filtered with -C.
493                                                   486 
494 --call-ret-trace::                                487 --call-ret-trace::
495         Show call and return stream for intel_    488         Show call and return stream for intel_pt traces.
496                                                   489 
497 --graph-function::                                490 --graph-function::
498         For itrace only show specified functio    491         For itrace only show specified functions and their callees for
499         itrace. Multiple functions can be sepa    492         itrace. Multiple functions can be separated by comma.
500                                                   493 
501 --switch-on EVENT_NAME::                          494 --switch-on EVENT_NAME::
502         Only consider events after this event     495         Only consider events after this event is found.
503                                                   496 
504 --switch-off EVENT_NAME::                         497 --switch-off EVENT_NAME::
505         Stop considering events after this eve    498         Stop considering events after this event is found.
506                                                   499 
507 --show-on-off-events::                            500 --show-on-off-events::
508         Show the --switch-on/off events too.      501         Show the --switch-on/off events too.
509                                                   502 
510 --stitch-lbr::                                    503 --stitch-lbr::
511         Show callgraph with stitched LBRs, whi    504         Show callgraph with stitched LBRs, which may have more complete
512         callgraph. The perf.data file must hav    505         callgraph. The perf.data file must have been obtained using
513         perf record --call-graph lbr.             506         perf record --call-graph lbr.
514         Disabled by default. In common cases w    507         Disabled by default. In common cases with call stack overflows,
515         it can recreate better call stacks tha    508         it can recreate better call stacks than the default lbr call stack
516         output. But this approach is not foolp    509         output. But this approach is not foolproof. There can be cases
517         where it creates incorrect call stacks    510         where it creates incorrect call stacks from incorrect matches.
518         The known limitations include exceptio    511         The known limitations include exception handing such as
519         setjmp/longjmp will have calls/returns    512         setjmp/longjmp will have calls/returns not match.
520                                                   513 
521 :GMEXAMPLECMD: script                             514 :GMEXAMPLECMD: script
522 :GMEXAMPLESUBCMD:                                 515 :GMEXAMPLESUBCMD:
523 include::guest-files.txt[]                        516 include::guest-files.txt[]
524                                                   517 
525 SEE ALSO                                          518 SEE ALSO
526 --------                                          519 --------
527 linkperf:perf-record[1], linkperf:perf-script-    520 linkperf:perf-record[1], linkperf:perf-script-perl[1],
528 linkperf:perf-script-python[1], linkperf:perf-    521 linkperf:perf-script-python[1], linkperf:perf-intel-pt[1],
529 linkperf:perf-dlfilter[1]                         522 linkperf:perf-dlfilter[1]

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