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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

Version: ~ [ linux-6.12-rc7 ] ~ [ linux-6.11.7 ] ~ [ linux-6.10.14 ] ~ [ linux-6.9.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.8.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.7.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.6.60 ] ~ [ linux-6.5.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.4.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.3.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.2.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.1.116 ] ~ [ linux-6.0.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.19.17 ] ~ [ linux-5.18.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.17.15 ] ~ [ linux-5.16.20 ] ~ [ linux-5.15.171 ] ~ [ linux-5.14.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.13.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.12.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.11.22 ] ~ [ linux-5.10.229 ] ~ [ linux-5.9.16 ] ~ [ linux-5.8.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.7.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.6.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.5.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.4.285 ] ~ [ linux-5.3.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.2.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.1.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.0.21 ] ~ [ linux-4.20.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.19.323 ] ~ [ linux-4.18.20 ] ~ [ linux-4.17.19 ] ~ [ linux-4.16.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.15.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.14.336 ] ~ [ linux-4.13.16 ] ~ [ linux-4.12.14 ] ~ [ linux-4.11.12 ] ~ [ linux-4.10.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.9.337 ] ~ [ linux-4.4.302 ] ~ [ linux-3.10.108 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ linux-2.6.0 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ unix-v6-master ] ~ [ ccs-tools-1.8.12 ] ~ [ policy-sample ] ~
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Diff markup

Differences between /tools/power/acpi/man/pfrut.8 (Architecture m68k) and /tools/power/acpi/man/pfrut.8 (Architecture alpha)

  1 .TH "PFRUT" "8" "October 2021" "pfrut 1.0" ""       1 .TH "PFRUT" "8" "October 2021" "pfrut 1.0" ""
  2 .hy                                                 2 .hy
  3 .SH Name                                            3 .SH Name
  4 .PP                                                 4 .PP
  5 pfrut \- Platform Firmware Runtime Update and       5 pfrut \- Platform Firmware Runtime Update and Telemetry tool
  6 .SH SYNOPSIS                                        6 .SH SYNOPSIS
  7 .PP                                                 7 .PP
  8 \f[B]pfrut\f[R] [\f[I]Options\f[R]]                 8 \f[B]pfrut\f[R] [\f[I]Options\f[R]]
  9 .SH DESCRIPTION                                     9 .SH DESCRIPTION
 10 .PP                                                10 .PP
 11 The PFRUT(Platform Firmware Runtime Update and     11 The PFRUT(Platform Firmware Runtime Update and Telemetry) kernel interface is designed
 12 to                                                 12 to
 13 .PD 0                                              13 .PD 0
 14 .P                                                 14 .P
 15 .PD                                                15 .PD
 16 interact with the platform firmware interface      16 interact with the platform firmware interface defined in the
 17 .PD 0                                              17 .PD 0
 18 .P                                                 18 .P
 19 .PD                                                19 .PD
 20 Management Mode Firmware Runtime                   20 Management Mode Firmware Runtime
 21 Update (https://uefi.org/sites/default/files/r     21 Update (https://uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/Intel_MM_OS_Interface_Spec_Rev100.pdf)
 22 .PD 0                                              22 .PD 0
 23 .P                                                 23 .P
 24 .PD                                                24 .PD
 25 \f[B]pfrut\f[R] is the tool to interact with t     25 \f[B]pfrut\f[R] is the tool to interact with the kernel interface.
 26 .PD 0                                              26 .PD 0
 27 .P                                                 27 .P
 28 .PD                                                28 .PD
 29 .SH OPTIONS                                        29 .SH OPTIONS
 30 .TP                                                30 .TP
 31 .B \f[B]\-h\f[R], \f[B]\-\-help\f[R]               31 .B \f[B]\-h\f[R], \f[B]\-\-help\f[R]
 32 Display helper information.                        32 Display helper information.
 33 .TP                                                33 .TP
 34 .B \f[B]\-l\f[R], \f[B]\-\-load\f[R]               34 .B \f[B]\-l\f[R], \f[B]\-\-load\f[R]
 35 Load the capsule file into the system.             35 Load the capsule file into the system.
 36 To be more specific, the capsule file will be      36 To be more specific, the capsule file will be copied to the
 37 communication buffer.                              37 communication buffer.
 38 .TP                                                38 .TP
 39 .B \f[B]\-s\f[R], \f[B]\-\-stage\f[R]              39 .B \f[B]\-s\f[R], \f[B]\-\-stage\f[R]
 40 Stage the capsule image from communication buf     40 Stage the capsule image from communication buffer into Management Mode
 41 and perform authentication.                        41 and perform authentication.
 42 .TP                                                42 .TP
 43 .B \f[B]\-a\f[R], \f[B]\-\-activate\f[R]           43 .B \f[B]\-a\f[R], \f[B]\-\-activate\f[R]
 44 Activate a previous staged capsule image.          44 Activate a previous staged capsule image.
 45 .TP                                                45 .TP
 46 .B \f[B]\-u\f[R], \f[B]\-\-update\f[R]             46 .B \f[B]\-u\f[R], \f[B]\-\-update\f[R]
 47 Perform both stage and activation actions.         47 Perform both stage and activation actions.
 48 .TP                                                48 .TP
 49 .B \f[B]\-q\f[R], \f[B]\-\-query\f[R]              49 .B \f[B]\-q\f[R], \f[B]\-\-query\f[R]
 50 Query the update capability.                       50 Query the update capability.
 51 .TP                                                51 .TP
 52 .B \f[B]\-d\f[R], \f[B]\-\-setrev\f[R]             52 .B \f[B]\-d\f[R], \f[B]\-\-setrev\f[R]
 53 Set the revision ID of code injection/driver u     53 Set the revision ID of code injection/driver update.
 54 .TP                                                54 .TP
 55 .B \f[B]\-D\f[R], \f[B]\-\-setrevlog\f[R]          55 .B \f[B]\-D\f[R], \f[B]\-\-setrevlog\f[R]
 56 Set the revision ID of telemetry.                  56 Set the revision ID of telemetry.
 57 .TP                                                57 .TP
 58 .B \f[B]\-G\f[R], \f[B]\-\-getloginfo\f[R]         58 .B \f[B]\-G\f[R], \f[B]\-\-getloginfo\f[R]
 59 Get telemetry log information and print it out     59 Get telemetry log information and print it out.
 60 .TP                                                60 .TP
 61 .B \f[B]\-T\f[R], \f[B]\-\-type\f[R]               61 .B \f[B]\-T\f[R], \f[B]\-\-type\f[R]
 62 Set the telemetry log data type.                   62 Set the telemetry log data type.
 63 .TP                                                63 .TP
 64 .B \f[B]\-L\f[R], \f[B]\-\-level\f[R]              64 .B \f[B]\-L\f[R], \f[B]\-\-level\f[R]
 65 Set the telemetry log level.                       65 Set the telemetry log level.
 66 .TP                                                66 .TP
 67 .B \f[B]\-R\f[R], \f[B]\-\-read\f[R]               67 .B \f[B]\-R\f[R], \f[B]\-\-read\f[R]
 68 Read all the telemetry data and print it out.      68 Read all the telemetry data and print it out.
 69 .SH EXAMPLES                                       69 .SH EXAMPLES
 70 .PP                                                70 .PP
 71 \f[B]pfrut \-G\f[R]                                71 \f[B]pfrut \-G\f[R]
 72 .PP                                                72 .PP
 73 log_level:4                                        73 log_level:4
 74 .PD 0                                              74 .PD 0
 75 .P                                                 75 .P
 76 .PD                                                76 .PD
 77 log_type:0                                         77 log_type:0
 78 .PD 0                                              78 .PD 0
 79 .P                                                 79 .P
 80 .PD                                                80 .PD
 81 log_revid:2                                        81 log_revid:2
 82 .PD 0                                              82 .PD 0
 83 .P                                                 83 .P
 84 .PD                                                84 .PD
 85 max_data_size:65536                                85 max_data_size:65536
 86 .PD 0                                              86 .PD 0
 87 .P                                                 87 .P
 88 .PD                                                88 .PD
 89 chunk1_size:0                                      89 chunk1_size:0
 90 .PD 0                                              90 .PD 0
 91 .P                                                 91 .P
 92 .PD                                                92 .PD
 93 chunk2_size:1401                                   93 chunk2_size:1401
 94 .PD 0                                              94 .PD 0
 95 .P                                                 95 .P
 96 .PD                                                96 .PD
 97 rollover_cnt:0                                     97 rollover_cnt:0
 98 .PD 0                                              98 .PD 0
 99 .P                                                 99 .P
100 .PD                                               100 .PD
101 reset_cnt:4                                       101 reset_cnt:4
102 .PP                                               102 .PP
103 \f[B]pfru \-q\f[R]                                103 \f[B]pfru \-q\f[R]
104 .PP                                               104 .PP
105 code injection image type:794bf8b2\-6e7b\-454e    105 code injection image type:794bf8b2\-6e7b\-454e\-885f\-3fb9bb185402
106 .PD 0                                             106 .PD 0
107 .P                                                107 .P
108 .PD                                               108 .PD
109 fw_version:0                                      109 fw_version:0
110 .PD 0                                             110 .PD 0
111 .P                                                111 .P
112 .PD                                               112 .PD
113 code_rt_version:1                                 113 code_rt_version:1
114 .PD 0                                             114 .PD 0
115 .P                                                115 .P
116 .PD                                               116 .PD
117 driver update image type:0e5f0b14\-f849\-7945\    117 driver update image type:0e5f0b14\-f849\-7945\-ad81\-bc7b6d2bb245
118 .PD 0                                             118 .PD 0
119 .P                                                119 .P
120 .PD                                               120 .PD
121 drv_rt_version:0                                  121 drv_rt_version:0
122 .PD 0                                             122 .PD 0
123 .P                                                123 .P
124 .PD                                               124 .PD
125 drv_svn:0                                         125 drv_svn:0
126 .PD 0                                             126 .PD 0
127 .P                                                127 .P
128 .PD                                               128 .PD
129 platform id:39214663\-b1a8\-4eaa\-9024\-f2bb53    129 platform id:39214663\-b1a8\-4eaa\-9024\-f2bb53ea4723
130 .PD 0                                             130 .PD 0
131 .P                                                131 .P
132 .PD                                               132 .PD
133 oem id:a36db54f\-ea2a\-e14e\-b7c4\-b5780e51ba3    133 oem id:a36db54f\-ea2a\-e14e\-b7c4\-b5780e51ba3d
134 .PP                                               134 .PP
135 \f[B]pfrut \-l yours.cap \-u \-T 1 \-L 4\f[R]     135 \f[B]pfrut \-l yours.cap \-u \-T 1 \-L 4\f[R]
136 .SH AUTHORS                                       136 .SH AUTHORS
137 Chen Yu.                                          137 Chen Yu.

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