Defined as a struct type in:
Referenced (in 228 files total) in:
- include/sound/simple_card_utils.h, 9 times
- include/sound/soc-card.h, 25 times
- include/sound/soc-component.h, line 212
- include/sound/soc-dapm.h, 7 times
- include/sound/soc-dpcm.h, line 122
- include/sound/soc-jack.h, line 83
- include/sound/soc-topology.h, line 27
- include/sound/soc.h, 47 times
- include/sound/soc_sdw_utils.h, 23 times
- include/trace/events/asoc.h, 5 times
- sound/soc/amd/acp-da7219-max98357a.c, 16 times
- sound/soc/amd/acp-es8336.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/amd/acp-pcm-dma.c, line 854
- sound/soc/amd/acp-rt5645.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/amd/acp/acp-legacy-mach.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/amd/acp/acp-mach-common.c, 20 times
- sound/soc/amd/acp/acp-mach.h, 12 times
- sound/soc/amd/acp/acp-sdw-sof-mach.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/amd/acp/acp-sof-mach.c, line 95
- sound/soc/amd/acp/acp3x-es83xx/acp3x-es83xx.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/amd/acp3x-rt5682-max9836.c, 9 times
- sound/soc/amd/ps/ps-mach.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/amd/raven/acp3x-i2s.c, line 77
- sound/soc/amd/raven/acp3x-pcm-dma.c, line 250
- sound/soc/amd/renoir/acp3x-rn.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/amd/vangogh/acp5x-i2s.c, line 88
- sound/soc/amd/vangogh/acp5x-mach.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/amd/vangogh/acp5x-pcm-dma.c, line 243
- sound/soc/amd/yc/acp6x-mach.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/atmel/atmel-classd.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/atmel/atmel-pdmic.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/atmel/atmel_wm8904.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/atmel/mikroe-proto.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/atmel/sam9g20_wm8731.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/atmel/sam9x5_wm8731.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/atmel/tse850-pcm5142.c, 11 times
- sound/soc/au1x/db1000.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/au1x/db1200.c, 8 times
- sound/soc/au1x/psc-ac97.c, line 60
- sound/soc/codecs/cs43130.c, line 2348
- sound/soc/codecs/hdac_hdmi.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/fsl/efika-audio-fabric.c, line 57
- sound/soc/fsl/eukrea-tlv320.c, line 78
- sound/soc/fsl/fsl-asoc-card.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/fsl/fsl_micfil.c, line 58
- sound/soc/fsl/fsl_spdif.c, line 997
- sound/soc/fsl/fsl_xcvr.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/fsl/imx-audmix.c, line 23
- sound/soc/fsl/imx-card.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/fsl/imx-es8328.c, line 22
- sound/soc/fsl/imx-hdmi.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/fsl/imx-rpmsg.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/fsl/imx-sgtl5000.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/fsl/p1022_ds.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/fsl/p1022_rdk.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/fsl/pcm030-audio-fabric.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/generic/audio-graph-card.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/generic/audio-graph-card2-custom-sample.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/generic/audio-graph-card2.c, line 1341
- sound/soc/generic/simple-card-utils.c, 10 times
- sound/soc/generic/simple-card.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/intel/atom/sst-mfld-platform.h, line 173
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/da7219.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/dmic.c, line 52
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/es8336.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/hdaudio.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/i2s_test.c, line 61
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/max98357a.c, line 96
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/max98373.c, line 151
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/max98927.c, line 148
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/nau8825.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/probe.c, line 30
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/rt274.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/rt286.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/rt298.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/rt5514.c, line 136
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/rt5663.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/rt5682.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/avs/boards/ssm4567.c, line 137
- sound/soc/intel/avs/ipc.c, line 105
- sound/soc/intel/avs/pcm.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/bdw-rt5650.c, line 274
- sound/soc/intel/boards/bdw-rt5677.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/bdw_rt286.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/bytcht_cx2072x.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/bytcht_da7213.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/bytcht_es8316.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/bytcht_nocodec.c, line 154
- sound/soc/intel/boards/bytcr_rt5640.c, 9 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/bytcr_rt5651.c, 7 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/bytcr_wm5102.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/cht_bsw_max98090_ti.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/cht_bsw_nau8824.c, line 235
- sound/soc/intel/boards/cht_bsw_rt5645.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/cht_bsw_rt5672.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/ehl_rt5660.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/hda_dsp_common.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/hda_dsp_common.h, 2 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/hsw_rt5640.c, line 136
- sound/soc/intel/boards/skl_hda_dsp_generic.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_board_helpers.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_board_helpers.h, 2 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_cirrus_common.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_cirrus_common.h, line 24
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_cs42l42.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_da7219.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_es8336.c, 8 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_maxim_common.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_maxim_common.h, 2 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_nau8825.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_nuvoton_common.c, line 36
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_pcm512x.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_realtek_common.c, 9 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_realtek_common.h, 3 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_rt5682.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_sdw.c, 10 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_sdw_common.h, line 64
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_sdw_hdmi.c, line 31
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_ssp_amp.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/intel/boards/sof_wm8804.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/kirkwood/armada-370-db.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/loongson/loongson_card.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/common/mtk-dsp-sof-common.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/common/mtk-dsp-sof-common.h, 3 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/common/mtk-soundcard-driver.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/common/mtk-soundcard-driver.h, 3 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt2701/mt2701-cs42448.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt2701/mt2701-wm8960.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt6797/mt6797-mt6351.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt7986/mt7986-wm8960.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8173/mt8173-max98090.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8173/mt8173-rt5650-rt5514.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8173/mt8173-rt5650-rt5676.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8173/mt8173-rt5650.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8183/mt8183-da7219-max98357.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8183/mt8183-mt6358-ts3a227-max98357.c, 9 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8186/mt8186-mt6366-common.c, line 42
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8186/mt8186-mt6366-common.h, line 13
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8186/mt8186-mt6366.c, 8 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8188/mt8188-mt6359.c, 7 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8192/mt8192-mt6359-rt1015-rt5682.c, 7 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8195/mt8195-mt6359.c, 10 times
- sound/soc/mediatek/mt8365/mt8365-mt6357.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/meson/axg-card.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/meson/gx-card.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/meson/meson-card-utils.c, 9 times
- sound/soc/meson/meson-card.h, 7 times
- sound/soc/mxs/mxs-sgtl5000.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/pxa/spitz.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/qcom/apq8016_sbc.c, 8 times
- sound/soc/qcom/apq8096.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/qcom/common.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/qcom/common.h, line 9
- sound/soc/qcom/qdsp6/topology.c, line 1289
- sound/soc/qcom/sc7180.c, 8 times
- sound/soc/qcom/sc7280.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/qcom/sc8280xp.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/qcom/sdm845.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/qcom/sm8250.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/qcom/storm.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/qcom/x1e80100.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/rockchip/rk3288_hdmi_analog.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/rockchip/rk3399_gru_sound.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/rockchip/rockchip_max98090.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/rockchip/rockchip_rt5645.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/samsung/aries_wm8994.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/samsung/arndale.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/samsung/bells.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/samsung/littlemill.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/samsung/lowland.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/samsung/midas_wm1811.c, 8 times
- sound/soc/samsung/odroid.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/samsung/smdk_spdif.c, line 157
- sound/soc/samsung/smdk_wm8994.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/samsung/smdk_wm8994pcm.c, line 108
- sound/soc/samsung/snow.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/samsung/speyside.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/samsung/tm2_wm5110.c, 9 times
- sound/soc/samsung/tobermory.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_bridge_cs35l56.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_cs42l42.c, line 42
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_cs42l43.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_cs_amp.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_dmic.c, line 26
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_maxim.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_rt5682.c, line 42
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_rt700.c, line 40
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_rt711.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_rt712_sdca.c, line 33
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_rt722_sdca.c, line 26
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_rt_amp.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_rt_dmic.c, line 18
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_rt_sdca_jack_common.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/sdw_utils/soc_sdw_utils.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/sh/migor.c, line 141
- sound/soc/sh/sh7760-ac97.c, line 28
- sound/soc/soc-card-test.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/soc-card.c, 17 times
- sound/soc/soc-core.c, 51 times
- sound/soc/soc-dapm.c, 28 times
- sound/soc/soc-devres.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/soc-ops.c, line 652
- sound/soc/soc-pcm.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/soc-topology-test.c, line 49
- sound/soc/soc-topology.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/sof/ipc4-topology.c, line 426
- sound/soc/sof/nocodec.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/sof/sof-client-probes.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/sof/sof-client-probes.h, line 58
- sound/soc/sof/topology.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/sunxi/sun4i-codec.c, 14 times
- sound/soc/tegra/tegra_asoc_machine.c, 14 times
- sound/soc/tegra/tegra_asoc_machine.h, 2 times
- sound/soc/tegra/tegra_audio_graph_card.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/tegra/tegra_wm8903.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/ti/ams-delta.c, 6 times
- sound/soc/ti/davinci-evm.c, 5 times
- sound/soc/ti/j721e-evm.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/ti/n810.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/ti/omap-abe-twl6040.c, 4 times
- sound/soc/ti/omap-hdmi.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/ti/omap-twl4030.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/ti/omap3pandora.c, line 208
- sound/soc/ti/osk5912.c, line 95
- sound/soc/ti/rx51.c, 9 times
- sound/soc/ux500/mop500.c, 2 times
- sound/soc/ux500/mop500_ab8500.c, 3 times
- sound/soc/ux500/mop500_ab8500.h, line 15 | | | Project Home | SVN repository | Mail admin
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