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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

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  1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
  2 /*
  3  * linux/include/linux/sunrpc/msg_prot.h
  4  *
  5  * Copyright (C) 1996, Olaf Kirch <okir@monad.swb.de>
  6  */
 11 #define RPC_VERSION 2
 13 /* spec defines authentication flavor as an unsigned 32 bit integer */
 14 typedef u32     rpc_authflavor_t;
 16 enum rpc_auth_flavors {
 17         RPC_AUTH_NULL  = 0,
 18         RPC_AUTH_UNIX  = 1,
 19         RPC_AUTH_SHORT = 2,
 20         RPC_AUTH_DES   = 3,
 21         RPC_AUTH_KRB   = 4,
 22         RPC_AUTH_GSS   = 6,
 23         RPC_AUTH_TLS   = 7,
 24         RPC_AUTH_MAXFLAVOR = 8,
 25         /* pseudoflavors: */
 26         RPC_AUTH_GSS_KRB5  = 390003,
 27         RPC_AUTH_GSS_KRB5I = 390004,
 28         RPC_AUTH_GSS_KRB5P = 390005,
 29         RPC_AUTH_GSS_LKEY  = 390006,
 30         RPC_AUTH_GSS_LKEYI = 390007,
 31         RPC_AUTH_GSS_LKEYP = 390008,
 32         RPC_AUTH_GSS_SPKM  = 390009,
 33         RPC_AUTH_GSS_SPKMI = 390010,
 34         RPC_AUTH_GSS_SPKMP = 390011,
 35 };
 37 /* Maximum size (in octets) of the machinename in an AUTH_UNIX
 38  * credential (per RFC 5531 Appendix A)
 39  */
 40 #define RPC_MAX_MACHINENAME     (255)
 42 /* Maximum size (in bytes) of an rpc credential or verifier */
 43 #define RPC_MAX_AUTH_SIZE (400)
 45 enum rpc_msg_type {
 46         RPC_CALL = 0,
 47         RPC_REPLY = 1
 48 };
 50 enum rpc_reply_stat {
 51         RPC_MSG_ACCEPTED = 0,
 52         RPC_MSG_DENIED = 1
 53 };
 55 enum rpc_accept_stat {
 56         RPC_SUCCESS = 0,
 57         RPC_PROG_UNAVAIL = 1,
 58         RPC_PROG_MISMATCH = 2,
 59         RPC_PROC_UNAVAIL = 3,
 60         RPC_GARBAGE_ARGS = 4,
 61         RPC_SYSTEM_ERR = 5,
 62         /* internal use only */
 63         RPC_DROP_REPLY = 60000,
 64 };
 66 enum rpc_reject_stat {
 67         RPC_MISMATCH = 0,
 68         RPC_AUTH_ERROR = 1
 69 };
 71 enum rpc_auth_stat {
 72         RPC_AUTH_OK = 0,
 73         RPC_AUTH_BADCRED = 1,
 74         RPC_AUTH_REJECTEDCRED = 2,
 75         RPC_AUTH_BADVERF = 3,
 76         RPC_AUTH_REJECTEDVERF = 4,
 77         RPC_AUTH_TOOWEAK = 5,
 78         /* RPCSEC_GSS errors */
 79         RPCSEC_GSS_CREDPROBLEM = 13,
 80         RPCSEC_GSS_CTXPROBLEM = 14
 81 };
 83 #define RPC_MAXNETNAMELEN       256
 85 /*
 86  * From RFC 1831:
 87  *
 88  * "A record is composed of one or more record fragments.  A record
 89  *  fragment is a four-byte header followed by 0 to (2**31) - 1 bytes of
 90  *  fragment data.  The bytes encode an unsigned binary number; as with
 91  *  XDR integers, the byte order is from highest to lowest.  The number
 92  *  encodes two values -- a boolean which indicates whether the fragment
 93  *  is the last fragment of the record (bit value 1 implies the fragment
 94  *  is the last fragment) and a 31-bit unsigned binary value which is the
 95  *  length in bytes of the fragment's data.  The boolean value is the
 96  *  highest-order bit of the header; the length is the 31 low-order bits.
 97  *  (Note that this record specification is NOT in XDR standard form!)"
 98  *
 99  * The Linux RPC client always sends its requests in a single record
100  * fragment, limiting the maximum payload size for stream transports to
101  * 2GB.
102  */
104 typedef __be32  rpc_fraghdr;
106 #define RPC_LAST_STREAM_FRAGMENT        (1U << 31)
108 #define RPC_MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE           ((1U << 31) - 1)
110 /*
111  * RPC call and reply header size as number of 32bit words (verifier
112  * size computed separately, see below)
113  */
114 #define RPC_CALLHDRSIZE         (6)
115 #define RPC_REPHDRSIZE          (4)
118 /*
119  * Maximum RPC header size, including authentication,
120  * as number of 32bit words (see RFCs 1831, 1832).
121  *
122  *      xid                         1 xdr unit = 4 bytes
123  *      mtype                       1
124  *      rpc_version                 1
125  *      program                     1
126  *      prog_version                1
127  *      procedure                   1
128  *      cred {
129  *          flavor                  1
130  *          length                  1
131  *          body<RPC_MAX_AUTH_SIZE> 100 xdr units = 400 bytes
132  *      }
133  *      verf {
134  *          flavor                  1
135  *          length                  1
136  *          body<RPC_MAX_AUTH_SIZE> 100 xdr units = 400 bytes
137  *      }
138  *      TOTAL                       210 xdr units = 840 bytes
139  */
141         (RPC_CALLHDRSIZE + 2*(2+RPC_MAX_AUTH_SIZE/4))
144         (RPC_REPHDRSIZE + (2 + RPC_MAX_AUTH_SIZE/4))
146 /*
147  * Well-known netids. See:
148  *
149  *   https://www.iana.org/assignments/rpc-netids/rpc-netids.xhtml
150  */
151 #define RPCBIND_NETID_UDP       "udp"
152 #define RPCBIND_NETID_TCP       "tcp"
153 #define RPCBIND_NETID_RDMA      "rdma"
154 #define RPCBIND_NETID_SCTP      "sctp"
155 #define RPCBIND_NETID_UDP6      "udp6"
156 #define RPCBIND_NETID_TCP6      "tcp6"
157 #define RPCBIND_NETID_RDMA6     "rdma6"
158 #define RPCBIND_NETID_SCTP6     "sctp6"
159 #define RPCBIND_NETID_LOCAL     "local"
161 /*
162  * Note that RFC 1833 does not put any size restrictions on the
163  * netid string, but all currently defined netid's fit in 5 bytes.
164  */
165 #define RPCBIND_MAXNETIDLEN     (5u)
167 /*
168  * Universal addresses are introduced in RFC 1833 and further spelled
169  * out in RFC 3530.  RPCBIND_MAXUADDRLEN defines a maximum byte length
170  * of a universal address for use in allocating buffers and character
171  * arrays.
172  *
173  * Quoting RFC 3530, section 2.2:
174  *
175  * For TCP over IPv4 and for UDP over IPv4, the format of r_addr is the
176  * US-ASCII string:
177  *
178  *      h1.h2.h3.h4.p1.p2
179  *
180  * The prefix, "h1.h2.h3.h4", is the standard textual form for
181  * representing an IPv4 address, which is always four octets long.
182  * Assuming big-endian ordering, h1, h2, h3, and h4, are respectively,
183  * the first through fourth octets each converted to ASCII-decimal.
184  * Assuming big-endian ordering, p1 and p2 are, respectively, the first
185  * and second octets each converted to ASCII-decimal.  For example, if a
186  * host, in big-endian order, has an address of 0x0A010307 and there is
187  * a service listening on, in big endian order, port 0x020F (decimal
188  * 527), then the complete universal address is "".
189  *
190  * ...
191  *
192  * For TCP over IPv6 and for UDP over IPv6, the format of r_addr is the
193  * US-ASCII string:
194  *
195  *      x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:x6:x7:x8.p1.p2
196  *
197  * The suffix "p1.p2" is the service port, and is computed the same way
198  * as with universal addresses for TCP and UDP over IPv4.  The prefix,
199  * "x1:x2:x3:x4:x5:x6:x7:x8", is the standard textual form for
200  * representing an IPv6 address as defined in Section 2.2 of [RFC2373].
201  * Additionally, the two alternative forms specified in Section 2.2 of
202  * [RFC2373] are also acceptable.
203  */
205 #include <linux/inet.h>
207 /* Maximum size of the port number part of a universal address */
208 #define RPCBIND_MAXUADDRPLEN    sizeof(".255.255")
210 /* Maximum size of an IPv4 universal address */
211 #define RPCBIND_MAXUADDR4LEN    \
214 /* Maximum size of an IPv6 universal address */
215 #define RPCBIND_MAXUADDR6LEN    \
218 /* Assume INET6_ADDRSTRLEN will always be larger than INET_ADDRSTRLEN... */
221 #endif /* _LINUX_SUNRPC_MSGPROT_H_ */

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