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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

Version: ~ [ linux-6.11-rc3 ] ~ [ linux-6.10.4 ] ~ [ linux-6.9.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.8.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.7.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.6.45 ] ~ [ linux-6.5.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.4.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.3.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.2.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.1.104 ] ~ [ linux-6.0.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.19.17 ] ~ [ linux-5.18.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.17.15 ] ~ [ linux-5.16.20 ] ~ [ linux-5.15.164 ] ~ [ linux-5.14.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.13.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.12.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.11.22 ] ~ [ linux-5.10.223 ] ~ [ linux-5.9.16 ] ~ [ linux-5.8.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.7.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.6.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.5.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.4.281 ] ~ [ linux-5.3.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.2.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.1.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.0.21 ] ~ [ linux-4.20.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.19.319 ] ~ [ linux-4.18.20 ] ~ [ linux-4.17.19 ] ~ [ linux-4.16.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.15.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.14.336 ] ~ [ linux-4.13.16 ] ~ [ linux-4.12.14 ] ~ [ linux-4.11.12 ] ~ [ linux-4.10.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.9.337 ] ~ [ linux-4.4.302 ] ~ [ linux-3.10.108 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ linux-2.6.0 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ unix-v6-master ] ~ [ ccs-tools-1.8.9 ] ~ [ policy-sample ] ~
Architecture: ~ [ i386 ] ~ [ alpha ] ~ [ m68k ] ~ [ mips ] ~ [ ppc ] ~ [ sparc ] ~ [ sparc64 ] ~

  1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  3 use proc_macro::{Delimiter, Group, Ident, Spacing, Span, TokenTree};
  5 fn concat(tokens: &[TokenTree], group_span: Span) -> TokenTree {
  6     let mut tokens = tokens.iter();
  7     let mut segments = Vec::new();
  8     let mut span = None;
  9     loop {
 10         match tokens.next() {
 11             None => break,
 12             Some(TokenTree::Literal(lit)) => {
 13                 // Allow us to concat string literals by stripping quotes
 14                 let mut value = lit.to_string();
 15                 if value.starts_with('"') && value.ends_with('"') {
 16                     value.remove(0);
 17                     value.pop();
 18                 }
 19                 segments.push((value, lit.span()));
 20             }
 21             Some(TokenTree::Ident(ident)) => {
 22                 let mut value = ident.to_string();
 23                 if value.starts_with("r#") {
 24                     value.replace_range(0..2, "");
 25                 }
 26                 segments.push((value, ident.span()));
 27             }
 28             Some(TokenTree::Punct(p)) if p.as_char() == ':' => {
 29                 let Some(TokenTree::Ident(ident)) = tokens.next() else {
 30                     panic!("expected identifier as modifier");
 31                 };
 33                 let (mut value, sp) = segments.pop().expect("expected identifier before modifier");
 34                 match ident.to_string().as_str() {
 35                     // Set the overall span of concatenated token as current span
 36                     "span" => {
 37                         assert!(
 38                             span.is_none(),
 39                             "span modifier should only appear at most once"
 40                         );
 41                         span = Some(sp);
 42                     }
 43                     "lower" => value = value.to_lowercase(),
 44                     "upper" => value = value.to_uppercase(),
 45                     v => panic!("unknown modifier `{v}`"),
 46                 };
 47                 segments.push((value, sp));
 48             }
 49             _ => panic!("unexpected token in paste segments"),
 50         };
 51     }
 53     let pasted: String = segments.into_iter().map(|x| x.0).collect();
 54     TokenTree::Ident(Ident::new(&pasted, span.unwrap_or(group_span)))
 55 }
 57 pub(crate) fn expand(tokens: &mut Vec<TokenTree>) {
 58     for token in tokens.iter_mut() {
 59         if let TokenTree::Group(group) = token {
 60             let delimiter = group.delimiter();
 61             let span = group.span();
 62             let mut stream: Vec<_> = group.stream().into_iter().collect();
 63             // Find groups that looks like `[< A B C D >]`
 64             if delimiter == Delimiter::Bracket
 65                 && stream.len() >= 3
 66                 && matches!(&stream[0], TokenTree::Punct(p) if p.as_char() == '<')
 67                 && matches!(&stream[stream.len() - 1], TokenTree::Punct(p) if p.as_char() == '>')
 68             {
 69                 // Replace the group with concatenated token
 70                 *token = concat(&stream[1..stream.len() - 1], span);
 71             } else {
 72                 // Recursively expand tokens inside the group
 73                 expand(&mut stream);
 74                 let mut group = Group::new(delimiter, stream.into_iter().collect());
 75                 group.set_span(span);
 76                 *token = TokenTree::Group(group);
 77             }
 78         }
 79     }
 81     // Path segments cannot contain invisible delimiter group, so remove them if any.
 82     for i in (0..tokens.len().saturating_sub(3)).rev() {
 83         // Looking for a double colon
 84         if matches!(
 85             (&tokens[i + 1], &tokens[i + 2]),
 86             (TokenTree::Punct(a), TokenTree::Punct(b))
 87                 if a.as_char() == ':' && a.spacing() == Spacing::Joint && b.as_char() == ':'
 88         ) {
 89             match &tokens[i + 3] {
 90                 TokenTree::Group(group) if group.delimiter() == Delimiter::None => {
 91                     tokens.splice(i + 3..i + 4, group.stream());
 92                 }
 93                 _ => (),
 94             }
 96             match &tokens[i] {
 97                 TokenTree::Group(group) if group.delimiter() == Delimiter::None => {
 98                     tokens.splice(i..i + 1, group.stream());
 99                 }
100                 _ => (),
101             }
102         }
103     }
104 }

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