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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

Version: ~ [ linux-6.12-rc7 ] ~ [ linux-6.11.7 ] ~ [ linux-6.10.14 ] ~ [ linux-6.9.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.8.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.7.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.6.60 ] ~ [ linux-6.5.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.4.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.3.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.2.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.1.116 ] ~ [ linux-6.0.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.19.17 ] ~ [ linux-5.18.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.17.15 ] ~ [ linux-5.16.20 ] ~ [ linux-5.15.171 ] ~ [ linux-5.14.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.13.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.12.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.11.22 ] ~ [ linux-5.10.229 ] ~ [ linux-5.9.16 ] ~ [ linux-5.8.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.7.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.6.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.5.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.4.285 ] ~ [ linux-5.3.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.2.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.1.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.0.21 ] ~ [ linux-4.20.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.19.323 ] ~ [ linux-4.18.20 ] ~ [ linux-4.17.19 ] ~ [ linux-4.16.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.15.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.14.336 ] ~ [ linux-4.13.16 ] ~ [ linux-4.12.14 ] ~ [ linux-4.11.12 ] ~ [ linux-4.10.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.9.337 ] ~ [ linux-4.4.302 ] ~ [ linux-3.10.108 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ linux-2.6.0 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ unix-v6-master ] ~ [ ccs-tools-1.8.12 ] ~ [ policy-sample ] ~
Architecture: ~ [ i386 ] ~ [ alpha ] ~ [ m68k ] ~ [ mips ] ~ [ ppc ] ~ [ sparc ] ~ [ sparc64 ] ~

  1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  2 import re
  3 import csv
  4 import json
  5 import argparse
  6 from pathlib import Path
  7 import subprocess
 10 class TestError:
 11     def __init__(self, metric: list[str], wl: str, value: list[float], low: float, up=float('nan'), description=str()):
 12         self.metric: list = metric  # multiple metrics in relationship type tests
 13         self.workloads = [wl]  # multiple workloads possible
 14         self.collectedValue: list = value
 15         self.valueLowBound = low
 16         self.valueUpBound = up
 17         self.description = description
 19     def __repr__(self) -> str:
 20         if len(self.metric) > 1:
 21             return "\nMetric Relationship Error: \tThe collected value of metric {0}\n\
 22                 \tis {1} in workload(s): {2} \n\
 23                 \tbut expected value range is [{3}, {4}]\n\
 24                 \tRelationship rule description: \'{5}\'".format(self.metric, self.collectedValue, self.workloads,
 25                                                                  self.valueLowBound, self.valueUpBound, self.description)
 26         elif len(self.collectedValue) == 0:
 27             return "\nNo Metric Value Error: \tMetric {0} returns with no value \n\
 28                     \tworkload(s): {1}".format(self.metric, self.workloads)
 29         else:
 30             return "\nWrong Metric Value Error: \tThe collected value of metric {0}\n\
 31                     \tis {1} in workload(s): {2}\n\
 32                     \tbut expected value range is [{3}, {4}]"\
 33                         .format(self.metric, self.collectedValue, self.workloads,
 34                                 self.valueLowBound, self.valueUpBound)
 37 class Validator:
 38     def __init__(self, rulefname, reportfname='', t=5, debug=False, datafname='', fullrulefname='', workload='true', metrics=''):
 39         self.rulefname = rulefname
 40         self.reportfname = reportfname
 41         self.rules = None
 42         self.collectlist: str = metrics
 43         self.metrics = self.__set_metrics(metrics)
 44         self.skiplist = set()
 45         self.tolerance = t
 47         self.workloads = [x for x in workload.split(",") if x]
 48         self.wlidx = 0  # idx of current workloads
 49         self.allresults = dict()  # metric results of all workload
 50         self.alltotalcnt = dict()
 51         self.allpassedcnt = dict()
 53         self.results = dict()  # metric results of current workload
 54         # vars for test pass/failure statistics
 55         # metrics with no results or negative results, neg result counts failed tests
 56         self.ignoremetrics = set()
 57         self.totalcnt = 0
 58         self.passedcnt = 0
 59         # vars for errors
 60         self.errlist = list()
 62         # vars for Rule Generator
 63         self.pctgmetrics = set()  # Percentage rule
 65         # vars for debug
 66         self.datafname = datafname
 67         self.debug = debug
 68         self.fullrulefname = fullrulefname
 70     def __set_metrics(self, metrics=''):
 71         if metrics != '':
 72             return set(metrics.split(","))
 73         else:
 74             return set()
 76     def read_json(self, filename: str) -> dict:
 77         try:
 78             with open(Path(filename).resolve(), "r") as f:
 79                 data = json.loads(f.read())
 80         except OSError as e:
 81             print(f"Error when reading file {e}")
 82             sys.exit()
 84         return data
 86     def json_dump(self, data, output_file):
 87         parent = Path(output_file).parent
 88         if not parent.exists():
 89             parent.mkdir(parents=True)
 91         with open(output_file, "w+") as output_file:
 92             json.dump(data,
 93                       output_file,
 94                       ensure_ascii=True,
 95                       indent=4)
 97     def get_results(self, idx: int = 0):
 98         return self.results.get(idx)
100     def get_bounds(self, lb, ub, error, alias={}, ridx: int = 0) -> list:
101         """
102         Get bounds and tolerance from lb, ub, and error.
103         If missing lb, use 0.0; missing ub, use float('inf); missing error, use self.tolerance.
105         @param lb: str/float, lower bound
106         @param ub: str/float, upper bound
107         @param error: float/str, error tolerance
108         @returns: lower bound, return inf if the lower bound is a metric value and is not collected
109                   upper bound, return -1 if the upper bound is a metric value and is not collected
110                   tolerance, denormalized base on upper bound value
111         """
112         # init ubv and lbv to invalid values
113         def get_bound_value(bound, initval, ridx):
114             val = initval
115             if isinstance(bound, int) or isinstance(bound, float):
116                 val = bound
117             elif isinstance(bound, str):
118                 if bound == '':
119                     val = float("inf")
120                 elif bound in alias:
121                     vall = self.get_value(alias[ub], ridx)
122                     if vall:
123                         val = vall[0]
124                 elif bound.replace('.', '1').isdigit():
125                     val = float(bound)
126                 else:
127                     print("Wrong bound: {0}".format(bound))
128             else:
129                 print("Wrong bound: {0}".format(bound))
130             return val
132         ubv = get_bound_value(ub, -1, ridx)
133         lbv = get_bound_value(lb, float('inf'), ridx)
134         t = get_bound_value(error, self.tolerance, ridx)
136         # denormalize error threshold
137         denormerr = t * ubv / 100 if ubv != 100 and ubv > 0 else t
139         return lbv, ubv, denormerr
141     def get_value(self, name: str, ridx: int = 0) -> list:
142         """
143         Get value of the metric from self.results.
144         If result of this metric is not provided, the metric name will be added into self.ignoremetics.
145         All future test(s) on this metric will fail.
147         @param name: name of the metric
148         @returns: list with value found in self.results; list is empty when value is not found.
149         """
150         results = []
151         data = self.results[ridx] if ridx in self.results else self.results[0]
152         if name not in self.ignoremetrics:
153             if name in data:
154                 results.append(data[name])
155             elif name.replace('.', '1').isdigit():
156                 results.append(float(name))
157             else:
158                 self.ignoremetrics.add(name)
159         return results
161     def check_bound(self, val, lb, ub, err):
162         return True if val <= ub + err and val >= lb - err else False
164     # Positive Value Sanity check
165     def pos_val_test(self):
166         """
167         Check if metrics value are non-negative.
168         One metric is counted as one test.
169         Failure: when metric value is negative or not provided.
170         Metrics with negative value will be added into self.ignoremetrics.
171         """
172         negmetric = dict()
173         pcnt = 0
174         tcnt = 0
175         rerun = list()
176         results = self.get_results()
177         if not results:
178             return
179         for name, val in results.items():
180             if val < 0:
181                 negmetric[name] = val
182                 rerun.append(name)
183             else:
184                 pcnt += 1
185             tcnt += 1
186         # The first round collect_perf() run these metrics with simple workload
187         # "true". We give metrics a second chance with a longer workload if less
188         # than 20 metrics failed positive test.
189         if len(rerun) > 0 and len(rerun) < 20:
190             second_results = dict()
191             self.second_test(rerun, second_results)
192             for name, val in second_results.items():
193                 if name not in negmetric:
194                     continue
195                 if val >= 0:
196                     del negmetric[name]
197                     pcnt += 1
199         if len(negmetric.keys()):
200             self.ignoremetrics.update(negmetric.keys())
201             self.errlist.extend(
202                 [TestError([m], self.workloads[self.wlidx], negmetric[m], 0) for m in negmetric.keys()])
204         return
206     def evaluate_formula(self, formula: str, alias: dict, ridx: int = 0):
207         """
208         Evaluate the value of formula.
210         @param formula: the formula to be evaluated
211         @param alias: the dict has alias to metric name mapping
212         @returns: value of the formula is success; -1 if the one or more metric value not provided
213         """
214         stack = []
215         b = 0
216         errs = []
217         sign = "+"
218         f = str()
220         # TODO: support parenthesis?
221         for i in range(len(formula)):
222             if i+1 == len(formula) or formula[i] in ('+', '-', '*', '/'):
223                 s = alias[formula[b:i]] if i + \
224                     1 < len(formula) else alias[formula[b:]]
225                 v = self.get_value(s, ridx)
226                 if not v:
227                     errs.append(s)
228                 else:
229                     f = f + "{0}(={1:.4f})".format(s, v[0])
230                     if sign == "*":
231                         stack[-1] = stack[-1] * v
232                     elif sign == "/":
233                         stack[-1] = stack[-1] / v
234                     elif sign == '-':
235                         stack.append(-v[0])
236                     else:
237                         stack.append(v[0])
238                 if i + 1 < len(formula):
239                     sign = formula[i]
240                     f += sign
241                     b = i + 1
243         if len(errs) > 0:
244             return -1, "Metric value missing: "+','.join(errs)
246         val = sum(stack)
247         return val, f
249     # Relationships Tests
250     def relationship_test(self, rule: dict):
251         """
252         Validate if the metrics follow the required relationship in the rule.
253         eg. lower_bound <= eval(formula)<= upper_bound
254         One rule is counted as ont test.
255         Failure: when one or more metric result(s) not provided, or when formula evaluated outside of upper/lower bounds.
257         @param rule: dict with metric name(+alias), formula, and required upper and lower bounds.
258         """
259         alias = dict()
260         for m in rule['Metrics']:
261             alias[m['Alias']] = m['Name']
262         lbv, ubv, t = self.get_bounds(
263             rule['RangeLower'], rule['RangeUpper'], rule['ErrorThreshold'], alias, ridx=rule['RuleIndex'])
264         val, f = self.evaluate_formula(
265             rule['Formula'], alias, ridx=rule['RuleIndex'])
267         lb = rule['RangeLower']
268         ub = rule['RangeUpper']
269         if isinstance(lb, str):
270             if lb in alias:
271                 lb = alias[lb]
272         if isinstance(ub, str):
273             if ub in alias:
274                 ub = alias[ub]
276         if val == -1:
277             self.errlist.append(TestError([m['Name'] for m in rule['Metrics']], self.workloads[self.wlidx], [],
278                                 lb, ub, rule['Description']))
279         elif not self.check_bound(val, lbv, ubv, t):
280             self.errlist.append(TestError([m['Name'] for m in rule['Metrics']], self.workloads[self.wlidx], [val],
281                                 lb, ub, rule['Description']))
282         else:
283             self.passedcnt += 1
284         self.totalcnt += 1
286         return
288     # Single Metric Test
289     def single_test(self, rule: dict):
290         """
291         Validate if the metrics are in the required value range.
292         eg. lower_bound <= metrics_value <= upper_bound
293         One metric is counted as one test in this type of test.
294         One rule may include one or more metrics.
295         Failure: when the metric value not provided or the value is outside the bounds.
296         This test updates self.total_cnt.
298         @param rule: dict with metrics to validate and the value range requirement
299         """
300         lbv, ubv, t = self.get_bounds(
301             rule['RangeLower'], rule['RangeUpper'], rule['ErrorThreshold'])
302         metrics = rule['Metrics']
303         passcnt = 0
304         totalcnt = 0
305         failures = dict()
306         rerun = list()
307         for m in metrics:
308             totalcnt += 1
309             result = self.get_value(m['Name'])
310             if len(result) > 0 and self.check_bound(result[0], lbv, ubv, t) or m['Name'] in self.skiplist:
311                 passcnt += 1
312             else:
313                 failures[m['Name']] = result
314                 rerun.append(m['Name'])
316         if len(rerun) > 0 and len(rerun) < 20:
317             second_results = dict()
318             self.second_test(rerun, second_results)
319             for name, val in second_results.items():
320                 if name not in failures:
321                     continue
322                 if self.check_bound(val, lbv, ubv, t):
323                     passcnt += 1
324                     del failures[name]
325                 else:
326                     failures[name] = [val]
327                     self.results[0][name] = val
329         self.totalcnt += totalcnt
330         self.passedcnt += passcnt
331         if len(failures.keys()) != 0:
332             self.errlist.extend([TestError([name], self.workloads[self.wlidx], val,
333                                 rule['RangeLower'], rule['RangeUpper']) for name, val in failures.items()])
335         return
337     def create_report(self):
338         """
339         Create final report and write into a JSON file.
340         """
341         print(self.errlist)
343         if self.debug:
344             allres = [{"Workload": self.workloads[i], "Results": self.allresults[i]}
345                       for i in range(0, len(self.workloads))]
346             self.json_dump(allres, self.datafname)
348     def check_rule(self, testtype, metric_list):
349         """
350         Check if the rule uses metric(s) that not exist in current platform.
352         @param metric_list: list of metrics from the rule.
353         @return: False when find one metric out in Metric file. (This rule should not skipped.)
354                  True when all metrics used in the rule are found in Metric file.
355         """
356         if testtype == "RelationshipTest":
357             for m in metric_list:
358                 if m['Name'] not in self.metrics:
359                     return False
360         return True
362     # Start of Collector and Converter
363     def convert(self, data: list, metricvalues: dict):
364         """
365         Convert collected metric data from the -j output to dict of {metric_name:value}.
366         """
367         for json_string in data:
368             try:
369                 result = json.loads(json_string)
370                 if "metric-unit" in result and result["metric-unit"] != "(null)" and result["metric-unit"] != "":
371                     name = result["metric-unit"].split("  ")[1] if len(result["metric-unit"].split("  ")) > 1 \
372                         else result["metric-unit"]
373                     metricvalues[name.lower()] = float(result["metric-value"])
374             except ValueError as error:
375                 continue
376         return
378     def _run_perf(self, metric, workload: str):
379         tool = 'perf'
380         command = [tool, 'stat', '-j', '-M', f"{metric}", "-a"]
381         wl = workload.split()
382         command.extend(wl)
383         print(" ".join(command))
384         cmd = subprocess.run(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
385         data = [x+'}' for x in cmd.stderr.split('}\n') if x]
386         if data[0][0] != '{':
387             data[0] = data[0][data[0].find('{'):]
388         return data
390     def collect_perf(self, workload: str):
391         """
392         Collect metric data with "perf stat -M" on given workload with -a and -j.
393         """
394         self.results = dict()
395         print(f"Starting perf collection")
396         print(f"Long workload: {workload}")
397         collectlist = dict()
398         if self.collectlist != "":
399             collectlist[0] = {x for x in self.collectlist.split(",")}
400         else:
401             collectlist[0] = set(list(self.metrics))
402         # Create metric set for relationship rules
403         for rule in self.rules:
404             if rule["TestType"] == "RelationshipTest":
405                 metrics = [m["Name"] for m in rule["Metrics"]]
406                 if not any(m not in collectlist[0] for m in metrics):
407                     collectlist[rule["RuleIndex"]] = [
408                         ",".join(list(set(metrics)))]
410         for idx, metrics in collectlist.items():
411             if idx == 0:
412                 wl = "true"
413             else:
414                 wl = workload
415             for metric in metrics:
416                 data = self._run_perf(metric, wl)
417                 if idx not in self.results:
418                     self.results[idx] = dict()
419                 self.convert(data, self.results[idx])
420         return
422     def second_test(self, collectlist, second_results):
423         workload = self.workloads[self.wlidx]
424         for metric in collectlist:
425             data = self._run_perf(metric, workload)
426             self.convert(data, second_results)
428     # End of Collector and Converter
430     # Start of Rule Generator
431     def parse_perf_metrics(self):
432         """
433         Read and parse perf metric file:
434         1) find metrics with '1%' or '100%' as ScaleUnit for Percent check
435         2) create metric name list
436         """
437         command = ['perf', 'list', '-j', '--details', 'metrics']
438         cmd = subprocess.run(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
439                              stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
440         try:
441             data = json.loads(cmd.stdout)
442             for m in data:
443                 if 'MetricName' not in m:
444                     print("Warning: no metric name")
445                     continue
446                 name = m['MetricName'].lower()
447                 self.metrics.add(name)
448                 if 'ScaleUnit' in m and (m['ScaleUnit'] == '1%' or m['ScaleUnit'] == '100%'):
449                     self.pctgmetrics.add(name.lower())
450         except ValueError as error:
451             print(f"Error when parsing metric data")
452             sys.exit()
454         return
456     def remove_unsupported_rules(self, rules):
457         new_rules = []
458         for rule in rules:
459             add_rule = True
460             for m in rule["Metrics"]:
461                 if m["Name"] in self.skiplist or m["Name"] not in self.metrics:
462                     add_rule = False
463                     break
464             if add_rule:
465                 new_rules.append(rule)
466         return new_rules
468     def create_rules(self):
469         """
470         Create full rules which includes:
471         1) All the rules from the "relationshi_rules" file
472         2) SingleMetric rule for all the 'percent' metrics
474         Reindex all the rules to avoid repeated RuleIndex
475         """
476         data = self.read_json(self.rulefname)
477         rules = data['RelationshipRules']
478         self.skiplist = set([name.lower() for name in data['SkipList']])
479         self.rules = self.remove_unsupported_rules(rules)
480         pctgrule = {'RuleIndex': 0,
481                     'TestType': 'SingleMetricTest',
482                     'RangeLower': '0',
483                     'RangeUpper': '100',
484                     'ErrorThreshold': self.tolerance,
485                     'Description': 'Metrics in percent unit have value with in [0, 100]',
486                     'Metrics': [{'Name': m.lower()} for m in self.pctgmetrics]}
487         self.rules.append(pctgrule)
489         # Re-index all rules to avoid repeated RuleIndex
490         idx = 1
491         for r in self.rules:
492             r['RuleIndex'] = idx
493             idx += 1
495         if self.debug:
496             # TODO: need to test and generate file name correctly
497             data = {'RelationshipRules': self.rules, 'SupportedMetrics': [
498                 {"MetricName": name} for name in self.metrics]}
499             self.json_dump(data, self.fullrulefname)
501         return
502     # End of Rule Generator
504     def _storewldata(self, key):
505         '''
506         Store all the data of one workload into the corresponding data structure for all workloads.
507         @param key: key to the dictionaries (index of self.workloads).
508         '''
509         self.allresults[key] = self.results
510         self.alltotalcnt[key] = self.totalcnt
511         self.allpassedcnt[key] = self.passedcnt
513     # Initialize data structures before data validation of each workload
514     def _init_data(self):
516         testtypes = ['PositiveValueTest',
517                      'RelationshipTest', 'SingleMetricTest']
518         self.results = dict()
519         self.ignoremetrics = set()
520         self.errlist = list()
521         self.totalcnt = 0
522         self.passedcnt = 0
524     def test(self):
525         '''
526         The real entry point of the test framework.
527         This function loads the validation rule JSON file and Standard Metric file to create rules for
528         testing and namemap dictionaries.
529         It also reads in result JSON file for testing.
531         In the test process, it passes through each rule and launch correct test function bases on the
532         'TestType' field of the rule.
534         The final report is written into a JSON file.
535         '''
536         if not self.collectlist:
537             self.parse_perf_metrics()
538         if not self.metrics:
539             print("No metric found for testing")
540             return 0
541         self.create_rules()
542         for i in range(0, len(self.workloads)):
543             self.wlidx = i
544             self._init_data()
545             self.collect_perf(self.workloads[i])
546             # Run positive value test
547             self.pos_val_test()
548             for r in self.rules:
549                 # skip rules that uses metrics not exist in this platform
550                 testtype = r['TestType']
551                 if not self.check_rule(testtype, r['Metrics']):
552                     continue
553                 if testtype == 'RelationshipTest':
554                     self.relationship_test(r)
555                 elif testtype == 'SingleMetricTest':
556                     self.single_test(r)
557                 else:
558                     print("Unsupported Test Type: ", testtype)
559             print("Workload: ", self.workloads[i])
560             print("Total Test Count: ", self.totalcnt)
561             print("Passed Test Count: ", self.passedcnt)
562             self._storewldata(i)
563         self.create_report()
564         return len(self.errlist) > 0
565 # End of Class Validator
568 def main() -> None:
569     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
570         description="Launch metric value validation")
572     parser.add_argument(
573         "-rule", help="Base validation rule file", required=True)
574     parser.add_argument(
575         "-output_dir", help="Path for validator output file, report file", required=True)
576     parser.add_argument("-debug", help="Debug run, save intermediate data to files",
577                         action="store_true", default=False)
578     parser.add_argument(
579         "-wl", help="Workload to run while data collection", default="true")
580     parser.add_argument("-m", help="Metric list to validate", default="")
581     args = parser.parse_args()
582     outpath = Path(args.output_dir)
583     reportf = Path.joinpath(outpath, 'perf_report.json')
584     fullrule = Path.joinpath(outpath, 'full_rule.json')
585     datafile = Path.joinpath(outpath, 'perf_data.json')
587     validator = Validator(args.rule, reportf, debug=args.debug,
588                           datafname=datafile, fullrulefname=fullrule, workload=args.wl,
589                           metrics=args.m)
590     ret = validator.test()
592     return ret
595 if __name__ == "__main__":
596     import sys
597     sys.exit(main())

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