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TOMOYO Linux Cross Reference

Version: ~ [ linux-6.11-rc3 ] ~ [ linux-6.10.4 ] ~ [ linux-6.9.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.8.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.7.12 ] ~ [ linux-6.6.45 ] ~ [ linux-6.5.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.4.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.3.13 ] ~ [ linux-6.2.16 ] ~ [ linux-6.1.104 ] ~ [ linux-6.0.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.19.17 ] ~ [ linux-5.18.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.17.15 ] ~ [ linux-5.16.20 ] ~ [ linux-5.15.164 ] ~ [ linux-5.14.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.13.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.12.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.11.22 ] ~ [ linux-5.10.223 ] ~ [ linux-5.9.16 ] ~ [ linux-5.8.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.7.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.6.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.5.19 ] ~ [ linux-5.4.281 ] ~ [ linux-5.3.18 ] ~ [ linux-5.2.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.1.21 ] ~ [ linux-5.0.21 ] ~ [ linux-4.20.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.19.319 ] ~ [ linux-4.18.20 ] ~ [ linux-4.17.19 ] ~ [ linux-4.16.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.15.18 ] ~ [ linux-4.14.336 ] ~ [ linux-4.13.16 ] ~ [ linux-4.12.14 ] ~ [ linux-4.11.12 ] ~ [ linux-4.10.17 ] ~ [ linux-4.9.337 ] ~ [ linux-4.4.302 ] ~ [ linux-3.10.108 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ linux-2.6.0 ] ~ [ linux- ] ~ [ unix-v6-master ] ~ [ ccs-tools-1.8.9 ] ~ [ policy-sample ] ~
Architecture: ~ [ i386 ] ~ [ alpha ] ~ [ m68k ] ~ [ mips ] ~ [ ppc ] ~ [ sparc ] ~ [ sparc64 ] ~

  1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
  2 /*
  3  * tmon.c Thermal Monitor (TMON) main function and entry point
  4  *
  5  * Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
  6  *
  7  * Author: Jacob Pan <jacob.jun.pan@linux.intel.com>
  8  */
 10 #include <getopt.h>
 11 #include <unistd.h>
 12 #include <stdio.h>
 13 #include <stdlib.h>
 14 #include <string.h>
 15 #include <sys/types.h>
 16 #include <sys/stat.h>
 17 #include <ncurses.h>
 18 #include <ctype.h>
 19 #include <time.h>
 20 #include <signal.h>
 21 #include <limits.h>
 22 #include <sys/time.h>
 23 #include <pthread.h>
 24 #include <math.h>
 25 #include <stdarg.h>
 26 #include <syslog.h>
 28 #include "tmon.h"
 30 unsigned long ticktime = 1; /* seconds */
 31 unsigned long no_control = 1; /* monitoring only or use cooling device for
 32                                * temperature control.
 33                                */
 34 double time_elapsed = 0.0;
 35 unsigned long target_temp_user = 65; /* can be select by tui later */
 36 int dialogue_on;
 37 int tmon_exit;
 38 static short    daemon_mode;
 39 static int logging; /* for recording thermal data to a file */
 40 static int debug_on;
 41 FILE *tmon_log;
 42 /*cooling device used for the PID controller */
 43 char ctrl_cdev[CDEV_NAME_SIZE] = "None";
 44 int target_thermal_zone; /* user selected target zone instance */
 45 static void     start_daemon_mode(void);
 47 pthread_t event_tid;
 48 pthread_mutex_t input_lock;
 49 void usage(void)
 50 {
 51         printf("Usage: tmon [OPTION...]\n");
 52         printf("  -c, --control         cooling device in control\n");
 53         printf("  -d, --daemon          run as daemon, no TUI\n");
 54         printf("  -g, --debug           debug message in syslog\n");
 55         printf("  -h, --help            show this help message\n");
 56         printf("  -l, --log             log data to /var/tmp/tmon.log\n");
 57         printf("  -t, --time-interval   sampling time interval, > 1 sec.\n");
 58         printf("  -T, --target-temp     initial target temperature\n");
 59         printf("  -v, --version         show version\n");
 60         printf("  -z, --zone            target thermal zone id\n");
 62         exit(0);
 63 }
 65 void version(void)
 66 {
 67         printf("TMON version %s\n", VERSION);
 68         exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
 69 }
 71 static void tmon_cleanup(void)
 72 {
 73         syslog(LOG_INFO, "TMON exit cleanup\n");
 74         fflush(stdout);
 75         refresh();
 76         if (tmon_log)
 77                 fclose(tmon_log);
 78         if (event_tid) {
 79                 pthread_mutex_lock(&input_lock);
 80                 pthread_cancel(event_tid);
 81                 pthread_mutex_unlock(&input_lock);
 82                 pthread_mutex_destroy(&input_lock);
 83         }
 84         closelog();
 85         /* relax control knobs, undo throttling */
 86         set_ctrl_state(0);
 88         keypad(stdscr, FALSE);
 89         echo();
 90         nocbreak();
 91         close_windows();
 92         endwin();
 93         free_thermal_data();
 95         exit(1);
 96 }
 98 static void tmon_sig_handler(int sig)
 99 {
100         syslog(LOG_INFO, "TMON caught signal %d\n", sig);
101         refresh();
102         switch (sig) {
103         case SIGTERM:
104                 printf("sigterm, exit and clean up\n");
105                 fflush(stdout);
106                 break;
107         case SIGKILL:
108                 printf("sigkill, exit and clean up\n");
109                 fflush(stdout);
110                 break;
111         case SIGINT:
112                 printf("ctrl-c, exit and clean up\n");
113                 fflush(stdout);
114                 break;
115         default:
116                 break;
117         }
118         tmon_exit = true;
119 }
121 static void start_syslog(void)
122 {
123         if (debug_on)
124                 setlogmask(LOG_UPTO(LOG_DEBUG));
125         else
126                 setlogmask(LOG_UPTO(LOG_ERR));
127         openlog("tmon.log", LOG_CONS | LOG_PID | LOG_NDELAY, LOG_LOCAL0);
128         syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "TMON started by User %d", getuid());
129 }
131 static void prepare_logging(void)
132 {
133         int i;
134         struct stat logstat;
136         if (!logging)
137                 return;
138         /* open local data log file */
139         tmon_log = fopen(TMON_LOG_FILE, "w+");
140         if (!tmon_log) {
141                 syslog(LOG_ERR, "failed to open log file %s\n", TMON_LOG_FILE);
142                 return;
143         }
145         if (lstat(TMON_LOG_FILE, &logstat) < 0) {
146                 syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unable to stat log file %s\n", TMON_LOG_FILE);
147                 fclose(tmon_log);
148                 tmon_log = NULL;
149                 return;
150         }
152         /* The log file must be a regular file owned by us */
153         if (S_ISLNK(logstat.st_mode)) {
154                 syslog(LOG_ERR, "Log file is a symlink.  Will not log\n");
155                 fclose(tmon_log);
156                 tmon_log = NULL;
157                 return;
158         }
160         if (logstat.st_uid != getuid()) {
161                 syslog(LOG_ERR, "We don't own the log file.  Not logging\n");
162                 fclose(tmon_log);
163                 tmon_log = NULL;
164                 return;
165         }
167         fprintf(tmon_log, "#----------- THERMAL SYSTEM CONFIG -------------\n");
168         for (i = 0; i < ptdata.nr_tz_sensor; i++) {
169                 char binding_str[33]; /* size of long + 1 */
170                 int j;
172                 memset(binding_str, 0, sizeof(binding_str));
173                 for (j = 0; j < 32; j++)
174                         binding_str[j] = (ptdata.tzi[i].cdev_binding & (1 << j)) ?
175                                 '1' : '';
177                 fprintf(tmon_log, "#thermal zone %s%02d cdevs binding: %32s\n",
178                         ptdata.tzi[i].type,
179                         ptdata.tzi[i].instance,
180                         binding_str);
181                 for (j = 0; j < ptdata.tzi[i].nr_trip_pts; j++) {
182                         fprintf(tmon_log, "#\tTP%02d type:%s, temp:%lu\n", j,
183                                 trip_type_name[ptdata.tzi[i].tp[j].type],
184                                 ptdata.tzi[i].tp[j].temp);
185                 }
186         }
188         for (i = 0; i < ptdata.nr_cooling_dev; i++)
189                 fprintf(tmon_log, "#cooling devices%02d: %s\n",
190                         i, ptdata.cdi[i].type);
192         fprintf(tmon_log, "#---------- THERMAL DATA LOG STARTED -----------\n");
193         fprintf(tmon_log, "Samples TargetTemp ");
194         for (i = 0; i < ptdata.nr_tz_sensor; i++) {
195                 fprintf(tmon_log, "%s%d    ", ptdata.tzi[i].type,
196                         ptdata.tzi[i].instance);
197         }
198         for (i = 0; i < ptdata.nr_cooling_dev; i++)
199                 fprintf(tmon_log, "%s%d ", ptdata.cdi[i].type,
200                         ptdata.cdi[i].instance);
202         fprintf(tmon_log, "\n");
203 }
205 static struct option opts[] = {
206         { "control", 1, NULL, 'c' },
207         { "daemon", 0, NULL, 'd' },
208         { "time-interval", 1, NULL, 't' },
209         { "target-temp", 1, NULL, 'T' },
210         { "log", 0, NULL, 'l' },
211         { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' },
212         { "version", 0, NULL, 'v' },
213         { "debug", 0, NULL, 'g' },
214         { 0, 0, NULL, 0 }
215 };
217 int main(int argc, char **argv)
218 {
219         int err = 0;
220         int id2 = 0, c;
221         double yk = 0.0, temp; /* controller output */
222         int target_tz_index;
224         if (geteuid() != 0) {
225                 printf("TMON needs to be run as root\n");
226                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
227         }
229         while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:dlht:T:vgz:", opts, &id2)) != -1) {
230                 switch (c) {
231                 case 'c':
232                         no_control = 0;
233                         strncpy(ctrl_cdev, optarg, CDEV_NAME_SIZE);
234                         break;
235                 case 'd':
236                         start_daemon_mode();
237                         printf("Run TMON in daemon mode\n");
238                         break;
239                 case 't':
240                         ticktime = strtod(optarg, NULL);
241                         if (ticktime < 1)
242                                 ticktime = 1;
243                         break;
244                 case 'T':
245                         temp = strtod(optarg, NULL);
246                         if (temp < 0) {
247                                 fprintf(stderr, "error: temperature must be positive\n");
248                                 return 1;
249                         }
250                         target_temp_user = temp;
251                         break;
252                 case 'l':
253                         printf("Logging data to /var/tmp/tmon.log\n");
254                         logging = 1;
255                         break;
256                 case 'h':
257                         usage();
258                         break;
259                 case 'v':
260                         version();
261                         break;
262                 case 'g':
263                         debug_on = 1;
264                         break;
265                 case 'z':
266                         target_thermal_zone = strtod(optarg, NULL);
267                         break;
268                 default:
269                         break;
270                 }
271         }
272         if (pthread_mutex_init(&input_lock, NULL) != 0) {
273                 fprintf(stderr, "\n mutex init failed, exit\n");
274                 return 1;
275         }
276         start_syslog();
277         if (signal(SIGINT, tmon_sig_handler) == SIG_ERR)
278                 syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Cannot handle SIGINT\n");
279         if (signal(SIGTERM, tmon_sig_handler) == SIG_ERR)
280                 syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Cannot handle SIGTERM\n");
282         if (probe_thermal_sysfs()) {
283                 pthread_mutex_destroy(&input_lock);
284                 closelog();
285                 return -1;
286         }
287         initialize_curses();
288         setup_windows();
289         signal(SIGWINCH, resize_handler);
290         show_title_bar();
291         show_sensors_w();
292         show_cooling_device();
293         update_thermal_data();
294         show_data_w();
295         prepare_logging();
296         init_thermal_controller();
298         nodelay(stdscr, TRUE);
299         err = pthread_create(&event_tid, NULL, &handle_tui_events, NULL);
300         if (err != 0) {
301                 printf("\ncan't create thread :[%s]", strerror(err));
302                 tmon_cleanup();
303                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
304         }
306         /* validate range of user selected target zone, default to the first
307          * instance if out of range
308          */
309         target_tz_index = zone_instance_to_index(target_thermal_zone);
310         if (target_tz_index < 0) {
311                 target_thermal_zone = ptdata.tzi[0].instance;
312                 syslog(LOG_ERR, "target zone is not found, default to %d\n",
313                         target_thermal_zone);
314         }
315         while (1) {
316                 sleep(ticktime);
317                 show_title_bar();
318                 show_sensors_w();
319                 update_thermal_data();
320                 if (!dialogue_on) {
321                         show_data_w();
322                         show_cooling_device();
323                 }
324                 time_elapsed += ticktime;
325                 controller_handler(trec[0].temp[target_tz_index] / 1000, &yk);
326                 trec[0].pid_out_pct = yk;
327                 if (!dialogue_on)
328                         show_control_w();
329                 if (tmon_exit)
330                         break;
331         }
332         tmon_cleanup();
333         return 0;
334 }
336 static void start_daemon_mode(void)
337 {
338         daemon_mode = 1;
339         /* fork */
340         pid_t   sid, pid = fork();
342         if (pid < 0)
343                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
344         else if (pid > 0)
345                 /* kill parent */
346                 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
348         /* disable TUI, it may not be necessary, but saves some resource */
349         disable_tui();
351         /* change the file mode mask */
352         umask(S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH);
354         /* new SID for the daemon process */
355         sid = setsid();
356         if (sid < 0)
357                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
359         /* change working directory */
360         if ((chdir("/")) < 0)
361                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
363         sleep(10);
365         close(STDIN_FILENO);
366         close(STDOUT_FILENO);
367         close(STDERR_FILENO);
368 }

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TOMOYO® is a registered trademark of NTT DATA CORPORATION.
